#(Lions Passant as I've now learned they're called)
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Forgive me, a humble Scotswoman, for being so behind on my English history but I stared at Dundy's lovely Carnivale costume for too long, began some tentative digging, and found a few fun little parallels that might be of interest!
Dundy's costume at Carnivale comprises the coat of arms of Edward III of England (1312-1377).
More specifically, said coat of arms originates from around 1337 when Edward declared himself the rightful heir to the throne of France, quartered the original Plantagenet heraldry of three lions with the French golden fleur-de-lis to signify that claim, and began the Hundred Years War.
Which is just lovely and makes perfect sense! Not the Hundred Years War part, but the idea that Dundy would be drawn to such a costume given that he himself possessed both French and English ancestry!
Some other aspects of Edward III that I think are perhaps worth thinking about further:
He was noted for restoring royal authority following the unsuccessful reign of his father, Edward II. (A tenuous link perhaps but it puts me in mind of Dundy taking on additional authority for the men after the deaths of Franklin and Gore, and the drunken, chaotic rule of Crozier)
He would have seen a huge proportion of his subjects wiped out by the Black Death from around 1348 onwards. (I suspect it's probably a bit inappropriate to compare scurvy to The Literal Plague, but I'm going to do it anyway).
He launched a successful coup d'état, at the tender age of 17, against Roger Mortimer, his mother's lover who had previously been ruling as regent. ("There's been a vote, Edward..." anyone...?)
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