#(I like hiding alternate names in the other box. for example my PAFL self-insert's model name is ''echo'' when using MMD in english
void-kissed · 1 year
Your 3d artwork is so nice! What software do you use, and how do you get the models? I'm curious and wanna try it out if my computer can handle it
Ah! Thank you so much!! I’m really glad you like what I make, it means a lot ^-^
I use MMD, MikuMikuDance, to make my renders! There’s.. almost definitely other software that might be better to use, but I am a vocalsynth nerd so I latched onto MMD when I was younger and have since learned its idiosyncrasies somewhat. It's supposed to be used for making videos - you can even import Vocaloid .vsq files and get compatible models to automatically lip-sync to the song's lyrics! - but I use it more for generating static images. I work with models rather than drawing because that means the anatomy, design, and so on are always consistent (since I'm using the exact same physical models each time). In terms of what is needed to run MMD, the website LearnMMD should have that information alongside all the download links. But, since MMD as a program has been around since something like 2008, I don't think it's quite as demanding on computers as you might think, especially if you don't use tons of effects or lots of high-poly models in the same project!
When it comes to finding models, MMD can load the .pmd and .pmx formats (.pmx is generally better since it's more recent). There are lots of these models to be found on places like DeviantArt, and they often come in different sorts of "styles", such as Animasa and Tda and Sour - my self-inserts are based on the Tda style. Many pre-existing models from games have also been converted into this format, so it's not all just vocalsynths. You can edit MMD models, such as to put parts together or add collision physics, using the PMX editor; I probably spend more time in the editor (and an outdated version at that) than in the actual animation software, haha!
Here's an example of what the version of PMXe that I use looks like, with Citri's model as an example:
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And here's an example of how MMD's interface itself looks while working in it (for me, at least! You can move stuff around, and change interface colours, and make sure your model's display panes are actually all translated unlike mine, and all sorts):
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Sorry if this was a bit of a ramble, but, I hope it was alright! Thank you again for the ask!~
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