#(Fire) Embers (Ash)
stumbleonhometomycats · 10 months
decided that my favorite book trope is when the female love interest is in mortal peril and the male main character goes absolutely fucking feral to protect her
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hewaje · 1 month
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I am an Ulu Worshipper
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refugiodafada · 4 months
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A Shadow In The Ember (Flesh and Fire series) lockscreen and wallpapers
like if you save. © refugiodafada
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zipadeea · 6 months
I see people talking about how Poppy is obviously Sotoria reborn, but not enough people talking about how Attes has a horse named Setti...and has dimples...and has sworn to protect Sotoria's soul in her next life...and can turn into a HAWK.
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hawkefaery · 1 year
Poppycas, Sera and Nyktos, Poppycaskieran, Cas and Malik and MillieMalik dynamics (Pt 3)
current situation:
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current situation:
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Casteel in A kingdom of flesh and fire
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gays as umbrella term ofc but cas and kieran are in fact queer so live with it
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runningwiththeoceans · 7 months
it’s the way Nyktos stares at Sera so often he has literally counted every single freckle on her face and REGULARLY checks to see if there are more
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taymartiart · 3 months
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Can Death blush??? He should.
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chrysos17yafantasy · 1 year
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Casteel and Poppy energy
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bigmammallama5 · 2 months
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Pretty pleased with what I pulled out of the train kiln, and kinda kicking myself for not putting some more functional ware in it! I've definitely got some wad grinding ahead of me but the reduction cooling at the end of the firing really added that last nice little umf. I'll share more images later once I've got everything cleaned up, I'm going to see what my soda pots look like on Monday and go from there!
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nevernightcitylights · 6 months
Okay okay okay just finished a fire in the flesh and hear me out…. *SPOILERS AHEAD*
Poppy is sotoria reincarnated.
NOW LISTEN- her name is POPPY and sotoria LITERALLY TRANSLATES TO: “my pretty poppy” or “my pretty garden” AND poppy has RED HAIR LIKE SOTORIA and honestly I can’t remember is sotoria’s hair was curly like Sera’s or not BUT STILL
AND when her soul was removed from Sera she said “we’ll meet again” like-
AAAANNND Callum was the one who kept saying that fucked up poem to Poppy about the whole “my pretty poppy pick it and watch it bleed” or whatever the fuck, now I MEAN it feels obvious so bc of that it could be wrong BUT WHO BETTER TO FUCK UP KOLIS then reincarnated Sotoria who became the Primal of blood and bone which is also a HUGE get fucked to him like- PLEASE TELL ME IM NOT ALONE IN THINKING THIS!!
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raven-reads87 · 1 month
Nyktos just said (I’m listening to the audiobook) something like “the fates can see the love between two or more souls.”
This further supports my theory that Kieran is also heartmates with Cas and Poppy. Booyah.
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luardraws · 1 year
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“I wasn’t the Maiden. I wasn’t a Princess or even a Queen. I was a god. And I was so over this”
Poppy Balfour ❤️⚔️
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playcaroplay · 7 months
I just finished A Fire in the Flesh and have spoily thoughts
I really wanted to like this book. I want to like this series so badly, but the last four books in this universe have felt so rushed and poorly edited. It has felt like Sera’s story exists solely to retcon plot points to buttress Poppy’s plot inconsistencies. And Sera’s mirror image personality is explained away because of Sotorias soul, and family lineage. They’re the same personality type with different hair.
1) Dialogue - I find the same dialogue being recycled has fallen flat for me. Sera and Poppy’s “tempers” and “stubbornness” feel like an easy way to introduce conflict or tension but it doesn’t often advance the plot or character arc. There are so many stagnant beats where Sera/Poppy and any character have this type of conversation:
Character A: slightly controversial but logical opinion
Sera: NO that is Wrong.
Character A: Rationalizes point
Sera: Do you want me to stab you?
Character A: oh shit
Sera: I’m known for my temper
Character A: I’m impressed/insulted.
(And if it’s Nyktos then you follow up with)
Nyktos: Your anger makes me horny
Sera: Ew, but also same.
Nektas: you two are so funny with your arguing/mean girls mom beat - you guys ok? Want condoms?
Sera: *walks away feeling empowered because she spoke her mind*
I would hope an editor would catch on to these repetitive beats and try to either pare them back or vary them enough that there’s purpose behind it.
2) Secondary characters are just there to watch the scene. You’ll notice in many instances, Sera and Ash have a blow up, and the side characters are there purely to comment on what’s happening and narrate Sera’s character arc. If you took them all away the scene would remain the same.
Ex. Sera fighting Ash in the courtyard in book 2. The secondary characters provide nothing but audience commentary.
Or in FTIF when Rhain is speaking to Sera about her deal and freeing him, and then Ash wanders up and they have another “you don’t know the meaning of the word argue” argument and the side characters literally step away from them and they repeat the age old conversation beat I listed above.
What’s the point in introducing a huge cast of secondary characters if their only purpose is to bear witness alongside the reader. Instead you could have them take an active role in the plot, and have impactful relationships, opinions and action that drive the plot home. They’re just padding.
This entire series could take place in Ash’s bed and you wouldn’t notice the difference.
3) Weak conflict- Using Kolis as the example. We understand from book 2 that he’s a monster. But the stakes are significantly lowered when his and Sera’s opinions stay the same the whole way through FITF.
Consider what the story would have been like if he and Sera found moments of genuine empathy and understanding. What if they shared moments of humour or appreciation for each other? Think of how conflicted Sera would be about destroying him.
Is his kindness just manipulation? Or is there a deeper reason behind his actions that she doesn’t know yet? The fact that Sera is always aware of his tactics makes it hard to invest in her goal of becoming his weakness.
I care less about Kolis seducing Sera or vice versa because I know it won’t actually happen. We already know Sera is devoted to Ash and she’s revolted by Kolis. So her conflict about “becoming nothing” and fulfilling her duty is a nonissue.
4) Show, don’t tell. Seras discoveries while in captivity are quite passive. Either Kolis or Callum just straight up tell her the secrets. She’s in a cage so she has to rely on characters telling her what’s happened. It feels like the plot of the book happened outside the room, and we are just getting reports about it.
Consider Sera manipulating Kolis into giving her time out of the cage where she has opportunity to wheel and deal with other gods and discover secrets in more active ways. (Ex hunting down a revenant and having them talk through their transformation. Or talking to an Ascended about their blood lust and their fight for humanity.)
Even in the final chapters. Ash confesses to Sera that he had visions of her and removed his Kardia after he met her. He tells her that removing the Kardia was irrelevant in the end. Yet again another plot point that’s rendered useless and discussed in a passive manner. Such a let down after all that conflict in book 2. It almost felt like these scenes were drafts of the dream walking beats and JLA added in at the end because she liked them.
Consider those revelations happening at the lake as she’s trying to say goodbye to Ash. The anguish and betrayal she would feel about his decisions, but still clinging to their last moments together.
All in all, I feel like JLA was done dirty in the sense that pumping out these books every year hasn’t given her the time to dig into her own universe.
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🔥 Books to Read After Watching Avatar the Last Airbender
🦇 Good afternoon, my beloved bookish bats! Are you a fan of Avatar: The Last Airbender? We're watching the live-action adaptation this weekend! Here are a few books to add to your TBR if you're an Avatar fan!
❓ What's your element?
⚡ I've been holding onto this post since BEFORE casting was announced, and I'm so glad I can finally post it!
🔥 An Ember in the Ashes by Sabaa Tahir @sabaatahir 💧 Set Fire to the Gods by Sara Raasch @sara_raasch and Kristen Simmons @kris10writes ⛰️ A Song of Wraiths and Ruin by Roseanne A. Brown @rosiesrambles ⚡ The Prison Healer by Lynette Noni @lynettenoni 🌪️ Infinity Son by Adam Silvera @adamsilvera 🔥 The Tiger at Midnight by Swati Teerdhala @swatiteerdhala 💧 The Rise of Kyoshi by F.C. Yee @yeebookauthor ⛰️ Three Dark Crowns by Kendare Blake @kendareblake ⚡ Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard @victoriaaveyard 🌪️ Child of Blood and Bone by Tomi Adeyemi @tomiadeyemi 🔥 Nocturna by Maya Motayne @mayamotayne 💧 Furyborn by Claire Legrand @clairelegrandbooks ⛰️ Guardians of Dawn: Zhara by S. Jae-Jones @sjaejones ⚡ Kingdom of Souls by Rena Barron @renathedreamer 🌪️ We Hunt the Flame by Hafsah Faizal @hafsahfaizal 🔥 Truthwitch by Susan Dennard @stdennard 💧 Serpent & Dove by Shelby Mahurin @shelbymahurin ⛰️ Ash Princess by Laura Sebastian @lauraksebastian
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Sera: It takes two people to lie:
Nyktos: Does it now?
Sera: Yep. One to lie and one to listen. So if you really think about it, this is just as much your fault as mine.
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hawkefaery · 11 months
“Holding On” - Chapter 38 - 39 from a Shadow in the Ember, Nyktos' POV by JLA (pt 4/4)
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I have this saved on my phone and thought about sharing it for those who could not afford it or did not know it existed. Enjoy :) - the other parts are on my profile
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