#(Because he's scared his anger towards Hazel might kick in when he doesn't want it to)
babyboydbaby · 3 years
Volume 6
Things in the following week could’ve gone a lot better, but they also could’ve gone a lot worse.
Scrooge had some obvious concerns mixed with plenty of angry alliterations at the very thought of letting strangers anywhere near the bin, let alone allowing formers minions of Salem crash beneath it for an indefinite period of time. But after the situation was explained, and after plenty of reassurance that they were only looking to hide and that no harm would come to the bin or its contents, Scrooge eventually gave his reluctant approval for them to continue with their plans, with a “Well, I suppose it’s not like I have any room to argue, what with all the bizarre beasties my own family has dragged home over the years. Just make sure they behave.”
The kids had been...less agreeable. Questioning both James and Gyro’s decision with very vocal protests, and reminders of what Hazel had done to Penny and how Mercury and Emerald had tricked them. 
All silenced very quickly by Gyro informing them of the situation with James and Gretchen.
The only one who hadn’t needed silencing was Boyd; one didn’t need what one already possessed. He didn’t say a word the entire time the kids were filled in to the situation, the most input he’d given was an acknowledgement towards the story about James’ accident.
Overall, the kids did seem calmer by the time they had finished explaining, albeit still unsure. Which was fine, they didn’t have to love the idea. Heck, Gyro couldn’t imagine anyone in the situation loved the idea.
At the very least, Boyd did finally speak once the conversation ended, asking in a very low, trembling voice if he could be allowed to use the big training room for a bit. His only specification why being that ‘his head was hurting’, but Gyro knew it was probably just so he could burn off some steam in as safe of a matter as he could.
Still...of course he couldn’t help but be concerned about the poor kid as Huey led him away.
Overall, the tension was still there but the kids seemed to possess the slightest bit of understanding as to why James had made the choice to help Hazel and the kids in the first place. And with both tasks finished, they moved on to scheduling out when the actual transfer would take place.
Fenton had already been in the process of adding Gyro to the list of people his portal could transfer to, so it took little time for him to finish that particular task (along with updating Clover’s so he could transfer to Winter), so the only thing to do next was to wait until Pietro had finished his medical treatment on Emerald’s head before the transfer could take place.
And about a week or so later, it was time.
“I wish we didn’t have to be here,” Huey said bitterly, arms folded across his chest.
“I missed out on visiting the Branwen clan!” Louie argued. “I’m not missing out on any more weird Twin City shenanigans, even if it does involve Murdery the Werewolf and The World’s Worst Bullshitters.”
"That’s enough talk like that,” Gyro said, placing the box he was carrying down on the nearest surface. “If you kids insist on staying for this, at least hold off on comments like that until James is gone. ...Or at least help me finish getting the lab in order while you make them.”
“Sounds like a fair enough trade to me!”
Dewey bounded over to the nearest box, fully prepared to speak an insult towards the trio. However the contents within made him stop and examine them more closely. “Ooooooooh, are these bottles of water from the Fountain of Youth~?”
“Yes, and don’t touch them,” Gyro warned. “Despite what happened in Florida, Mr. McDuck wants to examine the fountain’s abilities more closely, in the hopes that perhaps their de-aging powers can be used in a much more controlled environment. But someone-” He cast a look in Manny’s direction. “-ended up dropping the box with the antidotes and shattering my samples. So now we don’t have a way to change anyone affected by the water back until we make more.”
Manny was heading towards the stairs, his shift ended for the day. However, at the scolding, he stopped and tapped his hooves in an irritable fashion: “I SAID I WAS SORRY.”
With a slight look of concern, Dewey set the box down again and hurried off to grab another, while Huey merely looked down at his scroll. “How you holding up, Boyd?”
Boyd’s hesitant expression lit up the smallest amount at the sight of Huey. “I’m...okay,” he said softly. “I’m sorry I can’t be there, I’m just worried...”
“Hey, hey, it’s totally fine,” Huey assured him. “At least this way you can always just end the call if things get too overwhelming for you, right? And, if by some miracle you think you can handle being here, it’s just a short fly away.”
Boyd gave him a small nod. “...Thanks again, Huey.”
“Anytime, pal.”
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