#((in which damballa isn't looking for someone to cause mayhem and shed blood in their name))
theheadlessgroom ยท 1 month
"I say to just go with your heart," Randall smiled, as he pulled up a chair in front of the changing rooms, very eager to what Emily picked out as her wedding dress: He knew there were plenty of superstitions surrounding the bad luck that came with the groom seeing the bride in her dress before the wedding day proper, but honestly, he wasn't thinking too hard about that now. He'd had his fill of bad luck in his past life; in this new one, he felt there could only be good things from here on out.
Of course, he knew his advice wasn't exactly the most helpful he could give, but to tell the truth, he had faith in her ability to find the perfect gown. This would be her own dress-not an heirloom passed down from grandmother to mother to daughter, meant to be worn out of duty, but one she herself chose-just as she chose her own husband, so too would she choose her own dress, and no one would impede her.
"We've got a lot of variety, so you certainly have plenty of options," he chuckled, as he took his seat. Hopefully not too many, he thought, as he made himself comfortable, excited to see what she chose-no matter what she chose, of course, he would love and find her beautiful in it; what was most important to him was that she was happy with her choice, and would look back on it fondly.
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