#( in all seriousness i'd imagine to the ordinary person he's definitely WEIRD but considering so few people actually have visions --
erabundus · 1 year
i  think  whenever  he's  dealing  with  non-vision  wielders,  ren  occasionally  tries  to  pass  off  his  various  "quirks"  as  products  of  his  vision.  his  regeneration?  no,  he's  using  his  vision  to  heal  his  wounds.  his absurd  stamina  and  physical  strength?  all  part  of  being  a  vision  wielder.  his  glowing  markings?  you  already  know  the  answer.
only  a  small  percentage  of  the  population  actually  has  a  vision,  so  he  feels  comfortable  lying  through  his  teeth.  he  can  use  it  to  fly  —  is  it  really  so  unreasonable  to  think  that  isn't  the  only  thing  he's  capable  of?
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ganymedesclock · 3 years
i, l, r~?
I: Do you have a guilty pleasure in fic (reading or writing)?
If you are exploring the potential dynamics of two characters who barely interact or intuitively would have nothing in common you already have my attention. I'm actually such a sucker for Odd Couple fics I once read and earnestly enjoyed a crossover between two series I'd never consumed and had no desire to (it was a Prototype/Familiar of Zero crossover, for the curious, and it slapped).
I think I just really like the intricacy and strangeness of people and the idea that sometimes the most unlikely people you've ever imagined can relate in avenues that you'd never realize in them individually until you put them together.
L: What’s the weirdest AU you’ve ever come up with?
See now this is unfair because when I was a very small child I used microsoft powerpoint and a large number of images ripped straight off google images to make weird sort of mass-crossover-comics and I was very young and very unfiltered and at the time a sublime beast invulnerable to the touch of cringe.
My self-insert was a central character and wielded a water gun that she called a cannon that turned people "into chibis" but semi-frequently malfunctioned in ways that only a sapient mad fey god pretending to be an object would, and broke reality.
Allen Walker was there, mostly to point at things and scream.
To my knowledge naught remains of this monstrosity but if its specter ever appeared outside my window I would dearly love to read through it.
In a more ordinary sense I tend to consider a lot of really weird AUs because if you air any sort of sufficiently bizarre or interesting alternate universe premise at me about one of my favorite series I feel a certain obligation to swing it, even just in the privacy of my own head.
R: Are there any writers (fanfic or otherwise) you consider an influence?
There's been very many over the years! A lot of them were people I talked to or roleplayed with online. I will say definitely a lot of the friends I have now have been very inspirational to me.
I think... as far as "big names" that the average person would recognize, I've always envied the lush vitality of Miyazaki's worlds. Almost every setting he depicts, even the worst and most villainous or destructive, have an incredible sense of all that's going on, in a quiet sense that doesn't seem overwhelming. Watching one of his movies always feels like being a small creature traveling through an enormous working machine.
Terry Pratchett's simultaneously irreverent and deeply reverent depictions of humanity and history- that simultaneously this is an absurd world no one can take seriously, and that it is the most beautiful and amazing of worlds absolutely worth fighting to defend and loving with your whole heart.
And, odd when so many of my formative inspirations are some form of fantasy or another- I owe a great deal to Gary Paulsen's raw, bloody, profoundly real and profoundly spiritual depictions of wilderness, hunting, and survival.
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