#( i've only got about 4-5 hours tho cause i have work tomorrow )
yellowtied · 6 years
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beep boop i’m here! I’m still a lil nervous about starter calls so I might just reblog some memes later. till then i’ll be making icons / a promo / maybe putting my playlist back on my blog, yeet.
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gleeincorrectquotes · 3 years
i've been trying to figure out for the past hour how the hell grades/years and schools work in the uk and i'm so confused. like y'all start going to college when you're 16??? anyways pls help
You’re confused?? I’m here and idk what’s going on
Anyway I’m gonna take y’all through this witb me rn
So I started with Play Group when I was ??? Idk 3 I just remeber it being in a church and we had these fuckers it was wild
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Then I had nursery when I was 4? I’m like 98% sure I was 4. I would Mark this as a high point for me, I was cast as Mary in the nativity and my mum made me do it and I had fun ruining it ✌🏻
Onto real (primary) school at 4-5 years with Reception. We didn’t do shit. My first time being punished cause I learned how to lie. I was an attention whore.
Going onto 5-6 years with YEAR 1. I don’t remember anything but we started learning stuff and I HATED it. Had to do cursive— not a fan.
6-7 years with YEAR 2. My last good mental health peak tbh. My teacher was dope and one time she fell over a bin, it was funny.
7-8 YEAR 3. Multiplication is a bitch and I had a mental breakdown, leading to me cutting off all my hair and ending up with a bowl cut. ((The breakdown was not related to the multiplication))
8-9 YEAR 4. Everyone thinks they’re the shit cause we’re in Key Stage 2. Everyone’s swearing.
9-10 YEAR 5. Pretty site this was the year I joined the before school benchball club. One time I was 10 mins late and instead of telling the teacher I just hid in the girls bathrooms for the whole hour long lesson.
10-11 YEAR 6. SATS- they’re awful but don’t really mean shit long term. The end of Primary School.
11-12 YEAR 7. Up to High school/Secondary school. I have to take the bus now and I only know one girl. All the boys are just mean now. I got lost looking for the Science part of the building for 20 mins before realising there’s a map behind me.
12-13 YEAR 8. No comment.
13-14 YEAR 9. I was just getting used to The layout of the school and they knock it down and build a new basic one.
14-15 YEAR 10. This might be the year my mates brother gave me his sherbet and I convinced a few people to snort it [[DO NOT DO THIS. It won’t really do anything i don’t think but it can’t be good]] first Mock tests for GCSEs basically just there to scare us into working harder.
15-16 YEAR 11. The year everyone starts shitting themselves about what collage there going to but not until the last few months. Didn’t hate this year, probably because I had mentally checked out by this point. Carona happened and I didn’t have to do my GCSEs so that was grand but also made the last 4 years of my life kinda pointless so.
16-17 YEAR 12. Otherwise known as Sixth form or College. Where I’m at now. It’s aight. I’m only doing 3 classes that I picked and we don’t have to wear uniforms like in Primary & Secondary.
After that who knows. I’ve got another year of collage then it’s off to Uni probably. I don’t know how long Uni for, think it’s 4 years. You can do university whenever you want really there’s no set age.
Don’t take any of this as fact tho cause I really don’t kno?? I’m tired also cause it’s 1:32 and I’ve been working on this for about half an hour. Also I have an assemsssm t tomorrow lmao ya girls gonna FAIL 💖
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