#( i'm a creative thinker but i do tend to take very creative jokes seriously and look at them with an overly practical lens )
deadveiled ยท 2 years
( honestly each day i wonder more and more if i have autism )
#( my older brother has it )#( and the more i research symptoms the more i realize hey. that sounds like me wtf )#( i don't have a TON of social difficulties which tend to be a very prevalent factor )#( mostly in me it's just fidgeting and inability to keep eye contact )#( and i have an INCREDIBLY difficult time with sarcasm and jokes )#( i'm a creative thinker but i do tend to take very creative jokes seriously and look at them with an overly practical lens )#( my mom also always comments on my posture like. i slouch all the fuckin time and she thinks its cuz i need more exercise )#( but apparently posture and movements can be indicators of autistic traits )#( and i also have an INCREDIBLY short fuse )#( this is a lot more prevalent irl than online )#( but my frustration and anger comes out way too quickly tbh )#( the noise sensitivity i have issues with but i've learned to deal with a lot of them cuz of my orchestral performance )#( but if any noise bothers me then it will definitely be known. i'll get super anxious )#( it's mostly from fire alarms and loud repetitive and sharp sounds )#( i even request to have things like that tagged lol )#( it's been weird cuz a lot of these i've always assumed to just be anxiety traits )#( but honestly??? idk man )#( i'm speculating at this point )#( it's just strange talking about it cuz i'm 21 and afab so i'm less likely to be taken seriously ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™‚๏ธ )#( but then again. when i was young i liked to play pretend and i was also very erratic and had a TON of difficulty connecting with people )#( probably mainly cuz i got bullied but .... idk )#( anyways. those are my thoughts for the day skdfjhsd )#noah rambles. >>> ๐Ž๐”๐“ ๐Ž๐… ๐‚๐‡๐€๐‘๐€๐‚๐“๐„๐‘
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