#( ft. sofia )
jawbrkrs · 1 year
continued from here
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angel  knew  she  was  frustrated,  but  the  satisfaction  he  gained  from  every  punch  was  worth  it.  “  yeah  what  else  is  new.  ”  he  tried  now  to  grin  at  her  comment  about  him  being  an  idiot.  he  looked  at  his  knuckles  a  few  times,  flexing  to  see  which  parts  of  the  skin  were  broken.  “  sof,  its  fine..  that  ass  hole  ins’t  going  to  bother  you  anymore.  trust  me  ..  ”  his  threats  weren’t  something  to  take  lightly.  he  could  see  her  frustrations  and  fear  only  growing.  allowing  her  to  yell,  get  out  as  much  as  she  needed.  he  went  to  speak  only  to  be  cut  off.  he  wanted  to  calm  her  down,  but  everything  seemed  to  be  happening  so  fast.  “  hey,  —  ”  before  he  knew  what  was  happening,  he  was  pulling  her  forward.  lips  crashing  against  hers.  he  need  her  to  be  quiet  for  a  just  a  second  so  he  could  explain  it  would  all  be  fine.  the  pressure  of  his  lips  emitting  words  he  couldn’t  get  out.  “  everything  is  going  to  be  fine.  i’ve  got  you.  ”
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tooswcctx · 2 months
closed: @dcrknesshums ( Sofia Bergstrom & Beckett Albott )
"Do not say anything." Sofia cut off Beckett before he could even comment. She felt ridiculous in the outfit but ever since starting themed nights at the bar, tips had been coming in faster and faster which meant she'd keep it up until it stopped working. The current theme was Bond which meant a lot of guys trying to be suave and a lot of women walking around with immature innuendos for names.
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with-golden-wings · 10 days
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But I cut people out, like tags on my clothing I end up all alone, but I still keep hoping
I wanna feel all that love and emotion Be that attached to the person I'm holding Someday, I'll be fallin' without caution But for now, I'm only people watching - People watching, Conan Gray
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itsnickgalitzine · 2 months
Title;;  things left unspoken and unsaid With;;  nicholas galitzine & sofia carson ( @charsofias ) Where;;  sofia's house (probably in LA, we're assuming here) — set for sometime in march, before the 31st. we didn't plan a day Summary;;   once nicholas' relationship with taylor zakhar perez was leaked, all he wanted to do was avoid it and focus on work, not ready to deal with it all right away. spending a lot of time with friends outside of work like sofia carson, one of his really good friends and former co-stars. during one hangout with her, they get talking and feelings are shared about each other due to the leak. Warnings;;  none
𝕟𝕚𝕔𝕙𝕠𝕝𝕒𝕤 𝕘𝕒𝕝𝕚𝕥𝕫𝕚𝕟𝕖: Time with sofia has been a good distraction from his relationship leak and taylor, something nicholas didn't know he needed til they were together having the time of their lives. from her surprising him at the premiere of ❛ mary & george ❜ in the UK to event the vanity fair event in LA. it felt so amazing to spend with someone who's been with him since before taylor, during so many other ups and downs and they were still such a strong partnership it was like they hadn't been apart for a good year or two, give or take. something about sophia, she always made nicholas smile, laugh and forget about his troubles. she was a truly kind soul and he appreciated having her in his life. ❝ maybe i'll just have to join you on set for a few days. hope you don't mind jokes of me being your boyfriend or something though or leak asks if people saw that, ❞ the brit spoke calmly, hazel green eyes on the beautiful brunette as he smiled soft and warm in the presence of one of his greatest friends. ❝ also, thanks again for everything. i just — i needed to get away from it all for a bit. i'm not sure how to deal with this leak thing and i want to focus on me now, ❞ he added with a sigh before standing up from the bed he was sitting on, gently taking one of sofia's hands in his, the other gently resting on her chin, lifting up her head to look into his eyes. ❝ i missed us. ❞ nicholas added, voice low, sweet and sincere.
Sofia: Hearing how Nicholas was speaking, it gave her that small hope that the leak was just a fan thing going so viral and seeming so convincing, or texts and letters taken out of context. Maybe they were just so close they acted like a couple, all Sofia knew was she needed to share her feelings and see what the truth was so she could move forward, with or without Nicholas by her side as something more than a friend or still just one of her great friends. "You're always welcome to join me, Nick, you know that. I don't mind the leak is your thing to deal with if you want to now or later and, I'd never say no to a good boyfriend mention. We make a good couple, right?" she said with a smile, trying to hint things to him, finishing her hair and makeup for the day before turning to face him, sitting on her bed. "Anytime, I'm always here for you whenever you need. Put you first, always." It was eating at her to share, to ask, so she was going to, her eyes closed for a moment ready to speak when she felt that big amazing familiar hand take hers and her head be lifted, eyes opening to look at Nicholas in all his British glory. "I missed us too," Sofia said back in the moment, voice also low. "Can I ask you something?" It was now or never, the way her heart was racing now, she had to say something.
𝕟𝕚𝕔𝕙𝕠𝕝𝕒𝕤 𝕘𝕒𝕝𝕚𝕥𝕫𝕚𝕟𝕖: As the mention of the leak hit his ears, almost making them ring, a shiver ran up his spine, nicholas closed his eyes for a moment, took a deep breathe, swallowed the lump in his throat before opening them again. hazels looking around some before focusing back on one of his best friends, sofia. surely taylor said something by now and the english actor didn't have the heart yet. he had an idea of sofia's feelings since filming and possibly still present now, but he'd never assume and didn't want to address anything til he was sure about things. the last thing he wanted, was to hurt a close friend. however the boyfriend thing did hit him some, but he acted otherwise, smiling warmly and kissing the back of one of her hands. ❝ we'd be a beautiful couple, sofia. making the world jealous in many ways, ❞ the brit spoke carefully, picking his words, but his smile was true an genuine. ❝ thank you, darling. where would i be with you ? ❞ he had to stop himself from another kiss on her other hand or her cheek. by nature, he was just a sweetheart. looking into her eyes for a moment, he recalled his own former crush and a quick urge to kiss her passed through his being but — his heart was with taylor now. they were happily engaged after all, til she asked something and nicholas left his heart pounding in his chest, his throat growing so dry by the second. ❝ of course. ask away. ❞ speaking — his voice was much steadier than his emotions and heart was — scared of what she'd ask and almost begging it wasn't what he thought. today, he didn't want to face this.
Sofia: Looking at their hands together, a soft smile came to her lips before looking back towards Nick's hazel eyes that always made her heart race. Those sweet words and small gestures had her second guessing some, but Taylor wouldn't say something about them together if it wasn't true right? She just had to hear from him, she just had to. "We could, I really think so," she agreed happily. "You'd be lost without me," she added. Taking a deep breath, she sighed and looked at their hands again before looking back into Nicholas' hazel eyes. "Do you have feelings for me at all?" She asked before letting go of his hands and sitting on her bed. "I just, I know you didn't want to talk of the leak but, between that and, I saw Taylor's Instagram posts talking about you and him as a couple and I figured he'd probably be telling the truth." Sofia stopped to look up into her friend's eyes, a hint of sadness in her own. "I just have to hear from you."
𝕟𝕚𝕔𝕙𝕠𝕝𝕒𝕤 𝕘𝕒𝕝𝕚𝕥𝕫𝕚𝕟𝕖: Everything she said left his mind focusing on the question now and allowing his hands to drop to his sides, and lost look crossing his hazel eyes before looking to the ground as if he was trying not to cry. Maybe he was, but for now, he was able to hold himself together before he looked towards his friend and he almost felt bad. ❝ i do have feelings for you. i don't have the crush i had before when we filmed but, i'd never ask you then because it could have just been due to working so close together and as a couple in the film. i had to wait to know what i felt was real and — i love you like a sister. after was a crush on taylor before i started seeing someone — first a couple hook ups, then i had a relationship for a bit and ended with an amazing new friend. ❞ while nicholas wasn't going to name, this was definitely about nick robinson, a relationship the two kept between them and just enjoyed the friendship they had now more than anything. Gently sitting down next to sofa, taking her hands in his again, holding them tightly. ❝ that's why i didn't. i didn't want to hurt you because you had feelings for me. ❞ he gently took one hand away, grabbing his chain where his engagement ring still dangled since after his trip to italy, before ireland. he had to say more, he had to say it was true, but in the moment ? it was like a cat got his tongue; his voice was gone, his throat was dry and not a single word — not a sound left him as he played with the ring on his necklace and looked down, trying to find his own voice.
Sofia: For a moment, Sofia had a bit of hope, despite him saying he didn't have the crush as before. Maybe if they went out things could be different, though the sisterly love he mentioned might be be the beginning of the end. "Oh." She said a bit sadly, debating if it was smart to try and ask anyway. Looking down at their hands for a moment before they parted, looking up towards her much taller best friend. "That's awfully sweet of you, Nick," she said managing a smile. She hated thinking this way, but she thought maybe there was a chance. He didn't confirm anything with Taylor and he wasn't married, so maybe there was a chance. "Maybe this is bold of me, and a horrible idea, but can we go out sometime? Like a real date, see how things go for us? There could be something really special here." A hopeful smile crossed her lips as she gently laced their hands together.
𝕟𝕚𝕔𝕙𝕠𝕝𝕒𝕤 𝕘𝕒𝕝𝕚𝕥𝕫𝕚𝕟𝕖: Not saying a word, just listening to her and watching her react, til she asked him out and shock too over nicholas. his hazel eyes widened, mouth falling open some before he came to and laughing some nervously. why was he struggling to say this ? was he that convinced he'd lose her ? ❝ a-a date ? y-you don't want to do that. you don't want a date with me. ❞ he chuckled nervously again, rubbing the back of his neck. ❝ i'm not sure i can go out on a date right now. i've got a lot going on with work and — there's someone else, ❞ maybe nicholas didn't name taylor exactly, but he did mention he was seeing someone. not in the way he planned just lost in his head that he'd hurt his friend's feelings and lose her. ❝ i'd still love to maybe hang again soon though, ❞ the brit added with a soft smile crossing his lips giving her hands a gently squeeze before gently going to pull them away. maybe it was best he leave for now. revisit this with a clearer mind. ❝ i um.. i think i should get going. ❞ his voice came out a bit low, his head down as he went to leave.
Sofia: Officially, this was the moment that Sofia would later come to not be happy with herself and be apologizing to the couple for a while. Not wanting Taylor and Nicholas to dislike her for her thoughts or actions. Tightening her grip, not letting him walk away, she stepped closer to him, catching a look into those lovely hazel eyes. "There's someone for now, but I might as well try before you're on the way to marriage, right?" Leaning in a bit close, gently getting on her tip toes. "I say we have a lovely date on the 31st, and see how things go." Boldly she gently kissed him, not thinking, not caring.
𝕟𝕚𝕔𝕙𝕠𝕝𝕒𝕤 𝕘𝕒𝕝𝕚𝕥𝕫𝕚𝕟𝕖: As her grip tightened, keeping their hands together, keeping him from leaving, nicholas looked at sofia with caution, and before he could say a word their lips were touching. she was kissing him and the small part that held old feelings loved it, but he wasn't there anymore. his heart was with taylor and he quickly pulled away, using some of his strength to get away. ❝ yeah, um — i need to go. right now. ❞ he quickly left her room and made his way out of her home and the other thing, the only person on his mind, was his taylor. he'd definitely have to talk to sofia, but today he had work to get to and couldn't even focus after what just happened.
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wcrstbehaviior · 11 months
location: their apartment participants: roman castillo & sofia monzon ( @flowcrbcds )
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"oh hey," roman's greeting was incredibly nonchalant as he looked away from his computer. "i was just thinking about ordering a pizza or something. want in?" he pushed himself into a sitting position, essentially making room for her to join him on the couch if she wished. "it's my treat."
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autumnwritcs · 9 months
for @heroexxs ;; continued from HERE
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"Yas!." Raina threw a victory air-fist as Sofia agreed to a future date including sun and adventure, which was not something many people were up to, especially having in mind they were talking about it as a second date when this was their first, so it was giving her hope that this was going to a really good place. How often did one meet people that weren't scared about a second date so soon? Most got spooked at the mention of any level of commitment so this was a nice change. "I can imagine. Well, I took a gap year before college and between some savings I made and some my dad's had, I went to Asia, visited different places. See, I'm adopted and among the little information I had of my biological mother, I knew she was from China, so I took the chance to get to know more of my heritage." One shoulder rose and fell. "My dads' did their best and more but it was great to know everything first hand." She explained before wincing. "Too much info for a first date?" It was already big that Sofia didn't mind the future plans but maybe too much personal details was crossing a line. "But yeah, I would have liked to share that and similar stuff with someone important." She finished. Giggling at the blonde's disposition to going out again, Raina hummed in between chews. "What else,, let's see... I like dancing, like, not only go to a club and dance but take classes, learn styles, uhm.... I like slumping in the couch and watch movies, I like cooking. Your turn." She smiled, sipping her soda.
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ofvillcins · 5 months
Noa was taking a little longer of a break after lunch, figuring if she could get herself some coffee, she could get one for Sofia. She walked into the police station, two cups in hand and weaseling her way around everyone until she came to Sofia's desk. "Turn that frown upside down," Noa remarked as she saw how Sofia was concentrating. " I thought a coffee might give you a bit of a pick me up," She mentioned as she placed it down, eyeing the files on her desk. "More missing person cases being closed?" She wasn't trying to weasel into business that wasn't hers but she could still get an idea of how things were going with the other. | @sofiaxrivera
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bloodwiine · 7 months
closed starter for @lunarrbxnshee ( sofia )
"Wait a second," Callie slowed in their steps, reaching out to bring Sofia to a halt. "What did you just say? I'm definitely going to need you to repeat yourself."
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mortissez · 10 months
Luka se ha lastimado con una de las trampas y el tuyo es la única persona presente.ㅤ✦ㅤ@lukahng
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jadea al darse cuenta de que su compañero iba directo a poner la mano en una trampilla ya activada, y no pudo advertirle hasta que vio todo el desenlace frente a sus ojos, tal y como lo imaginó. " ¿eres tonto? ¿cómo se te ocurre agarrarla así? " se acercó corriendo y con los dedos abrió la trampa a la fuerza para liberarle los dedos y la lanzó lejos. " agradece que eres un vampiro o estarías muerto por alguna infección. déjame ver. " estira una mano para que le de la suya y revisarle.
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ccmpletemess · 1 year
closed starter for @honeyedblossom ft. sofia valdez & edith parker
sofia rarely got nervous. yet she couldn’t stop chewing at her lower lip as she stood outside the coffee shop, staring at her watch. two minutes until her tinder date — she’d signed up after a bet with a friend had not gone in her favour, and hadn’t actually thought she’d find someone she actually seemed to like talking to. flicking her hair from her eyes, sofia pushed the door open, making a beeline for the table they’d agreed to meet at and — holy fuck, she looked even better in person. “hey, eddy, right?” she greeted, her usual half smile decorating her lips.
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lilacrespite · 11 months
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status : closed / ( @flowcrbcds ) location : the food truck area at crescent fest
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               there   was   something   to   be   said   about   arlo   becoming   the   sensible   whenever   sofia   was   involved.   even   at   a   festival   he   had   been   running   around   doing   all   the   things   he   grew   concerned   about   when   it   was   her.   it's   what   brought   them   to   the   food   truck   to   begin   with;   arlo's   growing   concern   that   she   wasn't   drinking   enough   water   despite   not   being   able   to   remind   the   last   time   he'd   had   a   bottle   himself.   ❝   are   you   sure   that's   enough   ?   i   can   go   get   you   another.   what   about   food   ?   have   you   eaten   today   ?   when's   the   last   time   you   did   ?   ❞
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dreamofzndaya · 1 year
✉➥ Sofia C.
Zendaya: Hey, Sof. I just wanted to check in and see how you and beautiful baby boy Crosby are doing? I hope being a mama hasn't been too hard on you so far.
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honeyedblossom · 1 year
closed starter for @ccmpletemess ( sofia )
"Please, don't slam the door on me," Luna blurted out as the door to Sofia's place swung open, doing everything to hold back crying more than she already had that day. She was certain she already looked like enough of a mess, with her torn up wedding dress stained in red, mascara stained cheeks and her usually perfect hair drenched from the rain. "I had nowhere else to go."
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romanmendez · 2 years
I have no time for confession For I'm too busy committing sins My love, you're something special I've never met someone like you You'd make me fall from heaven But I know just what I do
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wcrstbehaviior · 1 year
participants: roman castillo & sofia monzon ( @monzonims )
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"have you heard the good news?" roman was visibly excited - bouncing on the balls of his feet, though he managed to stop short of swinging his arms. "we're going to be coworkers!" he opted to go ahead and share his news - he'd never been a very patient person. "that means you have to be nice to me!"
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autumnwritcs · 10 months
closed starter for;; @ofginjxints
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Looking at the outside of the bar, anyone would think it wasn't worth to drive around forty-five minutes to get there, it wasn't a fancy place, the top shelf stuff they had was shitty and the crowd was even worse. But it was far and unknown enough that no one here would recognize him so that thing alone made the drive worth it. He wore a black t-shirt and blue jeans so he didn't get second glances and had parked the car a few blocks away as he always did, just in case and as he walked in, Pick asked for a Miller, leaning against the bar and nonchalantly checking today's crowd. No one that he might know.
With the bottle in hand he then headed to the back of the bar, to the farther free table and waited for his companion to arrive. Were it not for Sofia, Pick wouldn't have bothered coming all the way here. He shouldn't see her at all, reason why they chose this dive bar for their meeting but they had striked a good, somewhat weird relationship; the closest thing to an actual friendship Patrick had had in a long time so here he was. It had been a while since the last time they were able to meet so he was... anxious to see her. Happy, even if it was not a word in his vocabulary or his life. "Was about time." The man said when he saw Sofia approaching, a smile actually tugging one corner of his mouth. "Busy day at work?"
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