#( also yes you got two from keeb bc i couldn't decide between them )
daybreakrising · 2 years
@fightingdreamcrs​ liked for a starter | Kiba & Temari
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He wasn’t afraid of her. He wasn’t in the least bit intimidated. He was used to strong, terrifying women. He lived with two of them, and had for his entire life, so... no, he wasn’t afraid of her. Except he was, just a little. She probably scared him more than Gaara did, actually, and he’d never forget what he’d seen in the Forest of Death during the chunin exams. Really, it only made him wonder why Kankuro was so... chill. At least, in comparison.
Pretending that his palms weren’t a little sweaty, he plastered on his friendliest grin and strode right up to her. “Heeeey, Temari.” Okay, a strong start. His only problem now was he didn’t know how to follow that up. “Uhh... how.... how’ve you been? Was the trip from Suna okay? No problems at all?” Great, now he was rambling, bombarding her with questions she’d probably already answered. 
Just get to it, idiot. Exchanging a quick look with Akamaru for some encouragement, he dragged fingers through his hair - growing wilder the longer it got, he’d noticed - and gave a slightly nervous laugh. “How, um... how are your brothers?” That’s it. Ask after both of them to disguise the fact you’re only really asking after one of them. Nice job.
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