#'women writing slash is homophobic' bc its not
yonpote · 5 months
maybe people who were socialized as girls are more likely to like dnp for some reason. I don't know. A lot of fanbases attract certain types of people for difficult to measure reasons. Imo the important thing is to be inclusive of different identities, however common or rare they may be within the fanbase. I've never seen anyone openly *not* accepting of transfem people in the phandom, and im not sure its good to imply that the phandom is not accepting to transfems just because there aren't many. Unless there is evidence that there ARE people who AREN'T accepting of transfems, in which case please link them so i can block lol. tl;dr i don't think skewed demographics always means exclusion. look at the disproportionate amount of gays that love dnp, and they certainly never excluded straight people.
man the way you misconstrue what i say completely cmonnn. youre right, i DONT know any individual phannies in the community who are Explicitly against trans women and entirely know people who are accepting of them! but that doesn't eliminate internalized transmisogyny or maybe calling it like, cisnormativity would be better? idk maybe transmisogyny is not the exact word i am supposed to use, but you can't say There's No Reason for whatever. the reason dnp fans skew afab is bc we're all yaoi girls and yaoi is explicitly targeted towards cis straight women, and i know a handful of transfems who love bl
(and dont pretend like you dont love shipping men and youre different bc yes even if u dont ship these specific dudes whats the likeliness that u enjoy aziracrow or steddie even if u SAY u dont ship phan there IS a reason you were drawn to their dynamic in the first place)
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genshimada · 7 years
Is shipping Daryl and Jesus fetishizing gay men? I've been called homophobic and fetishizing for shipping them. And when I said that that's ridiculous because I AM a gay man they just called me a faggot in a private message. I get different opinions but acting all "You homophobe!" and then calling me a slur when no one else can see it is bullshit. Hypocrisy at its finest by yours truly twd fandom.
ok well it certainly isn’t fetishizing if you literally are a gay man shipping gay men………….what the fuck??? I’m so sorry that happened to you. it’s not ok in the slightest. so many people in this goddamn fandom and anyone who screams fetishiziation like that literally fail to realize that so many of the shippers shipping them are actual fucking lgbtq individuals. EVEN THEN it’s not fucking fetishization to ship two men together. shipping is not inherently sexual. and even if there are some teenage straight girls out there writing slash for fun… it pales in comparison to ACTUAL REAL LIFE FETISHIZATION that happens every single day in the entire goddamn porn industry to VERY REAL WOMEN especially lgbtq women by STRAIGHT MALES. (not to mention that a lot of young “straight girls” tend to discover their own sexuality as being not straight through exploration of m/m f/f ships bc it helps challenge heteronormativity and get more comfortable with the idea of a same gender couple. but thats another topic). basically people need to stop fucking sending out a witch hunt for the supposed fetishization of fictional male couples as if that’s actually fucking harming real life gay men (esp white gay men) on a systematic level. like are you kidding me? you know what is actually harmful? those assholes who resort to attacking an actual gay man and other lgbtq shippers and using slurs over a ship they don’t like.
that’s the worst fucking thing about fandom policing in general. so much of it is directed towards people who are already oppressed and apart of marginalized groups, people who use fandom to escape that. it’s disgusting that this is what fandom has become.
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