#'this is a cautionary tale for what happens when you're in fandom over 30'
bleachbleachbleach · 10 months
I’ve been thinking about @unohanadaydreams​‘s post about Hinamori’s to-die-for strawberry mochi waffles basically all week, but also about the VCs and their being “waist deep in finalizing grants for rebuilding areas of the Seireitei that needed to be done two weeks ago.” That specifically because I was up until 3AM on Monday night scoring grant proposals that were due that day, but that I hadn’t yet completed at a reasonable hour because I WAS BUSY READING FAN FICTION.
I then spent most of that scoring time also thinking about who in the Gotei would be good at grantwriting. And NOW, I’m reviewing the other judges’ scores/comments for our jurying meeting tomorrow (this is a lie; I’m writing this post and then I am going to read more fan fiction). But I did read the chair’s comments, and now I desperately want to know what all the initial budget drafts look like from different Gotei divisions, because these real-life budgets sure did offer some Examples of what can go through people’s minds when let loose on a spreadsheet. 
We even have some canon material to work from (Hitsugaya’s comment about monetary damage penalties, that one omake where the SWA and SMA each submit budgets and the SMA one fails miserably)!
‘B3 that is the driest possible application of fannish energy’ WRONG, because we have also talked about wanting to envision and create supporting documents for the budget reconciliation/budget passage meeting for the overall Gotei operations, which would involve both a creating some spreadsheets and LARPing a business meeting. Double the fun!!!
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