#'that said im punching uncle Feefee in the nuts the second he gets out the helcaraxe sucked icy balls'
I feel like because I'm so very biased towards Maedhros out of the finweans, people assume Fingon is my favourite Nolofinwion. They (my nonexistent jury of who is the coolest) are incorrect!
It's Argon.
Is there like any notable personality for him in the silm? No.
Does he survive until my favourite era? No.
Is he really tall and also dies in a batshit way? YES! and that is 80% of my judgement metric.
My version of Argon is mostly headcannon but I need y'all to know that in my mind this guy was straight up the most impulsive person in the whole family. Worse than Fingon. Worse than Feanor! He was considered the bad influence of the family because he has no brain to mouth filter and he is creatively insulting even when he doesn't mean to be. He's actually a pretty sweet person, he's just also got the worst case of ADHD this side of Cuiviénen and as a kid he was too cute to scold into good behaviour. So now he just says things recreationally and no one but him enjoys it. I often write Maedhros and Fingolfin as foils and i thoroughly believe Argon is Feanor's. They're too alike to get along but different enough in their approach that there's a level of respect there.
Also his mastery in Valinor was debate. Because cage match wrestling wasn't invented yet.
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