#'she folds up her parasol' I say as I then almost immediately use an icon where Edna has her parasol well open and in view
'How haven’t I noticed this place by now?”
Edna typically avoids venturing deep into the Forest of Airaisal, but today she’s come to the forest on a mission.
That mission is to capture a big, strong rhinoceros beetle for her older brother.
She thinks bugs are gross, but bugs have always fascinated Eizen. And it’s his tastes that she’s keeping in mind as she picks out a present. He’s given her innumerable gifts on total whims over the centuries, so it’s only fair she go an extra mile for him too sometimes.
Edna had just finished determining a beetle she found was insufficient, when she noticed some strange gold leylines on the ground. Curiosity got the better of her, so she followed them (still leaving path-marking stones behind, of course).
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And now she’s standing in front of... some sort of castle sized building. A building so large you’d think it would be marked on the maps, or at least have a sliver of it visible from some angle atop that one giant tree near the forest.
So she’s stumbled upon one more secret of the island, it seems. Edna figures that it’s probably still late morning, meaning she has plenty of time to figure out what’s in there. (more importantly maybe it has some of those weird artifacts her brother likes so much that she can take home with her instead of a beetle).
When she enters the building, it’s immediately clear that she has found a library of sorts. With far more rivers flowing through and flowers littering the floor than most libraries, but a library nonetheless.
She folds up her parasol. It seems she’s mostly alone. There is only one other person here: a tall, long-haired woman in a business jacket, who looks like she’d just gotten here too.
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She squints at the woman for a moment, who has her back turned towards her. For some reason Edna can’t tell if she’s human or not, but determines she likely is. Probably just has some sorta powerful magic on her.
Well, she certainly didn’t come for chitchat. Edna yawns, then diverts her attention to the rest of the library, ready to investigate.
She fails to notice a harsh creaking sound by her side, as a long-worn bookshelf begins to topple over.
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