#'normal' amount of grinding. Seriosuly fuck this system so hard I hope whoever designed this grindathon chokes on a [----REDACTED----]
300iqprower · 11 months
bond CEs. i can't find the post (i'm pretty sure it was yours?) but i remember you saying something about how it'd be neat if Bond CEs were zero cost and automatically applied to the character (on top of normal CEs) when we get them to bond 10
Yeah, ignoring how mismatched or outright bad some of the existing ones' effects are, they're clearly designed to be unlockable passive buffs that were implemented in the worst way possible, from the 100/100 issue making them automatically IMMENSELY outclassed with any DPS unit even if their effect is genuinely great like with KP or Super Orion, to the way things like Spartacus's CE have the same issue as regular guts ce's where they make you waste any guts skill because it took them forever to make a stacking guts (and even then only a select few have stackable guts and Spartacus aint one of them. Which is itself also stupid.)
Part of me wonders if it was a limitation of the infamously bad spaghetti code the app is rumored to have, like they couldnt figure out how to make it work and so they went "what if we just make use the already existing system of passive effects we have for Craft Essences?". Frankly that's the most charitable explanation i can think of
Either way, the only solutions i can think of, short of completely overhauling 95% of the Bond CE effect, are these three in descending order of how realistically we'd get them:
Make every Bond CE 2000/2000 instead of 100/100. It leaves a lot of issues on the table but at least it gets rid of what is by far the biggest issue regarding the attack buff issue.
In addition to their unique effect, make it so every bond CE acts like the story support CE where it gives 50% starting battery and 50% increased NP gain. That level of NP support would certainly make up for all the potential attack being lost. One of the other biggest issues with Bond CEs is that even in non farming situations having starting gauge can be so important that you have a dozen welfare CEs automatically being more useful for the fight than the bond CE, and that just spits on them - surely a bond CE should be the perfect CE, surely regular CE's should be used simply because you dont have the servant at Bond 10. The 50% NP gain also fits thematically, basically meaning Bond 10 lets your servant spam their most iconic ability. Heck you could probably make it 30% battery and 50% NP gain instead, to break even if you have a maxed out 20% append battery.
Flat out make Bond CE's have their own equip slot as we talked about at the start, where they have zero cost and effectively act as a new passive skill that can be toggled off and on without sacrificing the standard CE slot or adding to team cost.
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