#'mean green plumber man breaks into manors; destroys **** for money and gems and harasses poor innocent boos'
snowyfrostshadows · 11 months
Morty was really nice.
The second he gets his microphone back, he creates a starring role for Luigi on the spot (as a mix of inspiration and appreciation for Luigi's star potential? Man's got a good eye)
And y'know, I think if Weegee hadn't been scared out of his mind, facing down real, actual fire, and been given actual direction/a better idea of what was going on, I think he'd be ecstatic to be in a monster movie as a monster
Dream come true right buddy?
I hope Morty gives him a copy of that movie. (Also really really nice I don't have to capture him for E. Gadd)
Polterkitty on the other hand...
Such a cool as heck ghost, in both forms, but man. Is it kicking my butt. I've managed one tail so far but oof. This. Is gonna take me awhile...
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