#'My Bloody Valentine' plays moodily in the background
see-arcane · 2 months
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A little love note a certain bloodsucking bastard finds waiting for him with a bouquet of wild roses. Enjoy those holy hives while you’re still undead enough to feel anything <3
Anyway! Check for an update on The Vampyres under the cut.
One, I’ve been sinking steadily into madness trying to format everything for print versus ebook, fighting trim sizes and spacing and texts and fonts and alignments and docs-pdfs-docx-epubs-etcetcetc. My nightmares are full of useless tutorials.
I think I’m going to bite the bullet and just pay for professional epub conversion because I can’t seem to translate my manuscript into an epub version that doesn’t immediately ruin the layout of every single page. I’ve tried Calibre and Digital Editions and Convertio and they all keep vomiting up versions that knock all the paragraphs and pages over like textual Jenga towers. And I Am Tired.
Two, after spending half a month just grappling with a hydra made of text and graphic nitpicks, I will say that, by dint of human effort and/or selling my soul to the most publication-compatible demon on call, I will get this thing published before April or die trying.*
*(Bonus comedy points if I hit my daydream publication date of March 15th, a.k.a. the Ides of March, a.k.a. Stabathon Day. It’s fitting.)
Three, I have a tentative full book cover pic if you want to take a gander. :3
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I apologize for how long this monster is taking to be slain. I’ve been dragging myself through the worst end of Murphy’s Law on a number of fronts, not even including the layoff. But I am chipping at it. Slowly but surely. Mostly slowly. The closer I crawl to the finishing line, the more paranoid I become that I’ll shove this thing out the door only for a dozen errors to spawn overnight.
But it will be out. It will be done. And I’ll finally have this thing’s teeth out of my neck.
For Valentine’s Day, everyone send me a heart-shaped box full of energy, please and thank you.
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