#'Koki' as a nickname however is from Ballad's kokiri origins.
kheprriverse · 2 months
you have the AUDACITY to tell us link and Malon have a son and ONLY tell us like 2 things about him
so here are some questions about him
how old is he
what is his favorite food
is he a mama or daddy’s boy
what’s his favorite animal
what’s his favorite thing to do with his dad
What’s his favorite thing to do with his mom
is ruto his auntie
What’s his favorite color
dose he have or will he get any siblings
What dose he want to be when he grows up
and finally how old was he / will he be when his dad” kicks the bucket “
Damn! You caught me!! I was wondering how long I could go without giving much detail xD. Nonetheless! I shall answer some of your questions.
Below the cut is an image to get a better idea of his design as well as answers for you. Also coz this got really long lmao.
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I'm not as confident at drawing children, which is why he's not featured very often atm. But he will appear in my au so eventually I'll figure it out :'D
How old is he? -> He's around 8-ish when Ballad has to leave for the main au.
What is his favorite food? -> Pancakes! With honey syrup and berries.
Is he a mama or daddy’s boy? -> I thought about this one a lot last night and I'm still indecisive. While he'd spend a lot more time with his mom (Ballad IS still one of Zelda's soldiers so he can't stay home as often as he'd like. And if they are home they're usually injured/recovering sadly), I do think he'd be a daddy's boy. Any time Link is around so is his son, if its possible.
What’s his favorite animal? -> Much like both his parents, horses! Cuccos are also a plus :)!
What’s his favorite thing to do with his mom/dad? -> Taking care of the horses and cuccos with Malon seems to be his favorite activity, as well as doing little crafts and drawing (inheriting his creative-eye from his dad). However Ballad takes him fishing when they have free time, or if his son bugs him enough to xD
Is Ruto his auntie? -> Yes! She's still relatively close to Ballad so by association she's automatically one of his son's favorite people. She's always visiting if she happens to be nearby or on the way to Hyrule Castle, and always has gifts for the fam <3
What’s his favorite color? -> Yellow ☺️
Does he have or will he get any siblings? -> Can't say 🤫
What dose he want to be when he grows up? -> I imagine he'd wanna continue working on the ranch, especially with his love of horses and the other farm animals they have.
And finally how old was he / will he be when his dad "kicks the bucket"? -> I also cannot answer this 🤫. It'll eventually happen ofc, especially since Ballad has a habit of getting himself horribly injured. But he always makes it home. Eventually.
Some extra info below:
Appearance wise he looks more like his mom, but inherits a lot of his interests and personality from his dad.
Ballad is horribly protective of him and tries his absolute hardest to keep his son out of his soldier-business. But eventually he loosens up and teaches him basic self-defense (which means his boy indeed knows how to use a sword, though not very well just yet).
He's named after his dad, but is often called "Koki" (or "Linky" by Malon if Ballad happens to be in teasing distance.)
He was born hard of hearing as well (being mostly deaf) and has been learning sign language from both his parents most of his life now (He knows Hylian and Gerudo sign language, but has also picked up some Kokiri signs from his father).
His parents had to result to at-home schooling due to the bullying he'd receive at the schools in Castletown. He's mostly taught by Malon or a tutor.
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