#'I want a girlfriend' you're so funny you can't tell anyone irl about anything that's more personal than your favorite color
liebelesbe · 4 months
I'm simply not made to have friends
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sob-sister · 8 months
I have a question for the audience…. How do we think jack would be as a bf? Like actually not the fairytale a lot of people have. Cuz I know obviously all the fan fic on here portrays him as this wonderful partner but I have such a hard time reading them cuz I just know irl he’d probably be terrible. With all of his issues he so clearly has with woman in some way and his control issues and the fact that he keeps a bunch a losers around in his circle I feel like dating him would not be easy in the slightest lol. And kind of like you said I haven’t seen a lot of improvement in most areas of his behavior and social circle for years so yeah. Interested to hear your pov lol
good question, good question. i really like this one. i feel like while there are certainly those who have this romanticised version of a possible relationship with him, whether it be for fanfic reasons (and the over exaggerated nature of writing) or the fact that the relationship they have is parasocial, i think this question is sort of hard to answer, because if you asked fans to imagine a realistic relationship with him, i don't think people are going to be listing all the shitty things right away, does that make sense? like you don't start daydreaming about the relationship and all the things that could go wrong.
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a "few thoughts", in no particular order: ** questionable friends: you are (to some extent) what you surround yourself with. have never heard anything bad about them per se, but nothing positive either. if he is not like his friends, then what draws him to said group of people? i know that they are childhood friends and all, but there has to be something "attractive" about them that makes him want to keep surrounding himself with them. also, i just feel like he would choose them over me. like if he had free time, he would link with them and not me.
** his girlfriends or specifically zion. listen, if they were together in real life i wouldn't be mad about it, i think they would look cute, but if i was with him and she was around that would be a red flag. not saying that he can't have girl friends, but the closeness of that relationship would be raising my eyebrow.
** him being with tori. you're in the industry, you could have been with anyone, famous or not, yet you choose a 30 year old ex stripper with 2 kids. i am so judging his judgment here.
** he seems cheap. that moncler jacket has been worn to death and those prada glasses. don't forget his plane ticket story too. i am not expecting you to fund me, but it seems like i wouldn't be getting much.
** i will not be sitting around and waiting on him as he travels the world. i will not be changing my schedule for you. my life does not stop because i am dating you. i don't see him making accommodations for me and sacrificing things on his end. i know during the chicken shop date interview he was asked if he would move to london for a girl, and i genuinely don't see that and i also don't see me flying half way across the world to kick it in damn kentucky, so …
** this will probably sound random, but whatever. i just picture him trying too hard, i don't know whether it's his abandonment / loneliness issues or whatever. he's funny, yes, but i just picture him trying to impress me real bad and i would just get turned off so quickly. also, i would feel shit if he thought he had to change himself for me. i'd feel like there is something wrong with me and question what i did / if i am in some way not good enough?? hope that makes sense.
** i am not signing no damn nda. i get the nature of the industry, but i am not doing that. that would just tell me that you don't trust me, so what's the point of getting involved? second of all, it would feel like a contract. i know an nda is a legal document / contract, but still, would rub me the wrong way. feels cold and impersonal, i am just business.
** he constantly seems to be on edge. as someone who has anxiety and is on edge myself, i don't need the person who should be able to support me and "be the man" to be on edge himself. that would make me feel even worse. i need to know that you are solid and if shit goes down you will make sure i am fine and it gets sorted. i guess i don't really see him as protective. i only see him protective in "sexual way" like "don't look at my girl, she's mine", but that's off putting to me personally. not looking to be objectified.
** this is going to sound really mean, but fuck it. his issues or more so not doing anything about them is unattractive and i say as someone who deals with my own shit of similar nature to his. i know he's said he went to therapy, but it doesn't seem to be working. i am not going to have your "stuff" interfering with our relationship, go and sort it. i also feel like we would butt heads on the topic of mental health, especially since i am an over thinker and i am constantly reflecting and questioning things, whereas he has issues addressing things. i can see a lot of conflict in regards to that subject.
** last but not least, if i picture a realistic relationship with him, i am sure there would be good moments, but the most important thing for me is my peace. and if that means not being with him that's fine. i need my significant other to add to my life and make it better and right now i would see a relationship with him and his baggage as an inconvenience. to add to his point, i am of the thinking "i am with you, because i want you and not because i need you" and i feel like he wouldn't like that, because i am in control and we know he hates not having control. i am quick to get rid of things / people (not necessarily always a good quality, i will admit), but as soon as it starts fucking with my flow, it's got to go. bye!
shit, i really went in … oops. and as always, audience feel free to state your opinion.
thank you for stopping by+sharing. :)
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