#''who is that...?'' rihanna gif and left it at that LMAO
halaziias · 7 months
untitled because this was created out of boredom (i dont even stan skz LMAO)
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y/n -- your name b/n -- (fake)best friend's name
thursday, 8:52 p.m.
Y/N was invited to attend a party. The boys in the fraternity, SKZ, are the hosts. Y/N's not really the type to show up voluntarily at parties. However, since her best friend and boyfriend were there, she thought; Why not go?
Putting on her best dress, which is a simple short, sparkly black dress and smokey eyed makeup.
Y/N walked over to the house and saw lighting strobing from within. "Ah that must be it..." She's never visited the house before. But it wasn't because she didn't have time. Just that she.. sometimes felt a bit uncomfortable around the girls entering and leaving the house regularly. -- Anyway, this is for another story.
Knock, knock. Creak! You found yourself in front of Han, her boyfriend's best friend. "Oh hey Y/N. Come in, come in!" He shouted due to the deafening music in the back.
Y/N jaw dropped at the sight in front of her. "Damn. That's a shit ton of people." she whispered to herself.
As the Mandarin idiom goes, 人山人海. -- This translates to "Mountain of People, Sea of People" which is used to describe a place that is crowded.
Looking for her boyfriend and/or best friend, she scanned the entire room. Until Y/N saw something that caught her eye.
It was her boyfriend conversing with her best friend. She gently pushed people around to get to the two of them to make sure nothing strange was happening.
She tapped on Bang Chan's shoulder to get his attention. He turned back and gave her a peck on the cheek. "Hey baby! Thanks for coming." He caressed her arm. She smiled at the skinship.
His phone rang, "Hello?"
"Yo, could you come to Yongbok's bedroom real quick? HAHA WE FOUND SOMETHING HILARIOUS." Changbin called.
"Alright, bet. On my way." Bang Chan replied.
He gave Y/N another kiss on the forehead. "Baby I gotta do something. Are you okay alone?" He asked.
"Alone? What do you mean? B/N is behind me, no?-" Y/N turned back and saw nobody there. "Oh... Yeah I'm fine. Go do your thing babe."
"Okay, see you later baby. I love you." Bang Chan winked. She smiled at his flirty action but as he turned back, her smile faded.
Next, she tried to scavenge around for the toilet but couldn't find it. Han noticed that she looked a bit lost. "Heyyy Y/N, could I help you?" he asked gently. Y/N nodded her head and asked where the toilet was. Han pointed towards the toilets. "Be careful Y/N by the way. It's pretty crowded." he warned.
She thanked him, gave him a thumbs up and a smile as she made her way to the toilets.
After she did her thing in the toilets, she opened her cubicle to fine B/N fixing her makeup.
"Oh hey B/N, why'd you leave me alone? Haha." she laughed. B/N's mouth formed an 'O' shape. "Oh shit. I'm so sorry HAHAHA I had to pee. Wait I thought Bang Chan was with you?" she furrowed her brows in confusion. "Well yeah, but he had to do something so I let him go." Y/N replied. "Anyway, I'm gonna go first. I heard the DJ's playing RIhanna." B/N left.
Y/N went back to the mirror and started fixing her hair and makeup. Once she settled on her appearance, she exited the toilets.
Where's Chan? He can't take that long.. Y/N thought.
She went up to Felix's room but found no one. After that, she checked the main room where the DJ was at. Although the DJ was playing Rihanna -- B/N's favourite singer; B/N would 100% be in this room, but to no avail. She scanned around the room. But not a single one of them were there.
Y/N walked up to Changbin, who gave Bang Chan the call.
"Hey Changbin, do you know where Chan is?" Y/N asked. "Oh, well he was with me like 5 minutes ago but I don't know where he went after that. Well he did tell me he was going to look for you after that." he replied.
Y/N went back to where she, B/N and Chan met. Still, nobody to be found. She groaned in frustration. Where the hell are they? She thought.
Even after she looked everywhere in the big ass house, she couldn't find them. She whipped her phone out. Calling them was her last resort. Worry grew in her as none picked her call up.
What the fuck? She was so close to pulling her hair out.
As the stress got to her, she decided to head out to the backyard, where it wasn't as chaotic and noisy as the inside. It was rather peaceful.
"Baby no... what if someone catches us?" Y/N heard a muffled sound from a tent.
That voice was familiar.
"Baby, they're all busy fucking dancing around. I'm sure no one would catch us. Now, let me do my thing." A male voice said.
Y/N's eyes widened.
"Mmm, fuck baby..." a loud moan came from inside.
Y/N covered her mouth in disbelief to what she's hearing.
"Channie... ah~" the voice became louder.
She came to the realization of who those people were. Her hands grew into fists. Her eye twitched. Damn, the anger was really rising in her.
She dashed to the tent and pulled the zipper down to reveal B/N and Chan making out.
"WHAT THE FUCK?!" Y/N shrieked so loud that it captivated people's attention from the inside.
Yeah. It was a deafening shriek. People dashed out to the backyard and saw B/N on top of Chan's lap. The two of them were frozen.
The other 7 SKZ members came out to investigate what the shriek was for. "Okay what's going on here.." Minho's voice faded at the sight.
Y/N broke out into tears upon the anger. She ran out.
Bang Chan cursed under his breath and pushed B/N away. He ran after Y/N. Once he caught up to her, he grabbed her by the shoulder.
"Babe.. it's not what you think!" Chan frantically defended himself. "Don't call me babe. I know it's exactly what I think. I saw what I saw. Don't defend yourself, it's no use." Y/N shakily said. "But-" Before Chan could even explain, Y/N interrupted. "But- But- But- But what, Christopher? Okay fine. Explain to me what happened. Explain WHY my best friend of 5 fucking years was sitting on YOUR lap and making disgusting sounds. Come on. I'm waiting." Y/N raised her voice and tears came running down her cheeks, ruining her makeup.
"I-I- Ugh.. Fuck.. I-" Chan stuttered. "YOU CAN'T EVEN FUCKING EXPLAIN!" Y/N cried. "Fuck this, fuck you, I'm going home. Don't even try to talk to me or do anything." Y/N wiped her eyes.
She went home. She picked her diary up.
1:27 a.m. fifth of nov. "i cant stand this anymore. b/n was my only friend in here. i may have lost friends but, i dont want to lose her. shes my one and only friend. i cant lose her. my parents are overseas, im alone in here. im fucking lonely. should i just end it all?"
All the polaroids and the love notes were torn. She didn't want to be reminded of him.
Oh she couldn't sleep. There was so much rage, yet guilt and sadness. She couldn't get herself to be mad at B/N. She was rather sad and felt betrayal.
"Was I not good enough for Chan? Was I not good enough?" Y/N sniffled as she contemplated.
SMACK! She slapped herself. "Get yourself together, Y/N. You can't cry over such men." she reassured herself.
The next day at school, Y/N kept her head low. She didn't want to feel the humiliation. Whispers and stares all around her. Insecurity went up. Confidence went down.
She was the first to arrive in class. She was experiencing fatigue. Up all night crying.
Han was the second to arrive. He noticed Y/N's head lying on her arms. Muffled sniffles came from her.
He tapped on her shoulder. "Y/N.. about yesterday.." Y/N shot her head up and covered his mouth. "Shh. I don't wanna be reminded." Han gently put her hand down and held on to it. "I just wanna ask if you're okay." he smiled softly. "Not really.." Y/N rubbed her puffy red eyes.
"I understand. I know it's not so easy to get over people you love." Han patted her on the back.
"Yeah.. especially if you've known them forever." she replied with a heavy sigh. "You're really sweet. Thanks for comforting me! I feel so much better." Y/N gazed upon Han as they exchanged smiles. "I'm glad you feel better, if you need someone to talk to, well here I am." Han patted her on the head.
Y/N's POV: I think I like him.. UGH but I feel like I'm moving on too fast.. fuck. Han's POV: Got rid of one, now I need to get rid of B/N... then Bang Chan is all mine.
He smirked behind her back.
friday, 5:38 p.m.
Y/N saw Han. Should I try shooting my shot? She gambled with herself.
Taking a deep breath, she braced herself and went up to him. "Hey.. uhm do you wanna come over to my house..?" she timidly asked. Han was a bit caught offguard but he accepted the invitation anyway.
Y/N's heart raced. But thankfully she kept her blush light.
Nothing really interesting happened at the sleepover. So, timeskip to the next morning.
saturday, 10:30 a.m.
Chan's POV
I feel so bad. I'm on the way to her dorm to beg for forgiveness. Agh fuck.. I hope she takes me back. Okay okay, I've arrived. 3.. 2.. 1.. He knocked. The door opened. "Babe- What the.." What is this fucker doing here?
"Oh hey Chan. What are you doing here?" Han cocked his eyebrows up as he leaned against the door frame.
"I- Uh. Nothing. Um, could I talk to you?" Chan scratched his head. Han nodded and followed Chan to his dorm.
When they arrived, Han step foot into the dorm. What he saw shocked him but yet he wasn't surprised. It was B/N sleeping in Chan's bed, naked. "Damn what did y'all do?" Chan laughed, "Isn't it obvious, Han?" Han let out an awkward laugh.
"Anyway, what did you want to talk about?" Han tilted his head with curiosity. Before Chan could even reply, B/N groaned as she woke up.
"Oh hey Han." B/N stretched as she forgot about her being naked. Han, being the respectful man he is, covered his eyes.
"Oh oops, my bad hehe." she playfully giggled.
Han turned back to Chan. "Now that I think of it, I've never gotten your number." Chan realized as well. "Oh yeah.. I have to go to the toilet real quick. Uhhh B/N will give it to you."
B/N was finally clothed. Han went up to her and asked for Chan's number.
Han is kinda fine not gonna lie.. should I give him my number?
"I can't send it to you without giving you my number so like here you go." B/N said as she caressed his arm. "Okay um yeahhh... so I'm gonna go now, tell Chan that I've went home. Bye." Han smiled awkwardly. Han shuffled out the dorm and went back to his dorm. He suddenly received a text from B/N.
Ever since then, they've been talking for so long. (Behind Chan's and Y/N's backs.)
3 weeks later,
B/N looked everywhere for Han. She couldn't hold it in. She wanted to get it off her chest so badly.
Han walked past her. She tapped on his shoulder. The male turned to look at B/N. "Oh hey. Um what's up?" B/N couldn't make eye contact with him.
He noticed that she looked a bit nervous, so he decided to lift her chin up. "Are you okay?" Han looked at her with hooded eyes.
B/N's eyes widened at his sudden action. "OH! Uh! I- I- Uh- I HAVE A CRUSH ON YOU!" she blurted out. Once she realized her actions, she slapped her mouth and mad a run for it.
Han laughed at her clumsiness, not knowing Y/N saw everything. She was boiling mad.
Still not aware of Y/N, Han smirked in triumph as he finally got rid of all the girls swarming around Chan.
He finally had Chan all to himself.
tuesday, 1.30 p.m.
It's their lunch break. Han looked around to assure that none of the girls were near him. Instead of seeing the girls, he found his one and only Chan. He took a deep breath and... "Yo! Chan, over here." he raised his right arm up. Chan cocked his brows up and dabbed him up. Did their signature handshake and after that, Han led him to the locker rooms.
"So." Han sighed. "So? What's up?" Chan tilted his head and grinned. Han took another deep breath and braced himself for the rejection he might get.
"I may or may not have a.. ugh." he hesitated. "It's okay, you can tell me. C'mon, I'm your bro. I won't judge." Chan patted his back.
"Promise me you won't be mad." Han looked up at him with those puppy eyes. The other male nodded his head and let him speak.
"I have a crush on this certain someone and.." Han fidgeted nervously and his eyes gazed upon the floor. Chan's jaw dropped in surprise. "Really, who?- Wait, let me guess. It's Y/N isn't it." he chuckled and he rolled his eyes sarcastically.
"Well. No-" Han cleared his throat.
Chan looked at him in confusion, trying to recall the girls he's close with.
He can't possibly crush on B/N. She's mine. Chan thought. "Okay.. um Ella? Hayley? Genevieve? Audrey-" Chan rambled on.
"DAMMIT CHAN, IT'S YOU!" Han blurted out.
When Chan heard this. He stood rooted to the ground with his mouth open, not knowing what to say nor knowing how to react.
Han realized what he had done, he averted his eyes away from Chan and tried to make a run for it. However, he felt a pull on his arm.
"HAN! Wait.. Look, I'm sorry. I don't see you that way. You're like a brother to me and nothing will change that. We can still be friends though! I mean, if you're fine with that...?" Chan scratched the back of his head.
Han couldn't get himself to look Chan in the eye but, just simply nodded his head and walked away. He may have walked away looking tough but inside he really was a heartbroken boy.
As Han exited the locker room, his heart dropped. He saw Y/N holding her phone up and it was playing an audio of him confessing. "Y/N. Were you here this entire time..?" he shakily said. "No shit." she rolled her eyes. "Don't tell anyone. Please." Han got on his knees and begged.
"Oops my finger slipped! I accidentally sent it to the class's group chat! Awww I'm sorry. Boohoo." Y/N pouted, mocking the one on his knees.
"WHAT THE FUCK Y/N?! WHAT DID I EVEN DO TO YOU?" Han cried. He stood up and snatched the phone from her. Cursing under his breath as he tried to delete it but to no avail.
Chan heard the shriek coming from Han's mouth and ran out to see but all he saw was Y/N cackling like an evil villain while Han ran away.
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