#''system's too slick to stop working.'' reiji akaba
tamenreluctor · 6 years
Reiji had been trained in the European style of table manners.  Fork in the left hand, knife in the right, never switching.  Pass to the left.  He didn’t tend to eat that much in public anyway.  Shun seemed to be the opposite sort, Reiji thought as he watched him eat.  The other man seemed to be on his 4th plate by now.
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“Do you plan on slowing down any time soon?” he glanced up at an attendant, “More rice for him.”  He would feed Shun despite his complaints.  Reiji did understand that he must not be used to the plenty Standard currently offered.
He put his fork down, “You’re lucky that the doctors cleared you for solid food.”
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tamenreluctor · 6 years
Reiji was standing on the brink, but his mind was surprisingly clear. 
Before, he had thought that Zarc was just a tool, easily disposed of once he stopped being useful.  That was foolishness.  They had destroyed the Academia, and instead of double-crossing, he had been simply double crossed.  Everyone important was dead or shredded.
Still, here he stood with a piece-meal duel disk he had stolen from some corpse he had passed on the way here, but with all his king’s composure.  Composure was everything, that was something he had long since learned.  Even though this was a hopeless fight, they were biding time until the inevitable, he had sent the last few remaining on his side out of here before him.  Perhaps they would find some meaning in whatever extra time he was giving them.
“Sakaki Yuya,” his voice was deep and clear,
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“What business do you have here?”
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tamenreluctor · 6 years
@dueltorn​ liked for a starter!
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He turns around in the hallways when he catches something out of the corner of his eye, “Kurosaki.  What are you doing out of bed?  It’s 3 AM and my doctors specifically told you to get more sleep.”
Reiji’s fingers tap impatiently against his hip.  “Were you anyone else, I would think you were intentionally trying to inhibit the war effort.”
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