#“boris loves theo more” “theo loves boris more” you're all WRONG they were everything to EACH OTHER. and i mean EVERYTHING
reggieblk · 7 months
i finished reading The Goldfinch by Donna Tartt yesterday and i have a lot of thoughts and feelings about every single thing about it, but what I would like to address here, and it speaks for itself;
"8R, two keys and a combination padlock, 7522, the last four digits of Boris's home phone in Vegas."
- The Goldfinch, Donna Tartt, IV, chapter 9, X, page 532
and and and.....8 yrs later, the passcode is still the same.....it's the way Theo, 8 yrs earlier, didn't hesitate a second....it's the way Boris's home number guards Theo's dearest possession, the remnant of his mother, his very heart....it's the way it isn't Pippa's bday, or anything like that.....it's the way i sobbed when reading this line
(not to mention....not to mention....how "Popper" is "Popchyk" for as long as Theo gets back to NY and is with Hobie, never once Popper always Popchyk until.....until Boris comes back, and calls him Popchyk, and then, immediately, for the first time since Vegas, Popchyk is Popper in Theo's mind....because....because the rightful person who calls him Popchyk is back, and Theo no longer has to fill in for him, and, and, and--)
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finnwolfhard7137 · 4 years
The Art of Falling in Love-Finn Wolfhard × Reader
Chapter Two is here...
Chapter Three: Crushin'
Word Count 1.6k
Warnings: very little angst, fluff
You wake up an hour before Finn told you too because you wanted to make sure that you didn't look homeless for your breakfast date. You decide on going with a plain long sleeve shirt with a green jacket and a pair of jeans. Your hair is still kind of curled from your shoot yesterday so you just leave your hair and put on a pair of glasses. You text your mom a good morning text and wait for Finn to get you.
Finn knocks on the trailer door and you yell for him to come in. When he opens up the door, you are putting on your shoes.
Finn "Good-" he stops when he sees you, "Okay how can you look this good at 6 a.m?" You blush and hide your face in your hands. 
"I can say the same about you," you walk over to hug him and tell him good morning. 
Finn "Are you ready?"
"Yeah, where are we going?"
Finn "I was thinking of taking you to one of my favorite restaurants up here, they serve the best breakfast."
"Okay, let's go." 
When you get in the car, Finn gives you the aux cord and you put on some old music that you both love and have in common. Finn is also a musician so he sings along with you and you two have the best time. When you get to the restaurant, Finn tells you to stay in the car. For a moment you are confused until he makes his way to your side of the car, you knew that he was going to open up your door for you. When he does, he smiles and says "m'lady." You giggle and get out of the car. When you get up to the restaurant doors, he opens that for you as well. He isn't just all looks, he is so kind, funny, sweet, encouraging and a gentleman. 
You and Finn order the same breakfast: an old fashioned omelet with bacon and fruit.
Finn "Thanks for going on this date with me."
"Yeah of course, why wouldn't I?!"
Finn "I don't know...I always get nervous with this type of stuff."
"I get that cause so am I. But with you it's different ya know?" He shakes his head in agreement, "It's natural, it's not pushed."
Finn "Yeah. When I was thinking about asking you yesterday, I was like am I doing this too soon? If she says no, would I make things awkward..?"
"Yeah, those are always the first questions that comes to mind but no, I am really glad that you asked me to breakfast, Finn." 
Finn "Me too. I'm having a good time Y/n." You two talk until you realize that you need to get back to the trailer park. 
Finn "Oh shit.."
Finn "8:10.."
"Oh we need to go!" Finn gets the check and you both hurry out the restaurant. Even though you both were in a rush, he still opened the doors for you, which melted your heart. You really like him and you hope that this relationship blossoms into something great.
Finn "I lost track of the time talking to you. Everything else just…"
"Didn't matter?"
Finn "Yeah. Everything else just didn't exist...it all just kind of disappeared."
"Yeah, I felt the same way. We really need to get back." You both laugh in a panic and fly down the highway.
You and Finn part ways when you get to the park and go into each other's trailers. When you got in, you probably sat down for like two minutes before Jamie and Carmen knocked on your door.
After they finished, they told you to meet with John to talk about the next shoot. 
"Hi! You wanted to see me?"
John "Y/n-Yes good morning!"
"Good morning sir."
John "So, I was thinking that since you and Finn have grown a close friendship that I could tie you into more of the movie."
"Really? I get more scenes?"
John "Yes. I had Thomas add to your script." He hands you a new and improved script.
"Thank you!"
John "Yeah, no problem kid. The way you acted yesterday, I want the audience to see your talent as much as possible."
"To hear you say that, means a lot to me. Thank you so much."
John "Absolutely. Run along now and check out your new lines." You nod and go back to your trailer and read your lines until it is time for Finn and Oakes to start filming. You read that you are hanging out at Theo's place and Boris comes over and that is how he is introduced to you in the movie. 
Since the movie is changed a little, you are filming with Finn and Oakes today. You walk up to the group and stand next to Finn. He looks down at you and smiles.
Oakes "You get to film with us today!"
"I know! John told me and handed me a new script."
Finn wraps his arm around your shoulder, "It's funny cause Y/n and I were hoping that we'd get to film together and now we do!"
Oakes laughs, "It is like god answered your prayer!"
Finn "I mean, you're not wrong." You smile and look up at finn. 
You and Oakes get in your positions. You have your prosthetic on and look like you did yesterday pretty much. 
John "And...action!" 
Theo "I'm glad that you came with me Pippa."
"Thank you for inviting me. With what we've been through, it feels good to be away from New York."
You and Oakes do your lines until it is time for Finn to join in.
"Who is that? I thought that your dad wasn't supposed to come home until tonight?"
Theo "It's probably just Boris."
"Boris?" That is when Finn comes into the house and looks at you. Every time he does, it takes your breath away. 
Boris "Who is your friend?" You forget that you have your prosthetic on and you touch it by accident but you roll with it and act like it hurt you. 
Theo "This is my friend from New York, Pippa."
Boris "Hi, I'm Boris."
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"Nice to meet you."
You three go through your lines and finish up your scene. 
Boris "What happened?"
"I was in the bombing with Theo...I hit my head."
Boris "I am sorry." You try to hide it with your hand when he grabs your hand and puts it back on the table, "No need to feel self conscious Pippa. You are very beautiful, scar or no scar." You knew that he meant what he said, camera or no camera. 
"Thank you, Boris. Theo, I should really get some rest. It was nice meeting you."
Boris "Sleep well."
Theo "Okay, I'll see you when you wake up." In the movie, you are staying with Theo until further notice because your uncle died in the bombing and do not want to stay with other family members. 
Boris "Is she alright?"
Theo "Yeah, she just gets tired very easily now. She can't even listen to music anymore without struggling."
Boris "That is awful. I feel for her."
Theo "So do I, that is why I offered for her to stay with me because I know what it feels like. We both lost family that day."
John "And cut!!"
You come back downstairs and Finn comes running to you and hugs you.
"Are you okay?!"
Finn let's go of you, only to cup your left cheek in his hand, "Yeah I just...that scene felt too real and I am just glad that that didn't really happen to you."
"Aw Finn...it's just a movie, I'm fine."
Finn "I know.." he hugs you and then you three get separated because Finn and Oakes have to film without you. 
Bill takes off your prosthetic and you get comfortable. It is now 5:21 p.m and you are done filming for the day. You watch Sarah, Luke, Finn and Oakes film their last scene for the evening. You catch Finn looking at you from behind the camera and you can't help but smile.
Finn and Oakes get their makeup and wardrobe taken off just as you did and then join you and Sarah along with some other co-stars at the bonfire in the middle of the park. It was your idea to have one since it was a long day and it was really cold tonight. You sit the closest to the fire because you didn't have your hoodie on. When Finn joins you and the group, he brung a spare hoodie with him and hands it to you. You thank him and accept his offer. Once you have his large hoodie on, you are instantly warmer. 
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You all stayed by the fire until everyone got too tired to stay up anymore. It was just you, Finn and Oakes until 12 a.m. when Oakes left to go to bed as well. 
Oakes "Good night guys."
You and Finn "Good night."
Oakes "You guys aren't coming?"
Finn "Nah, I'm not tired enough yet."
Oakes "Okay, see you two in the morning." 
When Oakes left, Finn got up and sat behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist. You rest your head on his chest and enjoy the rest of the fire that is dying down. 
Finn "Is this okay?"
"Mhm." You feel your eyes getting heavier and heavier. He kisses your cheeks and you melt more and more in his arms. This morning was amazing, but this moment by far beats every moment previous. 
@moriartysringtone7137 @thethirtysomethingfangirl @strangerev @tysblackswan @spidey-starky @btsarmygirl417 @jk97-wolfhard
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