reghz · 1 year
دولمة عراقية بإيدي ❤
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ala7mdiah · 9 months
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sooslove12-blog · 6 months
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mooonychannel · 10 months
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افعل هذه الطريقة عمل بطاطس فى الفرن طريقة رائعة
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masaraviis · 1 year
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تفاصيل يعشقها قلبي♥️.
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laila-07 · 1 year
Join my channel to see more recipes and ideas. Your joining supports me and encourages me to continue 🥰👇
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aamerbarakat · 6 months
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villagekadus1 · 7 months
Village life and food are closely intertwined. In rural areas, the availability of food often depends on local agriculture, livestock, and traditional culinary practices. Here are some key aspects of food in village life:
1. **Local Produce**: Villagers often rely on locally grown fruits, vegetables, and grains. These foods are typically fresher and more seasonal.
2. **Traditional Recipes**: Villages often have their own unique recipes and cooking techniques passed down through generations. These recipes can vary greatly from one region to another.
3. **Self-Sufficiency**: Many villagers engage in subsistence farming, raising their own crops and livestock. This self-sufficiency contributes to the availability of fresh and organic food.
4. **Community Meals**: Villages frequently hold communal meals and gatherings, fostering a sense of community. Festivals and celebrations often feature traditional dishes.
5. **Preservation Techniques**: Villagers may use traditional methods for food preservation, such as pickling, drying, or fermenting, to ensure food availability during lean times.
6. **Limited Access to Processed Foods**: Villages often have limited access to processed and packaged foods found in urban areas, which can lead to a diet based on whole foods.
7. **Connection to Nature**: Village life often encourages a deeper connection with the seasons and nature's rhythms, influencing what is grown and eaten at different times of the year.
8. **Local Markets**: Weekly or monthly markets in villages provide opportunities to buy and sell local produce, promoting a sense of economic exchange within the community.
Overall, village life and food are intertwined in ways that reflect a more traditional and locally-sourced approach to nutrition and culinary culture.
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kokyworled · 7 months
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trooty10001 · 9 months
أسهل طريقة لعمل زبدة الفستق
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cooking7recipes · 11 months
كود خصم ايهرب ASX1990
استخدمو الكود مصدر رزقي جزاكم الله كل خير ❤️🌺
‎لقيمات ذهبية مقرمشة
‎كوبين دقيق +اربع ملاعق حليب بودره
‎اربع ملاعق نشا +اربع ملاعق زيت
‎ملعقتين سكر +ملعقة خميره
‎رشه ملح
‎ كوب و٣/٤ ماء لو حسيتيها ثقيله زيدي مويا
‎واتركيها تخمر ساعه وارجعي اعجنيها
‎اقليها على نار وسط واستمري بالتقليب لحد ماتتحمر
‎وانقليها على شيرة ثقيله وحطيت مع الشيرة رشة هيل مطحون
‎للشيرة :
‎٤ اكواب سكر
‎كوبين مويا
‎وعصرة ليمون
‎واتركهم يغلو على النار ربع ساعه
‎اضيف ملعقة صغيرة هيل مطحون للنكهة👑
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ala7mdiah · 7 months
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sooslove12-blog · 5 months
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mooonychannel · 9 months
حولت مطبخي لمطبخ تركي بأقل التكاليف part 2 || روتيني اليومي
#روتيني_اليومي #روتين_الست_المصرية #موووني_شانيل #تنظيف_عميق #المطبخ
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هل جربت طريقة عمل اللحمة المفرومة بالارز؟
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