#{farina's greed's strikes again. ahahaha~}
making-dough · 11 months
[ Wish ] - Off to the side there is a lonely well. Perhaps if you toss in a coin and keep it company for a moment, it will grant you a wish?
"Ah, splendid Farina! This wishing well truly is something. I've spent half the night flicking coins and wishing for the same thing: eternal love. Though it has yet to happen, I can feel it on the horizon... My beloved is close, I know it!"
"Anyways, what have you wished for? Something romantic, I presume?"
♠ - Farina swore she must've spent just as long at the well but not to wish. Wishing was something reserved for those who can't actually act on their desires. Though given Sain's repeated failures, she kinda got why he was resorting to wishing. No, what she was after was a bit more practical - namely that people have been tossing coins down the well all night and she was damned if she was about to let those coins go to waste. Unlike these nobles and other hob-nobs, she wasn't rich enough that she could let good gold go to waste.
"Oh, shut up, Sain.", Farina laughed, shoving Sain away playfully. "I'm not you." Though, given by his words... "No luck again tonight? Well, chin up. Miss Right's gonna show up some day." Although, she'd dearly love to corner whomever agrees to actually date him and ask whether they've lost all leave of their senses what makes them think he'd stick to one.
Now, back to her own problem. "Haven't been wishing exactly but if you want to put that way, for riches.", the mercenary grinned wolfishly, turning back towards the well. "By the way, have you seen a bucket around here or something? There's gotta be some way of getting these coins back out!"
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