#{ thread | logan teague }
invisiiblestrings · 2 months
closed thread for @thouscndcuts/ ft. beckham + logan.
half assed harebrained ideas where a specialty for beckham teague. especially after not sleeping for three days and going on a drinking binge. so, here he was sat on the couch in the siblings small shared apartment whiskey bottle in tow and idea almost fully planned out in his head... well planned out as far as getting back to hallow falls. "logan." he called from where he sat, bags hung under his eyes, "logan!" he shouted from the couch before getting up with a huff and opening his brother's bedroom door. "hey shithead- i gotta talk to you about something."
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shockinteague · 1 year
starter for @lockinteague ! (  location ; the snuggly duckling )
⸻      “  I  DON’T  have  long,  so  you  better  have  a  good  reason  for  interrupting  my  break,  ”  she  joked,  taking  a  big  bite  of  the  hamburger  she’d  managed  to  snatch  from  behind  the  counter,  earning  her  a  stern  look  from  flynn.  “  wait,  did  you  find  binx  ?  ”  that  old  fuck  had  been  missing  for  half  a  week,  and  sadie  didn’t  really  worry,  but…  well,  his  old  age  wasn’t  the  only  thing  they  had  to  worry  about.  lots  of  people  might  want  an  old,  half-dead  looking  zombie  cat.  she  was  surprised  he  managed  to  last  through  halloween  here.  “  seriously,  though.  what’s  up?  ”
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thrillsxchills · 3 years
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{TW} Orion is obviously one of my more demented children and his whole life is a trigger warning, so please avoid reading this if your triggers contain the following -- depression, abandonment, hallucinations, drugs, violence, substances abuse, blood, abuse/mental & physical, bullying, self harm+un-alive thoughts, dissociating. (That’s a lot & i’m sorry but Orion has a HISTORY.)
Orion is my first and oldest baby I’ve had. He’s developed A LOT over the years, but for the new members I’m going to start all the way from the beginning so enjoy this looong ride. People like Z and Ali remember big bad old orion, that was something 😅
(tw; about death)Orion was an odd kid growing up, he had an usual obsession with death and creepy things. Cemetery's, bugs, and the supernatural. It was hard to make friends with other kids because of his unusual interests and the fact that his family was high class and his father wouldn’t let Orion associate himself with ‘poor people’.
(tw: family abuse) Orion hated and still hates his father with a passion. Nothing Orion ever did impressed his father. He rarely took interest in his one and only son. He only seemed to show up to physically abuse Orion over the smallest things. Orion’s only friend as a child was his mother, she was literally his saving grace.
{tw: abandonment/dissociating) Orion’s mother Cora is sweet and angelic like. However from his father's abuse she became numb and seemed to dissociate often. But Orion still took comfort in his mother's arms. Until one day his mother couldn’t take it anymore. While she wanted to take her son with her, she couldn’t. Orion’s dad’s family was the one with all the money. Cora had nothing to her name. If she took Orion he wouldn’t have a home or all the opportunities that money offered. So she left and it took everything she had left to do it.
(tw: abuse) Once Cora left the picture Orion’s fathers abuse only became worse. Taking out his wifes disappearance out on Orion. Screaming at the top of the lungs asking where Cora was. Orion didn’t know, he was just as clueless as his father but he didn’t believe him.
(tw: substance abuse) that’s when Orion started using drinking and smoking as a coping mechanism from a young age. He’d smoke any chance he got hiding the buds in his dresser drawer and his whiskey bottles in the boxes of his old shoes. It was his only escape from his shitty reality and his father.
(tw: reason for living) that all changed when Jakob Skellington came into the picture. They met at school and formed a quick lasting bond. Orion confided all his secrets and hobbies within Jakob and the boy never judged him. Orion finally found a best friend and a reason for staying alive at that point in time. Problem was their families had a long lasting feud over something stupid. So the two were banned from seeing each other. That didn’t stop them however. The two would sneak to each others house in the middle of the night or sneak off to hang out at Hallow Falls cemetery.
(tw: abandonment/bullying) however the friendship didn’t last long as intended. Because Jack was Orion’s only friend he became possessive over their relationship. Especially when Serena & Zeke entered the picture. They were getting to close to Jakob and Orion hated it. He began to loathe the two. So Orion did the only thing he knew how to do which is what he learned from his father. He began to bully Serena and Zeke to the point that Jack had to step in and defend Zeke and Serena. This felt like a betrayal to Orion. So Orion made an ultimatum. It was him or the two friends Jack barely knew. Jack chose them and Orion has held a resentment ever since. Quickly turning to the Teague's and using them to bully Zeke and Serena through them.
(tw: violence/blood/ suicidal thoughts) now entering his high school years Orion felt abandoned. He had no one but himself. Sure he had the Teagues but he felt that friendship was only extended because they did his bidding in exchange for things. Orion began skipping school more, starting fights for the hell of it. A couple of those fights he almost couldn’t walk away from him. Leaving his body beaten and bloodied in the back ally. Tiffani & Hallie nursed him back to health. But that didn’t stop him. He continued to get black out drunk and start fights. He wanted to feel something/and nothing all at the same time. He wanted to die.
(tw: substance abuse /hallucinations) Orion really thought he was going to die, he was drinking so much that he barely hanging onto his acceptance into Walt by a thread. His father kept bribing the school with money to keep him enrolled. He was known to students as the boogie man/feared by most people except a girl named Hallie. She tried to get him to be a better person. Which it didn’t happen all at once, it was slow. But once Orion realized all the people who had been hurt by his actions. his reality soon came crashing down. He began hearing things. like actual voices talking him. telling him that he was worthless, that he couldn’t be anything more than a monster. he could barely sleep without drinking himself to sleep. he even sought out a pastor to see if his soul was worth redeeming. Here is a self para about that time [SELF PARA HERE] Here is another self para about reuniting with his mother and standing up to his father. [READ HERE] read at viewers own discretion.!
(tw: trauma) It took time but he began to heal from his trauma. Does that mean he’s a better man now? Not exactly, but he knows how to control his temper and not to completely act on his impulsive anger issues that were handed down from his father. He’s not bad, but he’s not good either. He’s reunited with his mother and already forgiven her. He didn’t hesitate that was his mom after all. Him and his father only meet up if they have too after having their showdown a couple of years ago, which is how Orion prefers it anyway. Certain things still trigger Orion but for the most part he’s charming as hell but still intimidating as fuck. He only gets his  hands dirty when he needs too.
OKAY! So that’s a lot and that’s the best I can summarize about my boys development over the last six years! Now for some light hearted head canons,yeah? I think I need therapy from writing all that.
(tw: smoking) you will never see Orion without a cigarette in his hand/mouth. from a young age smoking became a comfort. he doesn’t need it as much as he did back then but its more of a security thing now.
he has a lucky lighter he won from a bar fight. it’s a red zippo lighter in the shape of two pieces of dice. Snake eye’s to be exact.
because of his interest in bugs and reptiles he has a black snake tattoo the looks like its wrapped around his forearm. looks something like this [IMAGE HERE] 
Older Orion has a small tattoo on each of his fingers representing his children. A bat for Axel, Nova is a star, Sage for Sage (but looks more like a flower), and the moon for Draco.
Orion enjoys being isolated/alone that’s when he feels most like himself. despite his background Orion does quite  well in social situations. he adapts to new environments easily and can be quite charming if you’re on his good side.
Orion prefers the more expensive liquor since that's what he grew up with but his favorite and comfort drink is whiskey with ice.
When Orion is alone he enjoys reading/learning about new topics. He’s well educated but most people don’t experience that side of him.
he hates the holidays, for obvious reasons. doesn’t mind Halloween though.
he has a hate/love relationship with the Teague siblings. Logan annoys the hell outta of him, Beckham is stand-offish and Sadie is the only one he truly gets along with. But deep down their Orion’s only friends and he appreciates them. Will he tell them that? Not until hell freezes over.
Orion’s zodiac sign is Sagittarius
Orion doesn’t keep up with his casino daily- the assets yes, but the actual place no. However he does show up every once in awhile to cheat people out of their money. What can i say he’s a gamblin man.
.Spoken Word/Singing is Orion’s favorite music genre. he’ll go to the grave denying that but he relates to a lot of the bands like la dispute, hobo johnson, front porch step. But he enjoys most kind of music. His most recently played song is Self Care by Mac Miller. [LISTEN HERE]
Now when it comes to Sadie Teague things are different. She’s the only person that really challenges him. He admires her perseverance and her will to do things on her own. Their relationship is complicated. Friends? Friends with Benefits? But his feelings are starting to get intertwined, but how to express feelings he’s never felt before?
favorite color is red
Vitani also intrigues him/she’s not annoying like regular happy go lucky people. He enjoys her company, maybe he’ll ask if she needs a job at the casino.
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IT (2017)
Starring Jaeden Lieberher, Jeremy Ray Taylor, Sophia Lillis, Finn Wolfhard, Wyatt Oleff, Chosen Jacobs, Bill Skarsgård, Jack Dylan Grazer, Nicholas Hamilton, Jackson Robert Scott, Jake Sim, Logan Thompson, Owen Teague, Stephen Bogaert, Stuart Hughes, Geoffrey Pounsett and Pip Dwyer.
Screenplay by Chase Palmer & Cary Fukunaga and Gary Dauberman.
Directed by Andy Muschietti.
Distributed by New Line Cinema. 134 minutes. Rated R.
First things first. Stephen King’s IT is one of my favorite books ever – though I must admit that he painted himself into a corner and had to settle for a pretty anti-climactic ending when we see the monster’s actual form. Still, even with that slightly disappointing ending, IT was a truly chilling and masterfully plotted horror story, and the book is as responsible as anything for the irrational fear many people feel when they see a clown.
I’m also a big fan of the 1990 TV miniseries version of the book, even though on broadcast TV in the 1990s, the scares had to be significantly toned down from the book to make it past Network Standards and Practices. However, that will always be classic if for no other reason than Tim Curry’s near-perfect, deranged, yet strangely funny, nightmare-inducing performance as the evil Pennywise the Dancing Clown.
Anyone trying to take on that role will have some seriously big (floppy) shoes to fill.
Therefore, it was with excitement, but a little trepidation, that I started hearing a few years ago that Cary Fukunaga (True Detective) was going to be writing and directing a new version of IT in two films; one showing the characters as 13-year-old children fighting the evil Pennywise, and one showing them returning as 40-year-old adults. For one thing, this was a serious revision of the story structure (the novel and miniseries bounced back and forth between the past and present day).
After lots of Hollywood wheeling and dealing and a brief stall in the project – in which Fukunaga left due to some creative differences – the film was brought back to life with Andrés Muschietti (Mama) taking over the directing duties. (Fukinaga’s script was doctored, but was still used as the skeleton of the production.)
So, a few years after the word of IT returning started making the rounds, it’s finally here. And I’ve got to say, it’s everything that fans have been hoping for. IT is smart, funny, and incredibly scary.
Of course, it is impossible to totally turn the 1,100-page novel into a film, and the filmmakers wisely don’t even try. Treating IT as the first half of a longer story, some sections are faithful to the novel, other scenes are completely reimagined (though, pleasantly, they feel organic to the story). Even just basics have been changed – the time setting has changed from the 1950s to the late 1980s. And of course, the new format of past-only exposition leaves people waiting for the inevitable sequel with the kids as adults.
This is where the slight complaints about IT come up. Even at over two hours, it feels incomplete, like the first half of a longer story.
As far as Pennywise the Dancing Clown, even if Bill Skarsgård does not quite live up to Tim Curry’s performance in the role, he still has a fascinating take on the role; slightly quieter, with a bit of a lisp, but still extremely scary.
IT is not a perfect dramatization of the novel; however, it comes probably as close as possible to doing the book justice. I have a feeling the film will play even better once the second half, in which many hanging plot threads are tied, is made. Hopefully (and undoubtedly, since IT feels like it is going to be a huge hit) that will be done sooner rather than later.
Don’t leave us fans floating.
Jay S. Jacobs
Copyright ©2017 PopEntertainment.com. All rights reserved. Posted: September 8, 2017.
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bloodshedfalls · 7 years
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Much to the surprise of the entire residency of Red Creek, Christmas and New Year passed, it what can only be described as a thoroughly uneventful fashion. Though there were parties galore, and drama to be found around every turn, it was merely the kind of drama you’d expect to find around that time of year. There were family arguments over the dinner table, I mean sure - maybe not every family draw a shotgun on each other, but not everybody’s brother just found out he’s a werewolf. There were lovers tiffs at parties because it’s the worst feeling when you finally find your boyfriend in the crowd of people and he has someone else lipstick on his collar - or maybe it was blood? There were missing people reports, robberies and a few reports of burnt Christmas puddings and broken hearts on New Years Eve, but nobody died - well, almost nobody, Mean Old Man Herbert finally whispered one final ‘Stay off my lawn’ before passing away peacefully in his sleep at the beginning of the coldest winter Red Creek has witnessed in a hundred years; but look on the bright side, Kids are now free to play on his lawn without fear!
Speaking of the coldest winter in a hundred years, the snow storms of Red Creek did not cease over the holiday period, much the opposite - to the dismay of the entire town who found it harder and harder to go about their day to day lives as the snow piled up around them. Eventually, the roads out of town became too treacherous to drive on, leaving residents trapped yet again, but if only they’d known that was far from the worst to come. Weeks passed and the town eventually ran out of salt to grit the roads and the sidewalks, people gave up shoveling their paths, many even gave up trying to leave the house entirely. The town came to a standstill, yet the storm raged on. Situations hit a critical point earlier in the week when the entire town lost power, knocked out by the heavy snowfall - officials said nobody could get out to them to do repairs until the storm stopped, and the snow melted.
The Mayor and the Sheriff pooled together all available resources and split them across three locations around town that were known to have backup generators; the Hospital, the High School, and the Sheriff’s Department. Word was sent out that those that were still able should make their way to one of these three locations immediately, for shelter, food, and warmth. The residents made their way to the three safety points in dribs and drabs, some headed out immediately - wasting no time, not wanting to get stuck in their ice cold homes, others made their way a few days later as the temperature dropped below zero, and others had yet to be seen or heard of.
But with the winds picking up outside and the temperature continuing to drop, even those that had found sanctuary with the generators were beginning to feel the cold. The town found themselves huddling together freezing, wondering if this storm would ever let up.
And then there were the rumors of a house, just off Main street, who’s lights were still on… another generator?
Welcome to January’s event - starting a little differently this time round, we’ll jump in mid-event, so to speak, in the midst of the action. Your characters will be at one of the three generator locations, and will be listed below. Please try to interact with as many new characters that you might not have spoken to before during this time.
It should also be noted that some species will be effected by the cold more so that others:
Tetra’s will deteriorate quickly, they cannot rely on frozen water and the drop in temperature will have dried out all moisture in the air.  
Reapers will also find themselves in a worse condition, due to already running at a lower than average temperature, they will be the first to suffer not to mention that they are still a mortal creature.
All other mortal creatures that run at a normal temperature (Human, Witch, Banshee, Hunter, Imps and Shapeshifters) will be effected by the cold, but less rapidly.
Werewolves and Phoenixes naturally run at a higher temperature and therefore will find they can withstand the cold for longer than most.
Vampires are immortal, and though they cold cannot kill them, and will effect them slower, they will start to deteriorate.
Ghosts have no physical body and are therefore unaffected by the cold.
Also please note that not everyone would have heard the rumor about the house with the lights on to start with, a search party will be chosen later in the event (by the admins) to go and check it out. Please feel free to message us if you are interested in being involved.
The event will start 17/01/17 @ 11:59PM GMT and end on 21/01/17 @ 11:59PM GMT
Remember, put a hold on all pre event threads, you may pick them up again once the event has finished. Also remember the three starter rule still applies, so once there are three starters posted for each group you must answer them before posting your own! Tag starters with: bloodshedstarter & your character’s location. Also make sure to run any major plots by the main for admin approval. But most importantly, HAVE FUN!
Lyra Carmikael
Jericho Kane
Fletcher Swan
Eleanor Drake
Dominic Willingham
Gabriel Westwood
Wisteria Fontaine
Finley Darius
Giana St James
Caitlyn Thompson
Mercedes Peltier
Kayleigh Fairmont
Nolan Chase
Catherine Hamilton
Diana Vaughn
Sarah Davis
Vincent Petrov
Ripley Kincaid
Dawn Cassidy
Matilda Hunt
Kirsten Lawe
Liam Stephens
Logan Marshall
Sawyer King
Jack Dawson
Harlow Halliday
Ace Doherty
Leslie Murray
Victoria Kyle
Heath Lllewellyn
Sesha Kaur
Alexander Dragov
Shelby Fontaine
Seth Talbot
Rory Talbot
Ronan Carmikael
Kara Michaels
Dora Saint Claire
Aemilia Carmikael
Ryan Darius
Lucas Astor
Jaxon Dubois
Francesca Mendoza
Joslyn Curie
Christian Donovan
Jordan Darius
Kenzie Hale
Levi Fairchild
Noah Carmikael
Brooke Marshall
Owen Hurst
Eli Livingston
Mathias Roux
Tate Emerson
Tanner Ayers
Elizabeth Blackwood
Carter Kane
Matthew Peterson
Emma Teague
Adrian Chevalier
Mace Wyler
Cornelius Lindstrom
Lenore Dauphine
Laurent Bernard
Cameron Jackson
Faye Archer
Bonnie Dragov
Clark Roschell
Felix Marius
Quinn Stephens
Allison Gilbert
Thalia Levesque
Agneis Amell
Djohariah Olvera
Clarice Dagny
Temperance Goldthwaite
Jonah Burke
Benjamin Knight
Aurelia Winters
Wyatt Talbot
Cassidy Talbot
Micah Carmikael
Hope Cress
Tripp Blais
Keaton Baird
Nico Oron
Rhaella Colwyn
Carmen Exposita
Jonathan Drake
Bishop Danes
Maddox Chase
Thea King-Roschell
Christopher Talbot
Grace Sheridan
Ophelia Jermaine
Andrew Stephens
Rowan Harrison
William Adler
Rosalina Sanchez
Damien Hunt
Dawson Wooddruff
Lara Talbot
Brandon Rutherford
Caleb Marshall
Otis DeMarco
Lexa Reznik
Savannah Fontaine
Alice Roschell
Ruaraidh Vasile
Simone Artois
Ransome Gullage
Desmond Vaughn
Brennan Talbot
Devlin Clary
Jace Walsh
Anastasia Johnson
Jasmine Turner
Josephine Clover
Kaz Vietteleva
Aurora Blake
Dominique Demorian
Murphy Halloran
Jamie Knight
Wren Fontaine
Zeke Callen
Asher Carmikael
Remi Carmikael
Nora Cress
Lyssa Deveraux
Rose Beck
Kevin Tenniel
Byron Verlaine
Ezra Lin
Garen Turner
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invisiiblestrings · 6 months
closed thread for @thouscndcuts / ft. mavis + logan.
mavis had gotten good at reading logan and it was pretty clear he was on the fence by the og that came from him. maybe she shouldn’t have said anything. they were just friends right? you don’t ask friends to meet your parents… you don’t tell your friend you write home about him… that’s just weird behavior mavis. she thought to herself. “i mean i tell him about all my friends.” mavis said trying to back pedal but it wasn’t true. she didn’t talk nearly as much about her other friends as she did logan. why did she talk about him? because he was kind and didn’t judge her. he was sweet when he wanted to be. he listened to her tell century old stories about things that interested her. he snuck her into abandoned buildings just because it was fun. taught her how to pick a lock and always held the door for her… he was just good. a human who was good through and through. something her father would have never believed… so yes, she wanted to have him see with his own red eyes that logan was human and logan was good. even if he didn’t always act like it to others. “he won’t hate you.” mavis said with a soft smile, giving his hand a reassuring squeeze. “if i like you then that will be enough. and there isn’t anything to hate about you, logan.” she added, “except for how cute you look when you laugh. it’s sickening.”
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invisiiblestrings · 11 months
closed starter for @thouscndcuts​
mavis wasn’t sure how to ask what she wanted to.. it was such a weird to ask of someone who was just a friend. but, she knew deep down her and logan were more than that. that it wasn’t just friendship. there was something there. something she couldn’t put a finger on.. but she wanted to keep this going. she sighed as she sat next to him. “i have a weird question...” the raven haired girl started up, “but before i ask you have to promise not to get weirded out.. and you can say no it won’t hurt my feelings, okay?”
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