#{ icb Duki's love language is parallel play... }
my-name-duki · 1 month
3,5,7,8,13,15,22,25 c:
Happy Headcanons
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3. what is your muse’s favorite hobby?
Out of all the many, excessive hobbies Duki Nuki has accumulated... his favourite has gotta be goldsmithing. Making jewelery is his favourite comfort activity after a long day of gathering, adventuring, or hugely traumatic encounters!
5. what does self-care look like to your muse?
Self care, to Duki Nuki, is intentionally hanging out in lower-danger areas and helping out the occasional passer by, reminding himself of what it was like to be in their position.
7. what would your muse consider a perfect day?
That's a tough one... being with Furbi or Wulfric already makes his day pretty darn good! He probably recently experienced what he'd call a perfect day in taking a break from heroics and simply gathering and showing off to Furbi, and then having the chance to chat to him...
8. what does your muse love doing with other people?
Any time spent with another is time well spent for Duki! Even if they're doing completely different things or they're in their own zones, just having someone around to share the sights and sounds of the environment they're in makes Duki feel at peace.
13. what would your muse consider their best physical feature?
His sunglasses. Also his hair.
15. what is something that’s made your muse so happy they’ve cried?
One of Duki's most distinct memories is at the climax of the Dragonsong War, in the final showdown against Nidhogg. When he saw that he was being aided in his most crucial moment by Haurchefant and Ysayle... Duki was, at the time, too overcome by a need to do his duty to Ishgard to really feel it out, but when he got to his bed that night... the floodgates were thrown wide, knowing that the two of them, who he so looked up to, were still with them in some form.
22. what does your muse consider the most beautiful place they’ve ever been?
Duki's been all around, and so far, he'd probably have to say Hingashi is the most beautiful place he's been to. There was just something about the colourful and lively architecture, and the way the sun dances on the water, that just struck him. That's why he was so motivated, immediately, to climb Hingashi tower - just to get a better view of the sea!
25. during difficult times, what is something your muse holds onto to get them through?
His House Fortemps shield, which he still uses in his Paladin kit, is definitely a go-to for him. Else than that... he'd probably have to say his old Anima weapon. It's a sign of achievement for him, of progress he never could have once imagined making, but the glow of the weapon reminds him that, despite everything, he did - and he had something amazing and beautiful to call his own for it!
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