#[[ yet another episode of 'how to bother your partner while he's working' x'D ]]
countlessrealities · 11 months
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@mcltiples sent: 5. neck + ❤️ lovingly, a little nibble { To Evil Rick from Weird Rick }
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Aside from his lab, there was another room in the bunker Rick spent a decent amount of time in and, as odd as it might sound, it was the small kitchen the underground complex was equipped with. He didn't spend nowhere near as much time there as he did on his experiments. Those could keep him occupied for days in a row and he usually didn't stepped out until he was done, unless his partner came to get him for one reason or another.
Instead, he never remained around the kitchen for more than a few hours. The time to whip together enough food for a week and then leave it in stasis, so that it could stay as fresh as if it had been just made once retrieved.
Truth to be told, it wasn't something that he necessarily needed to do. He ate less than a normal human being, so he didn't need two full meals per day. As for his alternate, he could have easily gotten his food elsewhere...as long as he did not attempt to cook it himself. After the first and last time he had tried, the other had been strictly forbidden from touching the stove or the oven. For good reasons.
Rick flipped the content of one of the pans he was handling with practised ease, almost without looking. He wouldn't have admitted it out aloud, not without being prompted and prodded about the subject, but preparing meals was a habit he had picked up back when he and his Morty were still together. He wasn't the nostalgic type and hardly ever cared of things that were no more or could never be, but there were a few exceptions to that rule.
And it was no coincidence that almost all said exceptions were linked to the same person.
The sudden feeling of a pair of lips pressing against the side of his neck, where a little smear of blood had remained from his previous activity, brought his focus back to the present. His grip, however, didn't falter and neither did the movements of his hands, not even when his partner's teeth sank lightly into his flesh, delivering a slightly stinging nip, not too rough but firm enough to leave a small, red mark.
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"I-Is something the matter, beloved?" He asked in his usual monotone voice, As he kept stirring the vegetables with one hand and scooping up the butter with the other.
In truth the question was almost rhetorical because most of the time his alternate didn't have a reason to bother him. He just did, whenever he was bored with what he had been doing or whenever he was in the mood for company. From the way those arms wrapped around his middle, not too tightly but firmly, Rick deduced that this time it had to be the latter thing.
Without a word and hardly glancing back, he lifted the wooden spoon he had been using to stir and delivered a little taste of food to his partner's awaiting mouth.
"T-The next time we go out, I need to stop by the galaxy we travelled through last week. I need a new test subject of the same species since the one we had collected is dead. I might have been too...aggressive in my exploration of the insides of his cranium."
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