#[[ but it's Evil Rick we're talking about xD ]]
countlessrealities · 1 year
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@mcltiples sent: Ⓐ { Evil Rick from Weird Rick !! } Send me Ⓐ and my muse will rate yours || No longer accepting
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repulsive || hideous || ugly || not attractive || unappealing || not unattractive || meh || no preference || ok || mildly attractive || nice looking || cute || adorable || attractive || pleasant on the eyes || good looking || hot || sexy || beautiful || gorgeous || hot damn || would tap that || perfect || godlike || holy fuck there are no words
"P-Physically appearances don't really matter to me, but it would be a lie to say that Rick isn't a pleasant vision to stare at. He is objectively handsome and I'm quite captivated by the contrast between all my scars and his flawless skin."
grating || irritating || frustrating || boring || confusing at best || awkward || unreasonable || psychotic || disturbing || interesting || engaging || affectionate || aggressive || ambitious || anxious || artistic || bad tempered || bossy || charismatic || appealing || unappealing || creative || courageous || dependable || unreliable || unpredictable || predictable || devious || dim || extroverted || introverted ||  egotistical || gregarious || fabulous || impulsive || intelligent || sympathetic || talkative || up beat || peaceful || calming || badass || flexible
"R-Rick is a complex individual, with many qualities and many flaws, all of them quite outstanding. I wouldn't have him any other way. He is my One, he's perfect. Even when he's throwing toddler tantrums."
How likely they would have sex with them:
not if they were the last person on earth and the world was ending || fuck no! || never || no way || not likely || not sure || indifferent || I’m asexual || maybe || probably || it depends || fairly likely || likely || yeah sure || yes || would tap that || hell yes || fuck yes! || wishing that could happen right now || as many times as possible || we are already having sex
"I couldn't care less about sex. It's...almost repulsive to. Yet, Rick has show me that it can be a pleasant experience. I still don't care for the act in itself. It's the intimacy that connect us that matters."
Level of Friendship:
never in a million years || worst of enemies || enemies || rivals || indifferent || neutral || acquaintance || friendly toward each other || casual friends || friends || good friends || best friends || fuck buddies || bosom buddies || practically the same person || would die for them || true friends || my only friend
"C-Connecting with other beings has always been...almost impossible for me. Friendship was a foreign concept, until Rick and I got closer."
First impression of them:
I hate them so much || I don’t like them || I don’t trust them || they annoy me || they’re weird || I’m indifferent || meh || they seem alright || they’re growing on me || truce || I think I like them || I like them || I’m not sure if I trust them || I trust them || they’re cool || they’re genuine || I think we’re going to get along || I really like them || I think I’m in love he is the One || oh fuck they’re hot || I love them
"I-I felt it in the very same moment I landed my eyes on him. That he could be what my Morty wasn't despite all my efforts. That was enough for me to bear through the annoying parts and the extreme good complex."
Current impression of them:
I hate them so much || I don’t like them || I don’t trust them || they annoy me || they’re weird || I’m indifferent || meh || they seem alright || they’re growing on me || truce || I think I like them || I like them || I’m not sure if I trust them || I trust them || they’re cool || they’re genuine || I think we’re going to get along || I really like them || I think I’m in love || oh fuck they’re hot || I love them He is the One
"Rick is my partner, in everything, and my one true connection. There's nothing else to say."
How good of a kisser:
worst kisser ever || terrible || bad || awkward || just okay || alright || pretty good || good || makes me moan || excellent || exciting || oh god they’re good || I dream about it || fucking amazing || absolute perfection || we haven’t kissed
"I-I never cared for kissing. I never saw the appeal. Rick changer my mind on this too. At least when it comes to kissing him."
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fetchingtears · 2 years
im not anonymous but im breaking the rules. its ok. questions 4 u
who is your favorite actor (or actors if you have multiple). any genre, any film.
what are your favorite and least favorite colors? why, if you have a reason.
what is a song you could listen to forever and never get tired of, no matter how many times you play it?
ooh fun okay :)
I do have multiple favorite actors uhmm... okay so first is Rick Moranis because little shop of horrors was actually my childhood (he was my first crush lol) Mads Mikkelsen because he's so extremely talented and has an impressive amount of control of his facial expressions/mirco-expressions. Matthew Lillard <4 and Leigh Whannell <5
So I don't usually say this because for some reason there seems to be a stigma around this but my favorite color is yellow! I don't know why but it's always been my favorite color, even since I was little. probably because when my mom was pregnant with me, they didn't know my gender when they threw the baby shower so they did everything really neutral. so yellow and ducks and stuff. I don't really have any okay favorite colors in general. like I mean if we're talking about room colors, white or gray is evil. and they're are colors I wouldn't wear. but I like looking at all the colors <3
I have a few songs that I could never get tired of. stand by rem, within you by David Bowie and somewhere by within temptation. there are probably more but these are ones I could think of off the top of my head XD
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countlessrealities · 1 year
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tagged by: @dynamoprotocol [[ thank you 🖤 ]] tagging: @imprvdente @omniishambles @misstantabismuses @bossblitzy / @lankybirdy @vastayan--vigilante @halfghcst @hclluvahctel @treasurechcst & whoever wants to steal it !
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[[ half of it is under the cut because it got long ^^" I guess it comes with being a multimuse with quite a few muses xD ]]
If we're talking canon x canon ships, I have a few, but not for all my muses, also because some of them are OCs. To mention some: Adrien/Cat Noir & Marinette/Ladybug, Mabel & Pacifica, Blitzo & Stolas, Millie & Moxxie.
For what concerns ships that I've developed through RPs, that list is much longer and I've built quiet a few of very meaningful dynamics that I love and cherish, just as a I love and cherish the RP partners I write them with:
@advnterccs / @thcpresidcnt / @mcltiples: Rin is that RP partner with whom I have a lot of ships (some on Tumblr, a lot others on Discord) and I love each one to bits (yes, I consider them all OTPs of mine). I suppose that our main ship here on the hellsite are the Ricks (who are self proclaimed soulmates and act obnoxiously about it, followed closely by Evl Rick & Weird Rick (whose relationship is messed up, twisted, unhealthy, unbalance and yet perfect for them), but they are hardly the only ones. We also have our Mortys (who are too cute to be legal omg), whatever it is that there is between our Evil Mortys (that's another twisted interesting relationship right there x3), her Evil Rick with one of my OCs (AR) who have this very playful fling (until it's not), and we've been plotting a dynamic between two of our OCs (Mercenary Rick & Vampire Rick)...another weird one xD The funniest thing is that none of these ships developed as we were expecting and I'm really glad for it because they are even better like this! We also have not fully established ship ideas, for example Rick & Verosika being fuck buddies, or we're still deciding what to do with Adrien & Marinette. And of course, just as important, we have a good list of platonic ships! To mention a couple, our Summers are BFF and her Evil Rick is the best friend of one of my OCs (SR). Also there's that real freaking odd thing between my Evil Rick and hers, which I wouldn't know what to call.
@imprvdente / @hvbris: Chloé is one of my oldest RP and shipping partners and there hasn't been one time when we haven't come up with some, at times unexpected ships x3 We ended up with her demon OC Salomé and Bill being engaged in an arranged marriage, which was the last kind of plot I had expected to write for Bill xD But they are amazing and I love them! In her human verse, Salomé is also my Summer's girlfriend. Then we have her main OC Fish (in her main verse) being Rick's fuck buddy and ex-wife (yep, sonone ended up getting drunk married and it was hilarious), while in her teen verse she's Morty's classmate, close friend and secret crush x3 We some great platonic ships too, like the GIdeon twins & the Pines twins, or the Gideon twins & Bill (not a friendly bond as you can imagine xD). In the verse where FIsh has a thing with Rick, she's also Summer's mentor figure and she's friends with Morty. And there's more to come!
@dynamoprotocol: Where can I start to describe the pit of endless ask and past bliss that Rick and Clarissa are? It started off years before the series are a passionate but unhealthy romance that ended in a disastrous break-up, and is currently a bitter, painful relationship made of constant fighting and playing the guilt game. Locke and I have discussed possible plots that could lead them to reconcile (not necessarily getting back together) and I'm really looking forward to explore those! Just as I'm really excited about Clarissa's transition arc and Rick and Chance's rebuilt, healthier relationship. Not to mention that Clarissa / Chance exists in a variant of my and Rin's shared verse and she's dating her Rick x3 But our endgame is a poly relationship with the three of them! Also Clarissa is starting to befriend Morty and Summer too, and Chance's relationship with Morty is just beautiful.
@technodromes: Let me start saying that the developing ships I have with Saby were born kinda by chance, because she sent a meme in which I mentioned that Rick would fuck everyone of the Technodrome crew (aside from the manchildren ofc) and all of a sudden Rick was flirting / teasing / messing with all three her blorbs (Krang, Subprime, Bishop). For now, nothing is really officially established, but it's pretty obvious that they are (sometimes reluctant) friends who are attracted to each other...in some way xD In any case, all those relationships are hilarious, but I'm also waiting for the parts were they will not be -insert evil laughter- Also BIG shootout for Morty and Bishop's friendship because it's one of the most wholesome platonic ships I have on this blog! Also, I'm curious to see what will happen between Summer and Subprime xD
@moonspower: Virote & Rick are another very fun pair. Looking at them, you would expect them to get along because they are extremely different, and they do butt heads a lot. However, they also relish said differences, because they allow each other to experience a completely different lifestyle and view of the world. Not to mention that, under their personas, they are both flawed, traumatised individuals who struggle a lot with everything they have gone through. Rick at times resents how much more put together than him Vi looks and Vi is a little envious or Rick's apparent freedom, but the truth is that they are more similar than they realise. By now Virote is a family friend, and he has a good amical bond with Morty and Summer too.
@misstantabismuses: Jinx and Summer started as a crack ship, but it turned out that they work really well together, so Miss T and I decided to let them live their mutual (still unconfessed) crush on each other x3 Summer provides a somehow healthier, stabler point of view for Jinx, while Jinx pushes Summer to believe more in herself and not to fear her wilder side. I think that they make a really good pair. And speaking of being good for each other, Morty and Jinx are each other trauma support group. Their experiences are very different, but at the same time they can understand and relate to each other. They feel appreciated and accepted for what they are and I love how they have come to always have each other's back. It's a beautiful friendship / kinship right there.
There are a few others relationships I'm enjoying, but they are still at the early stages, so I still need to get a proper vibe out of them. But I'm looking forward to see where they will go too!
Honestly, most of my muses don't really consider age as a factor that can stop them from being attracted to someone else and, personally, I don't have an issues with large age gaps. As long as it makes sense for the character and as long as it's mutual and consensual, then age isn't really a deal breaker for me.
Of course, if it is for my ship partner, I do respect their boundaries and let them choose what gap is too large for their comfort. I just roll along with it.
The biggest, clearest example is the ships I have with my Ricks (also because they get engaged with aliens, non-organic beings, etc, so age becomes an extremely relative concept)...C-137 especially, since he's the muse who has more relationships than anyone else on this blog.
As I mentioned, among his main ships there are Clarissa [@dynamoprotocol] who is roughly 30 years younger than him, Virote [@moonspower] who is almost 40 years younger than him, Fish [@imprvdente] who is immortal and has been around for more or less 400 years. And then you have Saby's blorbs [@technodromes] who are like...5000 years old? And same goes (to quote a more recent sexual relationship he has acquired) with Petal [@petalsxfallen] who is even older than the Utrom trio.
So yeah, I think this proves that no age gap is too large for me, as long as what I said before about consent (for both muns and muses) is respected.
This kind of depends. I always tag threads that can't be considered PG-13 as "suggestive tw", to allow people who don't want to see the slightest hint of steam to curate their content. So, like, even just a make out session that isn't going to turn into an intercourse but that's written with some details, that gets tagged as "suggestive tw".
As for when "suggestive tw" turns into "nsft tw", I usually draw the line at when certain words start being used (mostly words to explicitly describe genitals) and when clothes start to come off in a sexy way (if that makes sense xD). At that point, not only the threads is labelled as "nsft tw", but it also gets shoved under "Read more". Or moved to Discord, if my writing partner prefers not writing this sort of content on Tumblr.
Yes, in the sense that I ship with chemistry. I have to feel a good connection both between the muses and between me and the other mun, otherwise it's really hard for me to get involved and attached to a ship. That considered, some basic but more or less regular OOC communication is strongly prefer, because it allows to keep the interest alive and the dynamic evolving. There's nothing worse than a relationship grown stale and static, if you ask me, because it gets boring very, very fast.
That said, some of my muses are pretty easy to engage in casual, strictly sexual relationships (even if, in that case too, there has to be sexual chemistry between them and the other muse), and I'm always happy to play long with that. Rick, AR, Stan and Blitzo are absolutely open to have fuck buddies and friends with benefits, not to mention short flings and one-night stands. On the non-sexual side, Morty and Mabel crush on people very easily, but on the other hand said feelings are usually also very superficial.
However, when it comes to actual, stable ships that involve feelings, then I tend to be selective because I need the chemistry and the communication I've mentioned before.
It's also worth to mention that some of my muses are almost unshippable, so building a ship with them is hard and requires a lot of discussing / plotting / commitment. I headcanon both Evil Morty and Jinx as ace and greyromantic, which means that they won't be attracted to others' looks and it takes a strong connection with the person for them to develop feelings for someone (and even when it happens, these feelings are going to be twisted and unhealthy and definitely not the sort of love normal people would feel, due to their traumatic pasts and upbringings). The only other muse (who's not my Evil Rick), my Evil Morty has connected so far is his timeline split counterpart [@thcpresidcnt] and it's very hard to tell what that relationship is about. Then there's Bill, whom not only I headcanon as aro-ace, but who is a dream entity with no real interest or understand for sex and romance. I'd say that he is unshippable if it wasn't for the "business marriage" turned into real partnership I'm building with him and @hvbris's Salomé. He eventually becomes pretty fond of her, but it's an attachment purely based on respect and intrigue, so nothing to do with love or sexual attraction.
All the other muses are more or less approachable, but the rule about chemistry still applies to them all, no exceptions.
I tend to be a picky shipper even outside RPing, so I tend to have few pairings for each media to which I'm extremely attached. Aside from the pairings that I've already mentioned in the answer to the first question, there's very few other ships I like / don't mind, even if they aren't ships I spend time and efforts on.
To make a little list:
I want Morty to get a boyfriend / show interest in a male-identifying individual at some point, because no one in that family is straight and it's very obvious, but he's the only one who still hasn't shown open attraction to anyone who's not female.
I'd also love for Summer to have a not-guy love interest, because she deserves someone who can treat her well and who can keep up with her. I've seen around some art of her and Jessica and I think that they are pretty good together and could make sense as a pairing.
In my own personal canon (which I usually don't apply to RPs unless previously discussed with my writing partner), AR and Rick have known each other for a while, do business together and are also fuck buddies (no romance involved, even if AR probably has a mug that says "C-137's #1 fan" xD), so I guess that counts as a ship I like...?
I sort of like the idea of Blizo & Verosika going through a "bitter exes to having hate sex to friends with benefits" kind of arc. They hurt each other badly, but it's also obvious that they still care for each other. I don't think they could function as a healthy couple, but with some (a lot of) work they could definitely become good friends.
Millie & Verosika could make an interesting pair too. I have a soft spot for badass queens couples, sue me xD
There's probably more that I can't think of right now and I'm always open to suggestions, so don't hesitate to come to me with ideas!
Tendentially yes. As I said, I need chemistry between both the muses and the muns to get involved in a ship, which means that I require at least some basic communication, or I end up losing interest very quickly.
This doesn't mean that it can't happen that our muses can't grow attracted to each other through interactions, even if the ship hasn't been discussed yet. Tbh, some of the most interesting pairings I ended up writing have built themselves on their own xD However, to "seal the deal", I do require that the other mun comes to talk to me about the ship...or that I go and talk to them about it. I'm more than willing to do the first step in that sense if the chemistry between the characters is good and I can see them working well!
This goes for requited feelings. If you want your muse to crush on / be attracted to mine, you can totally go for it, no need to come and ask me about it! Unless you want to. Unrequited crushes can be really fun to play out and so is making laughing at our muses x3
I love shipping and I make no secret of it. If I feel that two characters have chemistry and I like them together, then I do pursue the pairing. However, I wouldn't say that I'm strictly ship obsessed.
When I read / write fanfictions, I tend to focus on shippy ones, even if the ship isn't always the focus of the plot. I like having it in the story, but I'm also more attracted by stories that also explore other things or that have a more general context. And that's what I try to give when I write a long fic (for one-shots it's different, mostly because there's not enough space to explore too many themes).
With roleplay, it's more or less the same, with the exception that, more than being "ships driven", I tend to be dynamics drive, and that includes also non-romantic relationships. I like to build relationships, of every kind and sort, and to watch mine and my partner's muses walk along the road that takes them into becoming a stable part of each other's life.
It's honestly one of my favourite parts when it comes to RPing, and that's why, whenever the other person is open to it, I create a whole verse for us, so we can keep developing our muses' shared story through multiple interactions.
So, I'm a ships lover, but I also believe that there's a lot more than shipping when it comes to writing and roleplaying.
Fandom per fandom list? Looks like we're doing it x'D
Rick and Morty: Beth & Space Beth
Arcane: Vi & Caitlyn, Jayce & Viktor
Gravity Falls: Mabel & Pacifica
Helluva Boss: Millie & Moxxie, Blitzo & Stolas, Asmodeus & Fizzarolli
Miraculous: the love square (especially Adrien & Marinette, Cat Noir & Marinette), Alya & Nino, Rose & Juleka
There are other ships I like, but these are the main ones!
Come and talk to me. As simple (and complicated, because I know how nerve-wrecking it can be to approach someone, especially if you want to ask them to ship) as that. As I said, I'm selective when it comes to shipping, but I'm always open to new ideas!
This said, once again, your muse is welcome to be attracted / have a crush / falling in love with mine and act on it. Depending on the chemistry (between both muses and muns), this could either develop into something or remain one-sided. I personally like exploring unrequited love dynamics too, but I understand that it's not everyone's cup of tea!
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countlessrealities · 1 year
14. Unpopular opinion about your fandom? { Either Rick & Morty / Helluva Boss } 26. Most shippable character? 27. Least shippable character?
Salty Ask List
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Unpopular opinion about your fandom? { Either Rick & Morty / Helluva Boss }
I already dished out an unpopular opinion on Rick and Morty, so let's go with Helluva Boss. This fandom is a mess and almost everything is seen by extremes: it either sucks or it's amazing, no in-between. My unpopular opinion is...chill out and watch the show like the adult cartoon it's supposed to be. It has cool stuff, it has bad stuff, it's funny, some things could have been done better, some characters need more development, etc. I personally find the show enjoyable, despite its many flaws, but that goes for all the shows I watch and yet I don't see people nitpicking at every single mistake or comma they don't like. So, that's my unpopular opinion. People have to CHILL and let everyone of us consume the content as they like. And, especially, don't fucking harass the creators.
Most shippable character?
Tbh, it depends on the kind of ship xD If we're talking casual ships / purely sexual relationships, then it's Rick without a doubt. The guy is a hoe, and he's proud of it, and he'd probably fuck everything and anyone who can consent. If we are talking more serious, committed ships, then I'd say either Summer or Morty. Summer a little more than her brother for the simple fact that if you date her, you don't have to compete with Rick for spending time with her as it fatefully happen with Morty.
Least shippable character?
It's a tie between Evil Rick and Bill. Not only I headcanon them both as asexual and aromantic, but they are just...bad. In most sense of the word. A relationship with them, of any kind, platonic or not, is guaranteed to be fucked up and the other person most likely won't meet a nice ending, unless they are as unhinged and bad as them. From a more "practical" POV, just writing with them usually requires quite a bit of plotting (which is something not everyone is up for) and shipping with them would mean intensive plotting and constant communication, because developing chemistry with those two? Good luck with it.
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countlessrealities · 10 months
Petalsxfallen for the url meme
Send a URL and I'll answer the following || Accepting !
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{ @petalsxfallen / @lostinyourfacade }
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Do I Follow Them? Yeah, I follow a few of Ally's blogs, even if I suppose that Petal's blog is the most active among them. So far I've enjoyed writing with all the characters they have offered me, so while I don't mind focusing on one muse, I kinda miss some of the other interactions from time to time xD
Why Did I Follow Them? Damn, it's been a while since we followed each other, over a year, I think...? 🤔 I honestly don't remember who followed first, I think it was Ally for her Meg blog tho! They seemed nice and very interested in interacting and I didn't have many RP partners here back then, so I was more than glad to interact with them. I'm glad that they found him and that we're still writing to this day
Do We Role Play? Yes, we are! Mostly with her Petal blog, but we also have two active threads on their HB / HH multimuse! Plus the random asks here and there 😺
Do I Want To Role Play With Them: I'm always happy to write with them 😺 There's so many combos of muses we can use and, while I do have my favourites, I'm always open to new ideas 😎
An AU Idea For Our Muses: Damn, I always struggle with this one xD I guess that a possible AU it could be a Role / Species Swap? I'm not sure about how they'd meet tho🤔
A Song For Our Muses: A good one is "Count on Me" by Bruno Mars, for Morty & Petal!
Do I Ship Our Muses? Platonically, we have quite a few relationships. I think that the most developed one after Morty and Petal is the weird rivalry between my Evil Morty and @evilmcg. We also wrote their Slick Morty and my Rick OC (AR) for quite some time. As for non platonic ships, I think that so far the only one is Rick & Petal's fuck buddies arrangement? 🤔 I hope that I'm not forgetting someone xD
What I Think About The Mun: Ally is great! They are one of my most interacting mutuals and I'm really grateful for that. They send me more asks than all my other mutuals put together I think xD Also they are always willing to plot and talk ideas and that's something that I truly appreciate, since unfortunately good communication is a rare thing in the rpc.
Overall Opinion: Petal is a very interesting and captivating character, I high recommended checking her out! She's also very easy to crossover with and plenty of shenanigans to write. Also plenty of chances to build arcs, since she has a complex past and plenty of NPCs that belong to it!
Blog Rate: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
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