#[ ʸᴼᵁ'ᴿᴱ ᴹʸ ᴼᴮˢᴱˢˢᴵᴼᴺ. ᴵ'ᴹ ʸᴼᵁᴿ ᴾᴼˢˢᴱˢˢᴵᴼᴺ :: ᴇᴠɪʟ ʀɪᴄᴋ & ᴡᴇɪʀᴅ ʀɪᴄᴋ ]
countlessrealities · 6 days
Evil Rick, how would you feel if Weird Rick didn't acknowledge you, didn't speak to you, and gave you no attention for one whole day?
Unprompted asks || Always accepting !
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Rick cocks an eyebrow at the question, but otherwise his expression remains as blank and unreadable as always. He wonders, for the briefest moment, if the inquiry is a poor attempt at riling him up, but for the most he is puzzled by the idea that someone might expect him to be affected by something that small.
While it's true that having his alternate around has become a stable part of his routine, he has spent decades on his own, with no stable company...if any company at all. He has his projects, his plans, his researches. He can keep himself occupied. He has been doing it his whole life.
"Lonely" isn't a state of mind he's familiar with.
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"R-Rick is free to do whatever he wants. If he doesn't need me for a whole day, then he won't," he replies in a matter-of-fact tone. "I-It has happened already. I expect it to happen again. You misunderstand the nature of our relationship. I-I enjoy his company, but I don't need it. As long as I'm keeping him satisfied, in whatever way he needs to be, then everything is as it should be."
{ @mcltiples - mentioned }
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countlessrealities · 11 days
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"Shut Up" Kiss starters || Accepting !
@mcltiples sent: [HUSH] The sender places a finger over the receiver's lips before leaning in for a kiss. { To Evil Rick from Weird Rick !! }
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The silencing finger came as a surprise for Rick. When his partner got bored with whatever he was saying, usually he interrupted him by changing the subject abruptly, as if he hadn't been talking to start with. While the gesture was just as effective, instantly quieting him, it also left him utterly confused.
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Gray blue eyes lifted to meet brighter ones, holding a clear question that he, however, didn't bother to voice. He knew that, if his alternate had wanted him to know what was going on, he would have already offered an explanation. Asking about it, would have been a waste of time. So, instead, he merely kept eyeing the other, waiting for his next move.
Rick remained perfectly still as that finger slowly traced his lower lip, pulling it down a little, taking its time to rub his chapped skin, before moving closer. It was fascinating how his partner could still display behaviours he couldn't decipher, despite how long they had known each other by now.
Realisation dawned on him only when his alternate's mouth pressed against his, hungry and demanding as it so often was. Rick's lips parted easily under the silent demands of the other's tongue, habit and muscle memory telling him exactly what he needed to do without him having to think about it.
He let himself being moved and manhandled in whatever position his partner wanted him to take and then he let his eyes fall shut, willingly surrendering to the other man's will.
The actions might not spark in him the same feelings he knew burnt under his alternate's skin, but that didn't mean that he didn't crave what they brought him just as much. The possessiveness, the need, the hunger, the twisted sort of love.
He might be the one to be owned, but oh, these moments left him no doubt on whose hands were holding the strings.
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countlessrealities · 1 month
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Send a 💋 for a short drabble on a time our muses kissed || Selectively accepting !
@mcltiples sent: 💋 { To Evil Rick from My Weird Rick ! }
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There were many things Rick didn't understand of the shows his partner had him sitting through whenever he didn't feel like watching them on his own. Almost everything relating to relationships, romantic ones especially, puzzled him, because he could never relate to the dynamics. No matter how much researching he did, no matter how deeply he dissected them. They never fully made sense.
And, as a consequence, copying the motions felt unpleasantly unnatural to him.
Yet, that hadn't stopped him from trying over and over. The moment he had understood how much his alternate enjoyed that nonsense, he had directed a decent amount of time and effort in providing the other with at least some of it. At times, forcing himself wasn't easy because of how tedious or foolish it all was in his eyes, but he had quickly come up with a way to make it all less obnoxious for him: he had started to put his own spin in the scenarios, adding the sort of flavour he could enjoy despite the absurdity of the situation.
Of course, seeing that his partner enjoyed his adaptation had spurred him on getting creative with them.
Lately, he had noticed one particular recurring scene in many of the movies his alternate so assiduously consumed. Yet another thing that made no sense to Rick, but that seemed worth the trouble...if done how he was picturing it. Besides, there was a new prototype of nano-explosive he wanted to test.
It was the perfect chance to catch two birds with one stone.
The plan was easily set in motion while his partner was occupied in another room of the bunker, busy enough for Rick to be sure that he wouldn't come out before he was done.
The text subject he had procused for that particular occasion was appropriate for what he had in mind: an alien belonging to a species whose members were mostly made of fluids and gelatinous tissues.
Strapping it on the ceiling after having paralysed it so that it wouldn't make a sound was easy. Calculating the right amount of explosive to inject inside it, instead, was a little trickier and Rick checked his calculations thrice before proceeding. The smallest mistake could have ruined the whole set-up.
When his alternate joined him, just as he knew the other would have, everything was ready. Rick had come to stand underneath his chosen guinea pig and, once his partner was within arm's reach, he didn't hesitate a split second to grab him by the front of his jacket and yank him forward.
His other hand hit the button of the small remote control he was holding and the moment thick blood and cold pieces of organic matter started to rain down on them, he pulled the other into a kiss.
The gesture was as sloppy as the mess the exploding creature had made, with all too much biting and too little kissing, the taste of his alternate's blood mixing with the alien fluids on his tongue. His grip on the other's clothes was too tight, forcing them too stiffly close for them to achieve the right angle, but that didn't stop him from holding them there until the last drop had fallen.
By the end of it, they were both soaked from head to toes in blood and gore, which was the result Rick had been aiming to achieve. After all, the characters in the movies always got soggy wet during those scenes, so he had assumed that this was how it was supposed to go.
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"K-Kiss in the rain," he announced taking a step back, in a flat tone that certainly didn't convey the right sort of sentiment. "C-Carry on."
And with that, he turned on his heels and headed back to the workbench were a bunch of unfinished toxins were waiting for him. One task achieved, onto the next.
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countlessrealities · 18 days
Never have I ever wanted to slap Weird Rick { To Evil Rick !! }
Never have I ever || Accepting !
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Rick's expression remains fully blank and unreadable as he calmly reaches for his glass and takes the shot.
No comments or explanations are offered. From where he's standing, this should surprise no one. His partner just gets overly foolish at times.
{ @mcltiples - mentioned }
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countlessrealities · 2 months
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Even more incorrect quotes || Accepting !
@mcltiples sent: ✏️ { For Evil Rick and my Weird Rick ! }
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Evil Rick: I suppose you’re right. We really would be better off working together. Weird Rick: So, then… détente? Evil Rick: Agreed. Weird Rick: Understanding? Evil Rick: Possibly. Weird Rick: Cooperation? Evil Rick: Maybe. Weird Rick: Trust? Evil Rick: Out of the question.
Evil Rick: How petty can you get? Weird Rick: I once edited a Wikipedia article to win an argument I was wrong about.
Weird Rick: My ultimate goal is to punch God in the eye, just to spite him one last time. Evil Rick:Evil Rick: Whatever makes you feel better, Rick.
Weird Rick: I’ve been here in jail so long I think I’ve lost my mind. Weird Rick: The days turn into weeks, weeks turn into months. Weird Rick: How long have I been in here now? Almost a year? Evil Rick: This is Monopoly.
Weird Rick: Hey, I’m getting in the shower. Wanna help me out? Evil Rick: …Have you never taken a shower before?
Weird Rick: I would never say that my partner is a bitch and I don’t don’t like him. That’s not true… My partner is a bitch and I like him so much!
Weird Rick: Being gay is a constant battle between "I wish to sit on a window bench with my lover, our legs tangling as we listen to the birds" and "Hey, let's go throw rocks at fascists" and I think that's very sexy of us. Evil Rick: If the window's open and you time it right, you can do both.
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countlessrealities · 5 months
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"T-Then I'll cut off just a few tentacles. It won't miss them."
@mcltiples & @muses-inn
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countlessrealities · 5 months
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"...O-Of course. Everything for you, Rick."
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countlessrealities · 8 months
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Feeling possessive? || Accepting !
@mcltiples sent: Someone's hitting on his kitten. Oh, no, that won't do. Good thing Rick carries around a gun and has a good aim, right into the back of the stranger's throat. Watching that body collapse onto the floor felt so pleasing. He just couldn't help himself to walk over towards his darling, grab him by the collar and pull him into a deep, passionate kiss. { To Evil Rick from Weird Rick }
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Catching Rick off guard wasn't an easy thing to achieve. Even when he seemed completely engrossed in what he was doing, some of his attention was always directed at his surroundings. It was a habit, a skill he had developed during the troubled years he had spent wandering through the multiverse. The corners of it he had used to visit more often were the darkest one and a mere second of distraction could get you killed.
Or worse.
The stranger in question had been trying to get his attention for a good while. He couldn't have said how long, since he had barely acknowledged them, as absorbed as he was the calculation he had been working on while waiting for his partner to be done with whatever business transaction he was conducting.
Usually he didn't even tag along during those trips, since he had no interest in such affairs. However, his alternate had insisted that he came because he wanted them to have a drink outside the hideout for once and, as per usual, Rick had followed his will.
The other patron had approached him not long after he had been left to mind his own business by the counter and, while it was clear that they wanted something from him, he hadn't bothered to understand what. It couldn't have been anything of import.
For that reason, the sudden feeling of warm blood splattering on his face and the following sound of a body falling on the floor were very much unexpected. Rick's head whipped up, quickly assessing that the shot had come from a non-threatening source...at least not dangerous for him. His partner.
Yet, that also brought up a few questions, starting with why the other had felt the need to perform such a gesture in public when they hadn't been planning on going on a killing spree. His alternate could get a little trigger happy from time to time, but there usually was a reason for it.
In that moment, however, Rick couldn't identify anything that might have caused such reaction.
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A brow inched upwards, conveying his confusion, but he wasn't given a chance to express it verbally, nor to speak at all.
Before he could open his mouth, his partner had crossed the distance that had been separating them and had grabbed him, roughly pulling him into a kiss. Rick's lips parted submissively under the demands of that mouth, the action by now engraved in his muscle memory, and let himself be devoured.
His mind, though, didn't stop whirling, not even for a moment. The contact was deep and scorchingly possessive. It felt like his alternate had been trying to put a claim on him, while giving everyone around them a show at the same time. It was a public statement, a clear one aimed at proving to the whole pub to whom Rick belonged to.
Rick's lips twitched underneath the merciless pressure of his owner's mouth. Now he understood and could put the pieces together. Between the two of them there was no doubt that he was his alternate's property, but the other did love to make sure to remind it to the rest of the multiverse.
His hand crawled to rest against his partner's spine and he let his eyes slide close, so he could focus on the totalising feeling of being owned down to his core. It might be an objectively unnecessary display, but the truth was that Rick didn't mind it one bit.
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countlessrealities · 6 months
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bold what applies to your muse, italicize if there's potential / it depends
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holding door open · tying shoe laces · sharing a milkshake with two straws · offering their jacket when it's cold · kissing in the rain · publicly confessing love · long walks at the beach · doing the titanic pose on a boat · taking cute pictures in a photobooth · sharing a taxi / uber · kissing the back of their hand · slow dancing · getting tickets of their favourite artist / sports team / other · introducing them to their parents · lighting candles · flower petals on bed · love letters · star gazing · brushing / doing their hair · picnics · teaching them to play an instrument / sport / how to use a dagger / tool while gently guiding their hands · compliments · late night drives · taking selfies together · drawing them · self-made gifts · massages · proposing with a family heirloom ring · lending them their favourite book to read · paying for dinner / coffee · mixtapes / playlists · surprise birthday parties · feeding them · handing them keys security clearance to their apartment · making space in drawer for their clothes when they stay over · sharing a blanket · couple costumes · tucking a hair strand behind their ear · running after them at the airport / keeping them from leaving · moving cities to be together · blowing a kiss · breakfast in bed · defending them in a fight (verbally / physically) · joint bubble baths · dropping the L-bomb ("I love you") · dedicating a song at the karaoke bar to them · wearing their clothes · yawning before putting an arm around them while watching a movie · grant them the last bite (from meal)
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holding door open · tying shoe laces · sharing a milkshake with two straws · offering their jacket when it's cold · kissing in the rain · publicly confessing love · long walks at the beach · doing the titanic pose on a boat · taking cute pictures in a photobooth · sharing a taxi / uber · kissing the back of their hand · slow dancing · getting tickets of their favourite artist / sports team / other · introducing them to their parents · lighting candles · flower petals on bed · love letters · star gazing · brushing / doing their hair · picnics · teaching them to play an instrument / sport / how to use a dagger / other while gently guiding their hands · compliments · late night drives · taking selfies together · drawing them · self-made gifts · massages · proposing with a family heirloom ring · lending them their favourite book to read · paying for dinner / coffee · mixtapes / playlists · surprise birthday parties · feeding them · handing them keys to their apartment · making space in drawer for their clothes when they stay over · sharing a blanket · couple costumes · tucking a hair strand behind their ear · running after them at the airport / keeping them from leaving · moving cities to be together · blowing a kiss · breakfast in bed · defending them in a fight (verbally / physically) · joint bubble baths · dropping the L-bomb ("I love you") · dedicating a song at the karaoke bar to them · wearing their clothes · yawning before putting an arm around them while watching a movie · grant them the last bite (from meal)
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countlessrealities · 6 months
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Kinda 👀 Prompts || Selectively accepting !
@mcltiples sent: [KNIFE] sender uses a knife to rip receiver's clothes { To Evil Rick from Weird Rick >:D }
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There were a lot of things that Rick found fascinating about his partner. Some more entertaining, others more frustrating, but all undoubtedly worth his interest and attention. Even when he wasn't directly involved, he liked to watching, observing the other going through his motions, speeches, choices, hows and whys with the same focus he usually reserved exclusively to his experiments.
His alternate's mood were one of Rick's favourite phenomena to monitor. They were so volatile, and mostly unpredictable. They could be as explosive as the weapons the man enjoyed building or as subtle as a the light twitch of an eye. They jumped from an emotion to the other, always close to the extremes, always shying away from mildness.
He could tell that his partner wasn't being honest with his feelings whenever they were played out with strict moderation or calm.
However, this didn't mean, as one could think, that apathy was something unknown to his alternate. It was a rare show to witness, but it did happen. Just as everything else, it was deep, absolute, totalising, and it required a very special, very careful handling.
That, though, wasn't the situation at hand. Rick wasn't dealing with one of his partner's most violent moods, whether on the heated side of anger or with the ice cold quality of pure detachment. The other seemed to be in a quite cheerful mood, lively and playful, with a clear side of mischief.
And, of course, lustful too, judging by the way his alternate had shoved him into the closest wall and was assaulting his neck with his teeth and tongue. Judging by the viciousness of the attack, by the time their encounter ended, he would have sported quite the collection of bruises.
One of those hands was insistently grabbing at the front of his shirt, alternating pulling at it and pressing against his chest, as if to make sure that Rick's back would remain firstly pinned against the wall.
His partner's other hand was somewhere by his side, oddly not trying to touch him as he would have expected, and the reason for it became instantly clear when the sound of cloth ripping filled the air between them without a warning. Oh, so this was the game of the day.
The blade was so sharp that it cut through the fabric as if it had been melting butter and nicked the flesh underneath, drawing a steady red line from the top of Rick's sternum to the line of his navel. Thick droplets of blood gushed out of the wound, their warmth in contrast with the cool air of the underground hideout.
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Rick's only reaction was a raised eyebrow, conveying the barest hint of judgement. He didn't mind the sting of the wound since pain had little meaning to him nowadays. If something, under the right circumstances he could even appreciate the way it lit up his nerves, forcing his whole being to feel connected, even if just briefly, with the universe that surrounded him.
In a different situation, he would have given into the urge of voicing what his gaze was already hinting at, but his partner seemed delighted and even more turned on by his handiwork. He could tell by the way the other was leaning more heavily into it, hard, hot and solid against Rick's thigh. Those hips were moving, slow and almost imperceptibly, seeking from his body a hint of satisfaction that could take the edge off.
How could he deny this pleasure to the man who owed each and every atom of him?
His features relaxed back into a more neutral expression and he let his nape rest against the wall, focusing on the feeling of that tongue teasingly lapping at the cut. His alternate's hand had slipped under the torn shirt, wrapping itself around his side, tight and possessive.
Rick's fingers found their way in the other's hair, tugging sharply at those blue locks and using them to press that face more into his chest. He wanted to smear his partner's chin and cheekbones with his blood, so that he could lick it off later.
A hum rumbled in his chest, as the knife worked to get rid of his belt and slash through his trousers, leaving behind more stinging cuts. Clothes could be easily replaced, he mused, distractedly registering the fabric falling off him piece by piece, until he was left bare for his partner's eyes to feast on.
This man who had made himself into a god and the twisted, unbreakable thread that linked them together? It was one of a kind even in a universe made of infinite realities.
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countlessrealities · 9 months
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RELATIONSHIP BUILDING || No longer accepting.
@mcltiples sent: ✔️ for a daydream my muse has had about/involving yours. { To Evil Rick from Weird Rick !! }
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There's something hypnotising in the way spilled blood catches the glow of a light source, be it a star or something artificial. The thickness distorts the rays, pushes them in different directions, causes them to underline its convex surface. What emerges is a kaleidoscope of potential sensations, past and present and futures.
The coldness of screaming agony in the ears. The rough surface of a metallic flavour on the tongue. The smell of warm slickness on the skin. And the colours that cover it all, touch and smell and taste and hearing.
The synesthesia he experiences when he takes the time to savour a kill is something he can find almost nowhere else. It's an immersive experience, so complex and nurturing, creative and logical at the same time. It gets his inhumanly slow heartbeat to spike a little bit.
It's even better when there more to it, when taking a life transcends the act in itself. When there's a purpose to it, an aim to be reached, a role to be filled, a hunger to be satiated, that very peculiar melody, made out of the cacophony of screams, bones being broken, insides spilling on the ground, is even more delicious.
The flesh under his palms is cold as ice, making a strong contrast with the heat of the blood flooding over his fingers. The pile of corpses is a slippery slope to climb, but he never falters. His gaze and will are locked on the top, on his one and only aim, desire, meaning.
Every time one of his limbs sinks into a new body, into a new piece of the death he has spread drunk on ravenous euphoria and bottomless devotion, he gets closer and it's like a shot of fresh oxygen and clean energy in his unnatural body.
And, finally, there he is, at the top, lounging in a throne made of stars and shiny metal. The ageless face of a deity, blue eyes deeper than the deepest ocean and sharper than the sharpest of RIck's blade. There's light glowing under his skin, making him look untouchable, invincible, untamable. Beautiful in ways that go well beyond the words and the physical form itself.
The God of every other god.
Rick comes to stand by his right side, hands and mouth and soul dripping with the blood he has endlessly spilling. This is where he belongs, this is what he has been looking for his whole life, even back when he still didn't know.
And it's where he will remain, forevermore, as they feast on the multiverse that lies at their feet, destroying and devouring and recreating at their leisure...
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Rick's eye snapped open, the images that had filled his mind instantly vanishing. The smell and the taste, however, lingered on his tongue, evoked by the intensity of the daydream he had allowed himself to indulge in, but especially caused by the absolute mess he had made of his test subject.
Grey-blue eyes surveyed the operating table where the corpse, or better what was left of it, was spread out. He had cut it open over and over, until the flesh of its twin torsos had been turned into thin, tight net. Some of the holes were larger, allowing the oily alien blood to ooze over, slicking up the mangled skin and dripping on the floor.
There were plenty of stains on his clothes too, together with pieces of the organs he had minced in his relentless cutting. The only parts that had been spared where the two brains, which he had removed before letting his mind wander elsewhere.
It wasn't the result he had been meaning to obtain when he had started, but it had left him feeling oddly satisfied.
Removing his gloves with practised ease, Rick turned on his heels, walking away from the dismembered body. He would need to clean it all up, but that could wait. Firstly, he would join his partner in the living room for a little while. He wanted to feast on the overlapping of his alternate's two faces: the bloodthirsty, invincible god of his fantasy and the sly, smart but flawed man he would find on the couch watching his TV shows.
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countlessrealities · 5 months
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Kisses under the mistletoe || No longer accepting
@mcltiples sent: 💏 : my muse kisses your muse under a mistletoe without a warning { To Evil Rick from Weird Rick~ }
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This time, when the wintry holidays rolled around, Rick was ready. The previous year had showed him what he had to prepare and what sort of traditions he was expected to engage in. Decorating the bunker, Christmas meal, presents exchanging, and all the little things all those entailed.
His partner was, once again, the one to choose how to adorn their shared place, while he merely followed him around, handing him everything he needed and wanted to get the job done. The task, however, was anything but tedious. Not only he got the chance to study which sort of decorations his alternate seemed to enjoy the most, but also where each of them was placed. Including the mistletoes.
That latter detail had come in handy for one of the actions he had planned for the season. His owner had seemed to enjoy kissing under the mistletoe, so Rick had decided that he would show some initiative and be the one to start it this year. He didn't understand why someone would see exchanging spit under a poisonous plant as something so meaningful, but by now he had learnt to go along with what the oher liked and preferred. No matter if he couldn't make sense of them.
So, he waited for the right opportunity.
Instead of sticking to his lab, as he knew his alternate was expecting him to, Rick stalked him around the bunker, silent as a shadow, always out of sight. He even stood still and quiet for over an hour at one point, when his partner decided to sit down and watch some confusing, at least in his eyes, Christmas movie.
Eventually, his patient persistence finally paid off. The other got up to get a drink and lingered, most likely unknowingly, underneath one of the mistletoes and Rick took his chance to strike.
In the matter of a few seconds, he had reached his partner, snatched the glass out of his hand so it wouldn't get in the way and wrapped his free arm around the other's waist. He allowed a moment to tick away, just to make sure that his owner knew for certain who had grabbed him, and then closed the distance between them.
He wasn't used to take control, not without being told to do it and how, so the kiss wasn't as deep and heated as the ones his alternate initiated. It wasn't fully chaste, because Rick's too sharp teeth sank in that bottom lip, easily drawing blood, but he made no attempt to push his tongue inside the other's mouth. Instead, he merely alternated bites and licks, allowing the coppery taste to linger between them.
When he broke away, his owner's wounds were already healed, but both their mouths bore a few blood stains. Gray blue eyes darkened at the sight of that liquid redness and he swiftly reached out, cleaning it off those lips with his thumb before licking it away from his own skin.
The shadow of a smirk parted his lips, very much like a usually expressionless cat who had got the cream behind everyone's back.
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"M-Merry Christmas, beloved," he said in a quiet tone and, while the first two words came out a little forced and awkward, the last one was unwavering and heartfelt.
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countlessrealities · 5 months
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@mcltiples sent:
"Turn around for me, darling," Rick instructed, waiting until his partner did as he was told.
This wasn't how he wanted to give the gift, but there was no way he knew how to wrap it up. It would've been odd to do so.
Over that neck, he adorned it with a leather collar. In the middle of it was a purple gem that pulsated with a low glow. He fastened the collar, putting it on his partner before letting his hands drop to those shoulders.
He forced him over to a nearby mirror so they could both see the gift.
"Merry Christmas, darling, you're officially my kitten~ When you wear this collar, you belong to me and no one else~" He whispered in his ear, kissing his cheek.
{ To Evil Rick from my Weird Rick~ }
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Rick followed the order without a word and without hesitation. By now, his body was trained to react to his partner's request almost automatically, unless he already had in mind not to follow them as blindly as he normally did.
A spark of curiosity lit up in his mind as his alternate stepped behind him, but it was quickly fulfilled by the feeling of leather wrapping around his neck. That was enough to allow him to guess what his present was that year, even before he was coaxed in front of the mirror so that they could both take in the results.
His eyes locked on the gem, the only part of this new set up that truly caught his attention. He would have to ask to examine it, he wanted to know what sort of stone it was and where the light within it came from.
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His partner's voice snapped him out of those thoughts, causing him to gaze sideway, over the shoulder the other was leaning onto. His alternate looked particularly delighted with how the collar fitted and looked on him, something that didn't really come as a surprise to Rick.
He would have never said it out loud, but the accessory was more a present for his owner himself than for him.
Still, there would be no complaints from his part and he would wear it whenever and for however long his partner wanted. If it made his beloved happy and satisfied, then it had to stay.
"I-I could never belong to anyone else but you," was all he said, in his usual monotone voice.
However, when he met the other's gaze in the mirror, there was a sharpness in his gray blue eyes that left no doubts about how honest and heartfelt those words were.
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