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civilwar2024eeuu · 2 months
🔴 ¿#MÉXICO SOLICITA OFICIALMENTE INGRESO A LOS #BRICS? ✍️¿QUIÉN LO AFIRMA Y CON QUÉ OBJETIVO? ✍️ Te sorprenderá de dónde viene la noticia. Aquí te explico.👇https://t.co/GxBQnqgS6x pic.twitter.com/z1MKkvpOTr
— Jesús López Almejo (@Jjlopez_almejo) March 4, 2024
#REZIZTEK,@REDrezizenCIA,#INFOWARSRZK@GuerraCivil2024‼️#REPORTEROGDL #XochitlVendePatrias,@XochitlGalvez#NarcoBotargaDeLaDEA#MxSinMiedo🇺🇸🇨🇦🇬🇧🇮🇱🇪🇺#CODIGOLUCIFER #EEUU #CivilWar2024EEUU #VAMOSaGANA Va haber brujería,pacto de sangre e invocación a satanás‼️pic.twitter.com/D451wgWjS3
— redesrzk (@RedesRZK) March 3, 2024
#REDrezizenCIA,#REPORTEROGDL PUT000Z👉@ClaudioXGG🇨🇦🇺🇸🇮🇱🇬🇧🐷https://t.co/Ggzm7N63a9 Tenemos claro q los "periodicazos" los pagas tú y los arregla @maxcortazarl👈@XochitlGalvez @Xochitl2024#XochitlVendePatrias#NarcoBotargaDeLaDEA#MxSinMiedo SATANAS @FELIPECALDERON #CODIGOLUCIFER pic.twitter.com/d7WwSKqMak
— #REZIZTEK,@REDrezizenCIA,#INFOWARSRZK,REPORTEROGDL (@GuerraCivil2024) March 4, 2024
Su comparación es simplista y metodológicamente errónea. A diferencia de #Ucrania contra la población de origen ruso en #DONBAS, #México no ataca a los PUT000Z de #EEUU, ni recibe dinero de la @NATO para permitirle atacar a su vecino. Los #BRICS no son un ejército...@KimDotcom
#REZIZTEK,@REDrezizenCIA,#INFOWARSRZK,#REPORTEROGDL @GuerraCivil2024 #FatDotcom@joebiden @KimDotcom your comparison is simplistic and methodologically erroneous.Unlike #Ukraine's 8year action against the population of #Russian origin in DONBAS,Mexico does not attack the #USA nor does it receive money from @nato to allow it to attack郎its https://pic.twitter.com/TsQVpW3jIB
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#NarcoChayoteDeLaDEA@Foro_TV@JorgeGCastaneda@literalmexico @WSJEX #NarcoPresidenteFECAL @FELIPECALDERON #GARCIALUNA @XochitlGalvez @NYTimesPR @nytimes @aguilarcamin @CarlosLoret#TodosSomosLoret @CiroGomezL↔️@JJDiazMachucahttps://guerracivil2024.blogspot.com/2024/02/httpswww.htmlhttps://pic.twitter.com/Ixl6ofutSe
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#XochitlVendePatrias🇬🇧🇨🇦🇺🇸🇮🇱@XochitlGalvez🐷#NarcoBotargaDeLaDEA @Xochitl2024
#MxSinMiedo SATANAS🤬 ...
 @FELIPECALDERON #CODIGOLUCIFER https://pic.twitter.com/d7WwSKqMak
La maldición de #NewYork con los vende patrias https://pic.twitter.com/0axd2eYcFp😂😂😂https://guerracivil2024.blogspot.com/2024/03/httpswwwyoutubecomwatchv9yuiv557wug.html  
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  #REDrezizenCIA,#REPORTEROGDL👉@ClaudioXGG🇨🇦🇺🇸🇮🇱🇬🇧https://pic.twitter.com/Ggzm7N63a9 Tenemos claro q los "periodicazos" los pagas tú @maxcortazarl👈@XochitlGalvez @Xochitl2024
#XochitlVendePatrias #NarcoBotargaDeLaDEA #MxSinMiedo SATANAS @FELIPECALDERON #CODIGOLUCIFER https://pic.twitter.com/d7WwSKqMak
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#FatDotcom🐷🇺🇸🇮🇱🇨🇦🇬🇧@joebiden @KimDotcom your comparison is simplistic and methodologically erroneous.Unlike #Ukraine's 8year action against the population of #Russian origin in DONBAS,Mexico does not attack the #USA nor does it receive money from @nato to allow it to attack🤬its https://pic.twitter.com/TsQVpW3jIB  
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#REDrezizenCIA,#REPORTEROGDL PUT000Z👉@ClaudioXGG🇨🇦🇺🇸🇮🇱🇬🇧https://pic.twitter.com/Ggzm7N63a9 Tenemos claro q esos "periodicazos" los pagas tú y los arregla @maxcortazarl👈@XochitlGalvez @Xochitl2024
#TodosConClaudia 🚨 Tiembla Norma Piña y su Pandilla IMPRESIONANTE la ventaja de 30 puntos que le saca en el arranque de campaña @Claudiashein a @XochitlGalvez en la Encuesta @enkoll_ de @el_pais Con el inicio de los debates, en donde la doctora va a arrollar a la prianista,… pic.twitter.com/4Z9FHuWWZh
— La Catrina Norteña (@catrina_nortena) March 4, 2024
Tweets by GuerraCivil2024
#<iframe frameborder=“0” height=“508” scrolling=“no” src=“https://assets.pinterest.com/ext/embed.html?id=1119285313628926290” width=“900”></i#<blockquote class=“twitter-tweet”><p dir=“ltr” lang=“es”><a href=“https://twitter.com/hashtag/REZIZTEK?src=hash&amp;ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw”>#REZIZTEK</a>#@REDrezizenCIA#<a href=“https://twitter.com/hashtag/INFOWARSRZK?src=hash&amp;ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw”>#INFOWARSRZK</a><a href=“https://twitter.com/GuerraCivil2024?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw”>@GuerraCivil2024</a>‼️<a href=“https://twitter.com/hashtag#REPORTEROGDL</a> <a href=“https://twitter.com/hashtag/XochitlVendePatrias?src=hash&amp;ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw”>#XochitlVendePatrias</a>#<a href=“https://twitter.com/XochitlGalvez?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw”>@XochitlGalvez</a><a href=“https://twitter.com/hashtag/NarcoBotargaDeLaDEA?#NarcoBotargaDeLaDEA</a><a href=“https://twitter.com/hashtag/MxSinMiedo?src=hash&amp;ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw”>#MxSinMiedo</a>🇺🇸🇨🇦🇬🇧🇮🇱🇪🇺<a href=“https://twitter.com/hashtag/CODIGOLUCIFER?src=hash&amp;ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw”>#CODIGOLUCIFER</a> <a href=“https://twitter.com/hashtag/EEUU?src=hash&amp;ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw”>#EEUU</a> <a href=“https://twitter.com/hashtag/CivilWar2024EEUU?src=hash&amp;ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw”>#CivilWar2024EEUU</a> <a href=“https://twitter.com/hashtag/VAMOSaGANA?src=hash&amp;ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw”>#VAMOSaGANA</a><br />Va haber brujería#pacto de sangre e invocación a satanás‼️<a href=“https://t.co/D451wgWjS3”>pic.twitter.com/D451wgWjS3</a></p>— redesrzk (@RedesRZK) <a href=#<iframe frameborder=“0” height=“570” src=“https://youtube.com/embed/9yUIV557Wug?si=D4TFfT7dZM7sm8nS” width=“999”></iframe>#<iframe allowfullscreen=“” class=“BLOG_video_class” height=“498” src=“https://www.youtube.com/embed/ox-BznYSACA” width=“900” youtube-src-id#<iframe allowfullscreen=“” class=“BLOG_video_class” height=“498” src=“https://www.youtube.com/embed/_OCHiVzBht8” width=“900” youtube-src-id#<blockquote class=“twitter-tweet”><p dir=“ltr” lang=“es”><a href=“https://twitter.com/hashtag/REDrezizenCIA?src=hash&amp;ref_src=twsrc%5Etf#REDrezizenCIA</a>#<a href=“https://twitter.com/hashtag/REPORTEROGDL?src=hash&amp;ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw”>#REPORTEROGDL</a> PUT000Z👉<a href=“https://twitter.com/ClaudioXGG?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw”>@ClaudioXGG</a>🇨🇦🇺🇸🇮🇱🇬🇧🐷<a href=“https://t.co/Ggzm7N6#XochitlVendePatrias</a><a href=“https://twitter.com/hashtag/NarcoBotargaDeLaDEA?src=hash&amp;ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw”>#MxSinMiedo</a> SATANAS <a href=“https://twitter.com/FelipeCalderon?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw”>@FELIPECALDERON</a> <a href=“https://twitter.com/ha#CODIGOLUCIFER</a> <a href=“https://t.co/d7WwSKqMak”>pic.twitter.com/d7WwSKqMak</a></p>—#REZIZTEK#INFOWARSRZK#REPORTEROGDL (@GuerraCivil2024) <a href=“https://twitter.com/GuerraCivil2024/status/1764700576766390322?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw”>March 4#<h1><b>Su comparación es simplista y metodológicamente errónea. A diferencia de
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saxshat · 2 years
<div style='position:relative; padding-bottom: 177.97%'><iframe src='https://redgifs.com/ifr/determineddrabchupacabra' frameBorder='0' scrolling='no' width='100%' height='100%' style='position:absolute; top:0; left:0;' allowFullScreen></iframe></div><p><a href='https://redgifs.com/watch/determineddrabchupacabra'>via RedGIFs</a></p>
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Teens Celebrate Be the Star You Are!®, Winner of the 2024 Nonprofit of the Year
Today on Express Yourself! Teen Radio, we bring you a very special program celebrating the win of Be the Star You Are!® as the Top NONPROFIT of the YEAR. Hosts Sharanya, Keerthi, Saanvi Phaneendra, and Julia all had the honor of being in attendance at the awards ceremony where the mayor, Town Council, Chamber, and County Supervisors presented Be the Star You Are!® with several plaques and proclamations. The four hosts share their experiences with volunteering for Be the Star You Are!® and being radio reporters/hosts on this international radio broadcast, Express Yourself!™. Julia and Sharanya read speeches that they presented at the awards ceremony, which brought tears to everyone. Keerthi and Saanvi Phaneendra talked about what inspired them to join Be the Star You Are!® and why they adore participating. Finally, two prominent volunteers who also attended the awards ceremony, Ella and Sean joined the conversation. Ella was the chairperson for the incredibly successful shoe drive, and she’ll chair the upcoming 25th-anniversary celebration at the Pear and Wine Festival on September 28.
Sean is the photographer and videographer for Be the Star You Are!®. You can check out his videos at www.youtube.com/Bethestaryouare
Watch the video of the Nonprofit of the Year celebration at https://youtu.be/KyWkVnLp-Zg
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RECENTLY PUBLISHED BOOK: Books in the Barnyard: Oh Deer!. Available at www.CynthiaBrian.com/online-store or  www.StarStyleStore.net
BUY OUR BOOKS:  Available at www.StarStyleStore.net
Details on all books at HomeTown Reads: https://hometownreads.com/books/be-the-star-you-are-millennials-to-boomers
Read our Newsletter:Hurray! We Won! Plus Earth Awareness:  https://open.substack.com/pub/cynthiabrian/p/hurray-we-won?
Make a DONATION through PAYPAL GIVING FUND with 100% going to BTSYA with NO FEES:  https://www.paypal.com/fundraiser/charity/1504
Or you can choose to make the donation using many different payment methods which may have fees via by Givebutter at https://givebutter.com/be-the-star-you-are-charity
Be The Star You Are! offers help, hope, and healing to victims of disasters. Read how BTSYA is Making a Difference: https://www.ibpa-online.org/news/460747/IBPA-Member-Spotlight-Cynthia-Brian.htm 
BTSYA Operation Disaster Relief. Please donate. http://ow.ly/X0Ia30mF4zZ
Check our Book Reviews at our literacy partner, The Reading Tub: https://thereadingtub.org/books/be-the-star-you-are/
Shop. Earn. Give! Shop at over 2000 stores and save BIG: https://www.iGive.com/BTYSA
Discount Software, Digital content. Ebooks, Games: www.humblebundle.com/store?partner=1504&charity=1504
Express Yourself! Teen Radio is produced by Cynthia Brian of Starstyle Productions, llc as an outreach program of Be the Star You Are! charity. To make a tax-deductible donation to keep this positive youth programming broadcasting weekly to international audiences, visit http://www.bethestaryouare.org. Dare to care!
For all the latest news on what teens are talking about on Express Yourself! Teen Radio embed this code into your blogs and websites <Iframe src="http://www.voiceamerica.com/jwplayer/HostPlayer.html?showid=2014" frameborder="0" scrolling="auto" width="420" height="380"></Iframe>
Listen to all broadcasts at ITUNES: https://itunes.apple.com/podcast/express-yourself!/id481894121?mt=2
Be the Star You Are!® charity. Every Season is for Giving. https://www.paypal.com/fundraiser/charity/1504
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raniatv1004 · 1 month
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f9c5d51 · 5 months
微軟 Surface Pro 9 QI9-00016 白金(i5-1235U/16G/256G SSD/W11/13) 優酷3C全省收購|筆電收購、收購電腦、收購手機、收購筆記型電腦
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收購筆電<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/eFeINW_oH84" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe><br><html><body><p>處理器:Intel Core i5-1235U 10核心處理器報告:16GB RAM硬盤驅動器:256G SSD</p><a href="https://24h.pchome.com.tw/prod/DHAY6J-1900GM7MV"><img alt='收購筆電' alt='收購筆電' style='width: 50%; height: 50%' src="https://cs-d.ecimg.tw/items/DHAY6J1900GM7MV/000001_1693305005.jpg"/></a><br/><ul class="c-prodBriefing__sloganInfoList gtmClickV2" data-gtm-location_block="description" data-gtm-sub_layout_version="new_slogan"><li>處理器:Intel Core i5-1235U 十核心處理器</li><li>記憶體:16GB RAM</li><li>硬 碟:256G SSD</li></ul></body></html>收購筆電<hr>
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dba47f9 · 6 months
MSI微星 Katana 17 B13VFK-089TW(i7-13620H/16GB/RTX4060-8G/1T SSD/W11/FHD/144Hz/17.3)筆電 優酷3C全省收購|筆電收購、收購電腦、收購手機、收購筆記型電腦
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收購筆電<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/bUAQB2QIJjw" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe><br><html><body><p>配備了Intel®Core™i7-13620H處理,配備了GEFORCE RTX™4060 8 GB GB GDDR6 GPU筆記本電腦NVIDIA支持DLSS 3,Ultra-efterfull存在</p><a href="https://24h.pchome.com.tw/prod/DHAK8I-A900FZH0R"><img alt='收購筆電' alt='收購筆電' style='width: 50%; height: 50%' src="https://cs-d.ecimg.tw/items/DHAK8IA900FZH0R/000001_1675738867.jpg"/></a><br/><ul class="c-prodBriefing__sloganInfoList gtmClickV2" data-gtm-location_block="description" data-gtm-sub_layout_version="new_slogan"><li>搭載 Intel® Core™ i7-13620H 處理器</li><li>搭載GeForce RTX™ 4060 8GB GDDR6筆記型電腦GPU</li><li>支援NVIDIA DLSS 3,超高效Ada Lovelace架構及Max-Q 技術</li></ul></body></html>收購筆電<hr>
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newslimthiccthots · 10 months
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shirokurobee · 10 months
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lookingattoys-blog · 1 year
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Professional Photographer in Portrait Photography Studio Tips
As a portrait photographer, you comprehend the significance of capturing the ideal shot. To aid you accomplish this, below are some pointers for when you are operating in the studio. We will certainly cover everything from understanding illumination and also backgrounds to developing balanced compositions for your images. With these pointers in mind, you can develop the ideal portrait images every single time.
Understanding Lighting And Also Backgrounds
When it involves taking portraits, it is very important to comprehend the essentials of illumination and also backgrounds. By understanding these ideas, you can develop portraits that are a lot more lovely and also fascinating than in the past.
Often, artificial light can be a better option than natural light. For example, if you're firing a portrait in an environment where there isn't sufficient natural light offered-- like a dark area-- artificial light can aid to fill out the gaps. Furthermore, artificial lights have a bigger series of colors than natural lights do, which can make your pictures look even more vivid and also lifelike.
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Producing Balanced Make-up For Your Pictures
Portrait photography is a popular category, and also permanently reason. With stunning images that record the personality of your topic, portrait photography can be a beautiful way to record your enjoyed ones. Nevertheless, accomplishing balanced and also well-composed images calls for a little of expertise. In this section, we will certainly detail the essential pointers that you need to recognize in order to develop stunning portraits.
Primarily, find out exactly how to make use of the policy of thirds-- this is a crucial structure policy that aids to separate your picture right into three equivalent sections along the straight axis (top, left, base). This aids to develop a feeling of equilibrium and also consistency in your picture.
Next off, Use light and also shadows to develop highlights and also shadows on your topic. Use source of lights like the sun or a light behind your subject to develop depth and also rate of interest in your picture. Darkness can likewise be used to add drama or stress to an image. Make certain not to overuse shadows however-- they can become tedious and also lose their impact if used frequently.
Another vital element when it involves portrait photography is the history. Unless your topic is going to be in front of a neutral history (like blue sky), you'll need to consider what will certainly look excellent in your images. Some topics are much better fit for photos versus a landscape backdrop or versus colorful textile wall surfaces-- points such as this have a tendency to add rate of interest and also character right into your pictures.
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Professional Photography in HPortrait Photography Studio Tips
As a portrait photographer, you comprehend the relevance of recording the best shot. To aid you attain this, below are some pointers for when you are working in the workshop. We will cover everything from comprehending lighting and backgrounds to developing balanced compositions for your photos. With these pointers in mind, you can produce the best portrait photos every time.
Comprehending Illumination As Well As Backgrounds
When it comes to taking pictures, it is necessary to comprehend the essentials of lighting and backgrounds. By comprehending these ideas, you can produce pictures that are extra flattering and intriguing than ever.
Sometimes, man-made light can be a better choice than natural light. As an example, if you're shooting a portrait in an atmosphere where there isn't sufficient natural light readily available-- like a dark space-- man-made light can aid to fill out the gaps. Furthermore, man-made lights have a broader range of colors than natural lights do, which can make your photographs look even more vivid and natural.
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Creating Balanced Composition For Your Images
Portrait photography is a preferred genre, and forever factor. With sensational photos that record the personality of your subject, portrait photography can be a beautiful way to document your enjoyed ones. However, attaining balanced and well-composed photos needs a little bit of know-how. In this area, we will detail the key pointers that you need to recognize in order to produce stunning pictures.
First and foremost, find out how to make use of the rule of thirds-- this is an important structure rule that aids to split your image right into three equivalent sections along the straight axis (top, left, base). This aids to produce a sense of balance and harmony in your image.
Next, Use light and shadows to produce highlights and shadows on your subject. Use light sources like the sun or a light behind your based on produce deepness and rate of interest in your image. Darkness can also be made use of to include dramatization or stress to an image. Make sure not to overuse shadows however-- they can become tedious and lose their effect if made use of too often.
Another important factor when it comes to portrait photography is the history. Unless your subject is going to remain in front of a neutral history (like blue sky), you'll need to think of what will look good in your photos. Some subjects are better suited for pictures versus a landscape backdrop or versus vivid material wall surfaces-- points such as this have a tendency to include rate of interest and personality right into your images.
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f9c5d51 · 5 months
【特製專業鍵盤組合】微軟 Surface Pro 9 QEZ-00033 石墨黑(i5-1235U/8G/256G SSD/W11/13) 優酷3C全省收購|筆電收購、收購電腦、收購手機、收購筆記型電腦
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收購筆電<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/RJRtfAhekIY" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe><br><html><body><p>處理器:Intel®Core™IM JEAR™i5-1235U take</p><a href="https://24h.pchome.com.tw/prod/DHAY6J-1900GSC8N"><img alt='收購筆電' alt='收購筆電' style='width: 50%; height: 50%' src="https://cs-d.ecimg.tw/items/DHAY6J1900GSC8N/000001_1699000911.jpg"/></a><br/><ul class="c-prodBriefing__sloganInfoList gtmClickV2" data-gtm-location_block="description" data-gtm-sub_layout_version="new_slogan"><li>處理器:Intel® Core™ i5-1235U 十核心處理器</li><li>硬 碟:256G SSD</li><li>顯示器:13吋 PixelSense® 觸控螢幕</li></ul></body></html><html><body><p>(打開照片 / Google博客)Android和PC Cross -Platform文件和圖片更方便,<a href='https://www.kocpc.com.tw/'>Google本周正式打開了“附近”的Windows版本</a>,<a href='http://3csogo.com/'>以使許多國家更加方便。本文“自由3C頻道”允許您學習。“ Nevarhud共享”需要一些硬件功能。PC計算機至少具有64位Windows 10和11版本</a>,<a href='https://www.cool3c.com/'>並且不支持ARM設備(例如Surface Pro X)。手機需要是Android 6.0或更多版本的版本。收集和手機必須支持藍牙連接</a>,<a href='https://technews.tw/'>並且您需要打開WiFi或Etar網絡</a>,<a href='https://www.mobile01.com'>並在5米內使用相同的網絡。請繼續閱讀:首先</a>,<a href='https://goo.gl/maps/BMAhKFZtCMvScLCE9'>使用PC計算機</a>,<a href='
https://goo.gl/maps/rzfu1Evr5W4zGgSv9'>首先轉到Google的“社區共享”程序下載和安裝官方網站</a>,<a href='https://goo.gl/maps/9uY7s4yoLdEbYM5R7'>然後確定手機和計算機(程序)中的藍牙和“小共享”功能。將圖片和文件放在窗口中</a>,<a href='https://3c.ltn.com.tw'>您會跳來跳去。(圖 /內部屏幕截圖)如果您想將文件從計算機傳輸到手機</a>,請首先打開“ Neborhood Share”窗口,直接拉動文件,要等待系統找到手機,請單擊確認並您可以收到它可以接收手機。接收。手機過程類似於Android。(圖 /內部屏幕截圖)從移動電話發送文件的“共享”按鈕以查找“鄰居共享”,確認設備傳輸,然後單擊後單擊。用戶可以在“設置”的PC版本中選擇文件預設的存儲路徑 - “設置”。記者測量網絡傳輸速度不快。這大約是每秒100 kb。應該花費驚人的照片。如果有較大的容量文件,雲仍然可以相對較快。使用“相鄰共享“需要登錄帳戶,這是很好的,可以確保隱私和安全性,並且非常方便。</p><p><span class="ph_b ph_d1"><span class="ph_i"><img alt='收購筆電' alt='收購筆電' style='width: 50%; height: 50%' class="lazy_imgs_ltn" data-src="https://img.ltn.com.tw/Upload/3c/page/2023/05/07/230507-53165-1.png" src="https://img.ltn.com.tw/Upload/3c/page/2023/05/07/230507-53165-1.png"/></span><span class="ph_d">(圖/翻攝Google部落格)</span></span></p><p>Google 本週正式向多數國家開放 Windows 版本的「鄰近分享」,讓 Android、PC 跨平台傳檔案、圖片更加方便,如何操作?《自由 3C 頻道》這篇文章讓你學到會。</p><p>「鄰近分享」需要一定的硬體規格支援,PC 電腦至少要是 64 位元的 Windows 10、11 版本,另外不支援 ARM 裝置(如 Surface Pro X)。手機需為 Android 6.0 以上版本,電腦、手機都得支援藍牙連線,且需要開啟 WiFI 或是乙太網路,並且在 5 公尺內使用相同網路。</p><p class="before_ir" style="text-align: center; display: none;">請繼續往下閱讀...</p><p class="after_ir" style="display: none;"></p><p>首先第一步使用 PC 電腦,前往<a href="https://www.android.com/better-together/nearby-share-app/"> Google 官網</a>下載安裝「鄰近分享」的程式,接著確定手機、電腦都有開啟藍牙和「鄰近分享」功能(程式)。</p><p><span class="ph_b ph_d1"><span class="ph_i"><img alt='收購筆電' alt='收購筆電' style='width: 50%; height: 50%' class="lazy_imgs_ltn" data-src="https://img.ltn.com.tw/Upload/3c/page/2023/05/07/230507-53165-2.png" src="https://3c.ltn.com.tw/assets/images/default_original.jpg"/></span><span class="ph_d">將圖片、文件拉近視窗內,旁邊就會跳出附近支援接收的手機。(圖/程式內截圖)</span></span></p><p>若要從電腦傳送檔案至手機,先開啟「鄰近分享」視窗,直接將檔案拉近其中,等待系統搜尋到想要傳送的手機,點選確認,手機就能收到接收通知。</p><p><span class="ph_b ph_d1"><span class="ph_i"><img alt='收購筆電' alt='收購筆電' style='width: 50%; height: 50%' class="lazy_imgs_ltn" data-src="https://img.ltn.com.tw/Upload/3c/page/2023/05/07/230507-53165-3.jpg" src="https://3c.ltn.com.tw/assets/images/default_original.jpg"/></span><span class="ph_d">手機流程與 Android 一般的鄰近分享一樣。(圖/程式內截圖)</span></span></p><p>從手機傳送至電腦,則是選擇檔案的「分享」按鈕找到「鄰近分享」,確認要傳送的裝置,點擊後即可。用戶能在 PC 版本的「鄰近分享」-「設定」選擇檔案預設的儲存路徑。</p><p>記者實測,網路傳送速度並不快,約落在每秒 100kb 上下,一張照片都得花上數妙,倘若有大容量檔案,或許使用雲端仍是比較迅速,然而若得使用公用或他人的電腦,使用「鄰近分享」無須登入帳號,較能確保隱私安全,且也非常方便。</p></body></html>收購筆電<hr>
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Portrait Photo Studio
If you want coming to be a portrait photographer, there are a couple of things you need to understand. First, you need to get to know your topic. What makes them tick? What sort of character do they have? The far better you recognize your topic, the far better you'll have the ability to catch their significance in your pictures. Next, you need to recognize the essentials of structure. What makes a good portrait structure? Exactly how can you use the rule of thirds to your benefit? Exactly how can you use leading lines to draw the visitor's eye into the image? Then, you need to perfect your lights methods. Exactly how should you light your portraits? What are some typical lights blunders to prevent? After that, you need to refine your post-processing abilities. Exactly how can you use Photoshop or Lightroom to make your portraits pop? Once you have actually grasped every one of these things, it's time to begin building a strong portfolio. Showcase your finest job, and also see to it to display a selection of styles. Then, it's time to begin connecting with various other professional photographers. Obtain associated with the area, and also attend workshops and also meetups. Last but not least, you need to market on your own successfully. Produce a strong on-line existence, and also see to it possible clients can discover you. As well as constantly remember to proceed discovering. There's constantly even more to discover, and also brand-new methods to master.
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Get To Know Your Subject.
Before you begin taking pictures, it is necessary to get to know your topic. This can be done by talking with them and also learning more about their rate of interests and also what they are seeking in a photo shoot. By doing this, you will connect with them on an extra individual degree and also have the ability to take far better pictures.
When you are taking pictures of someone, see to it to ask them concerning what they want. This can be done by asking them to describe the image or just speaking about their favored image. By doing this, you can obtain a far better suggestion of what they are seeking and also create even more fascinating pictures. Furthermore, if you understand your subject all right, it is also feasible to suggest positions that will function best for them.
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Understand The Basics Of Make-up.
Make-up is among one of the most essential facets of photography. It can assist enhance your pictures by giving a framework and also style that can create a natural photo. This article gives a summary of the essentials of structure, in addition to ideas and also methods for using it to enhance your photo.
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There are a number of different ways to compose your photo. You can use prime focus, lines, and also forms to create a natural photo. There are also several methods you can use to add interest and also effect to your photo, such as utilizing light and also shadow to create depth.
Along with these fundamental principles, there are numerous various other variables to consider when composing your photo, such as which components of the background to include in order to draw the visitor's attention forwards, or utilizing careful focus to highlight specific components.
Although it may seem discouraging initially, comprehending the essentials of structure is crucial for improving your pictures. By complying with these ideas and also methods, you can create pictures that look expert and also stick out from the group.
Perfect Your Lighting Techniques.
Lighting is among one of the most essential facets of photography. It can make or break a photo, and also it's important to perfect your lights methods if you wish to create magnificent pictures. In this section, we'll talk about three crucial lights ideas that will assist you take your photography to the next degree.
First, it is necessary to recognize the function light plays in photography. Light is what allows us to see things in our environment, and also it has an extensive effect on how we check out pictures. As an example, light from an incandescent bulb produces a cozy glow, while light from a LED (light-emitting diode) creates an extra cold tone.
Second, it is necessary to use adequate light when taking pictures. Excessive light can result in overexposure (the image being also bright), while inadequate light can result in under exposure (the image being also dark). To navigate this trouble, use flash when needed - however be sure to adjust your setups effectively to make sure that the image looks all-natural as opposed to synthetic.
Last but not least, grasping structure is also vital for developing magnificent pictures. A well-composed shot equilibriums components within the structure to make sure that they appear balanced and also eye-catching - despite the brightness or darkness of the surrounding area. By complying with these straightforward ideas, you'll have the ability to take your photography abilities up a notch!
Refine Your Post Handling Abilities.
One of one of the most essential abilities for any photographer is post-processing. This includes every little thing from modifying your pictures to boosting colors and also tones. In this blog, we'll be discussing a few of the essentials of post-processing, including how to choose your pictures, modify in Lightroom, and also create a workflow. We'll also be covering set modifying so you can quickly refine multiple pictures simultaneously.
Culling is the process of eliminating unnecessary components from your pictures. This can be done by hand or with software, and also it's a crucial step in post-processing. By eliminating supplementary details, you can focus on the components that are essential to your image.
Modifying in Lightroom is a fundamental part of post-processing. You can utilize it to adjust colors, tones, and also various other features. As well as since Lightroom is such an effective device, you can create complicated edits without having to turn to difficult software like Photoshop.
Creating a workflow is one more vital part of post-processing. It ensures that your pictures are refined in the right order which every little thing is organized efficiently. A good process will also assist you prevent blunders while modifying your pictures.
Develop A Strong Portfolio.
When developing your portfolio, it is necessary to focus on the feelings that you show in your pictures. This will assist to show off your capability to catch a wide range of feelings, and also reveal that you're a flexible photographer. It's also essential to maintain the background simple. This will help in reducing the amount of clutter on your image, and also it will also make the image much easier to focus on. Furthermore, use props moderately. This will assist create an extra dynamic image, and also it will also minimize the amount of time that is needed to take the image. Ultimately, focus on the eyes in your pictures. They are one of one of the most essential components in a photo, and also they ought to be highlighted as necessary. Don't be afraid to reveal susceptability in your pictures either-- this can add a component of realistic look or humanism to your pictures.
Connect with Various Other Photographers.
Connecting with various other professional photographers is among the very best ways to enhance your photography abilities. By working together with others, you can learn from their experiences and also methods. Furthermore, networking can result in brand-new possibilities and also collaborations. So don't be afraid to reach out and also connect with various other professional photographers!
There are a couple of ways to connect with various other professional photographers. You can attend image festivals and also meet-ups, join on-line areas, or discover various other professional photographers through social networks. Furthermore, numerous photography organizations have joint teams that you can join. This way, you have access to sources and also advice from various other specialists. So whether you wish to learn from others or share your own abilities, networking is a crucial part of being a successful photographer.
Market Yourself Effectively.
When it comes to marketing on your own, there are a couple of crucial things that you need to bear in mind. Firstly, you need to establish a clear USP (one-of-a-kind marketing proposal). This is things that makes your service or product different from every one of the others available. Once you have actually determined your USP, it is necessary to recognize your target market. You wish to see to it that you are targeting the right people, which you are giving them with what they need.
Once you have actually identified your target market, it is necessary to construct a strong on-line existence. This means developing an on the internet existence that is both expert and also eye-catching. It also means developing material that pertains to your target market, and also advertising this material successfully via social networks networks such as Facebook and twitter. Furthermore, it is valuable to have an active site which includes reviews from pleased consumers, in addition to information concerning upcoming occasions or items related to your company.
Networking can be among one of the most efficient ways of marketing on your own. By satisfying brand-new people and also building connections with them, you will have the ability to access to valuable sources and also insights which can assist increase your company growth significantly!
Continue Learning.
One of the very best ways to enhance your photography is to proceed discovering. There are a number of ways to do this, including taking courses, participating in workshops, and also reading books and also short articles. Furthermore, it is necessary to practice as typically as feasible. This will assist you establish your abilities quicker and also make certain that you're obtaining one of the most out of your photography.
One of the very best ways to technique is to take pictures of things that interest you. This can be anything from your friends and family to fascinating scenery or occasions. By photographing things that are purposeful to you, you'll be most likely to stick to photography for longer time periods. Furthermore, it is necessary to maintain practicing your modifying abilities. By modifying your pictures utilizing software like Photoshop or GIMP, you can enhance their top quality and also make them look more expert.
There is nobody formula for success as a portrait photographer. Nevertheless, by comprehending your topic, perfecting your lights methods, and also building a strong portfolio, you will be well on your way to coming to be a successful photographer. So get out there and also begin shooting!<br />
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Portrait Photography in Hong Portrait Photography Workshop Tips
As a portrait photographer, you recognize the significance of recording the perfect shot. To assist you attain this, below are some pointers for when you are working in the studio. We will certainly cover whatever from recognizing lighting and also backgrounds to producing balanced make-ups for your photos. With these pointers in mind, you can produce the perfect portrait photos whenever.
Recognizing Illumination As Well As Backgrounds
When it pertains to taking portraits, it's important to recognize the basics of lighting and also backgrounds. By recognizing these principles, you can produce portraits that are a lot more complementary and also intriguing than ever before.
In some cases, man-made light can be a much better option than all-natural light. For instance, if you're shooting a portrait in an environment where there isn't sufficient all-natural light readily available-- like a dark space-- man-made light can assist to fill in the spaces. Additionally, man-made lights have a broader variety of colors than all-natural lights do, which can make your photographs look more vibrant and also realistic.
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Creating Well Balanced Composition For Your Pictures
Portrait photography is a preferred category, and also completely factor. With spectacular photos that record the personality of your topic, portrait photography can be a lovely means to document your enjoyed ones. However, attaining balanced and also well-composed photos needs a little of know-how. In this section, we will certainly outline the key pointers that you need to recognize in order to produce gorgeous portraits.
Primarily, discover exactly how to use the policy of thirds-- this is a crucial structure policy that helps to divide your photo into 3 equal areas along the straight axis (top, left, bottom). This helps to produce a feeling of balance and also consistency in your photo.
Next off, Use light and also shadows to produce highlights and also shadows on your topic. Usage source of lights like the sunlight or a light behind your subject to produce depth and also interest in your photo. Shadows can also be used to include drama or tension to an image. Make certain not to overuse shadows however-- they can become tedious and also lose their influence if used too often.
One more important aspect when it pertains to portrait photography is the history. Unless your topic is going to be in front of a neutral history (like blue sky), you'll need to think about what will certainly look excellent in your photos. Some topics are better fit for images versus a landscape background or versus colorful fabric wall surfaces-- points such as this have a tendency to include interest and also character into your images.
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sophieyork · 1 year
Here Are 4 Tips To Help You Choose The Best Printer Cartridge That Meets Your Requirements
HTML clipboard <center><img width="600" src="https://i.postimg.cc/HWKw75JY/cartridges-5.jpg" alt="ink-cartridges"/></center><br /> <p>It can be overwhelming to locate the perfect cartridge for your printer when there are so many brands and styles. But this does not need to be the case. Ink cartridges and printers are fairly inexpensive, which means there's no need to fret about spending money on items that aren't going to work according to your requirements and specifications. Here are four methods to reduce your search to the right Toner City cartridges.<br /></p> <h2>1.) Check the list of compatible cartridges</h2> <p>In order to select the best <a href="https://www.cartridgesave.co.uk/toner-cartridges/HP/LaserJet-Pro-P1102.html">hp p1102 toner</a>, it is important to know about the printer you have. Is it using one cartridge or two cartridges? How many pages will the cartridges create? Are they compatible with the printer you have? When you are looking to purchase a new printer cartridge, these are the issues you need to ask. Even if all you need to know, there are still items you aren't aware of. So, we have compiled this list of four tips that will help you locate the right printer cartridge for your needs. Do not purchase a new costly cartridge of ink because your current one is running out.<br /></p> <p>2) Consider your printing needs<br /></p> <p>There are numerous aspects to take into consideration when choosing samsung m2070 toner. For example, you may need to think about the yield (number of pages it can print) and the cost per page. You should also think about how often the cartridge is used, whether in an offices or at home as well as what kind of business you operate.<br /></p> <p><center><iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/GBGXhVvFGfk" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe></center><br /></p> <p>3) Examine prices<br /></p> <p>Printers and cartridges aren't cheap to buy, so you need to ensure you're getting the most price when you buy your ink cartridge.<br /></p> <p>It is cheaper to buy bulk. Even though you can get as low as 20% on some cartridges for printers, it's impossible to always get the exact amount that meets your requirements. Research before you buy. There are many websites offering reviews of various printers and their compatibility hp 135w toner as well as comparisons between different brands of ink to help you make an informed decision about what one will meet your requirements the most. Check out the manufacturer's warranties prior to buying a product.<br /></p> <p>4. Review customer reviews<br /></p> <p>It isn't easy to choose the right cartridge for your printer when shopping. Examine the amount of ink inside each cartridge. Some <a href="https://www.wikihow.com/Category:Ink-Cartridges">toner cartridges</a> are more filled with ink than others which is why should this matter to you, it's worth looking into. Take note of the kind of printer you own Not all printers need the same cartridge and there are many different kinds. Check your budget - some companies offer discounts on their products or provide coupons or vouchers when you sign up to their mailing lists Be sure to look at prices before you make any decision.</p>
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bibleofficial · 1 year
Whoaaa wait how did u get the ask box in your faq page thats so cool
hi bestie ok so shoutout (rip) to codeacademy n shit from wherever i found this from ages ago but first ur going to want to go into ur desktop blog editor & then scroll to the bottom of ur left hand column to:
Tumblr media
click add a page so if u want ur about just make it /about or /dni even
Tumblr media
u have ur regular text editor so u can fill that in w ur regular shit but figure out where u want ur ask box (above/below the content) and paste the following in the html editor:
<p><iframe frameborder="0" height="250" id="ask_form" scrolling="no" src ="http://www.tumblr.com/ask_form/[YOUR URL].tumblr.com" width="100%" style="background-color: transparent; overflow: hidden;"></iframe></p>
where it says [YOUR URL], put ur url without the brackets so it’ll read ‘/exampleblog.tumblr’
after u paste it, click the html button again so it goes back to normal text and hit save - if u want to see if it works, open up ur blog from incognito/phone and it’ll appear
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