#<- feel free to block that tag if you don't want to see my sk8 rewatch thoughts lol
givereadersahug · 2 years
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Hi everyone. This is Scarlet's sister. I've some unfortunate news to share, Scarlet passed away on December 26, 2023.
I can't put into words how much it means to my family and I seeing how love she was by the community. Thank you all for being her friend and being there for her.
I'll be keeping this blog and all her side blogs up, as well as leaving her fics on AO3 up. Additionally I'll be leaving the all her blog queues untouch.
-- Jan 4, 2024
Where you can find me: Carrd
Hello! I'm Scarlet. Welcome to my blog! Just a fangirl who reads too much fanfiction and involve herself in too many fandoms.
For fanfics - I’m currently writing for the following fandoms: Harry Potter and SK8 the Infinity. (I do occasionally write for other fandoms whenever the muse strikes.)
I’m a multi-shipper, though I do have preferences. Maybe I’ll write a comprehensive post one day diving into all my ships and fandoms. I'm one of the mods who run the Harry Potter @houseofsnarry Discord server blog and the server's Harry Potter @snarryauctoberfest. I also run the following HP fests: @harryjamespotterweek, @hpcottagecorefest and @hprecfest. And I'm one of the mod for the HP reccing community over on Dreamwidth (HP Recs). Come by and check us out!
This blog will not just be all fandom-related things! (Though it may seem like it at first.) I’m also an avid reader and I watch way too many anime, films, and shows. There might be posts regarding my current reads/medias with the occasional wrap-ups and recommendations mixed in. Oh! And random posts as well.
Feel free to follow me! 🥰
** Since this blog will be a hodgepodge of random posts (got to give the header 'this blog will be a mess' its due!), my posts & reblogs will follow a pretty standard tagging system. I like to keep things organized. 🙂 Just check out the tags here and blacklist any tags you don't want to come across your dashboard. <3
My sideblogs for reblogging fanart & gifs.
@slytherclawscarlet - Harry Potter
@sunshinescarlet - Thorki
@fangirlscarlet - Anime/Danmei
We follow fandom rules around here - YKINMKBYKIO (Your Kink is Not My Kink, But Your Kink is Okay), DLDR (Don’t Like;Don’t Read) and SALS (Ship and Let Ship).
Trans rights are human rights.
Please note I will block any blogs that don't have an avatar or haven't reblogged anything. I can't tell if you're a bot or not and I rather not have bots following me.
The butterfly icon was made by the amazing Danpuff.
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ka-19 · 2 years
hey, welcome to my blog! my name is leith. i am an artist, avid reader, and a casual guitarist!
things im interested in include...
the dark tower series by stephen king
ghost (the band)
sleep token
devilman (not just crybaby!)
cowboy bebop
monster (the one on netflix)
mob psycho 100
marble hornets
creepypastas in general (i am cringe but i am free)
watcher (previously buzzfeed unsolved)
persona 5
OFF (the game)
team fortress 2
saiki k
sk8 the infinity
the arcana (the game :3)
obey me (and nightbringer)
the stanley parable
genshin impact (i try not to be abrasive, nor do i post/rb much about it :]. the annoying parts of the fandom scare me as much as it does people who arent even into the game, and i dont want to scare any people off without meaning to because they see me rb genshin stuff and think im a freak (/neg) if you dont want to interact with me because of this i get it, just know i dont fw the fandom :3333)
the outsiders by se hinton
chainsaw man
call of duty
ace attorney
detroit: become human
the world ends with you (and twewy NEO)
hotline miami
...and literally anything else you can convince me to get into; you can never have too many fandoms.
im very casual with my interests, so don't expect me to be clowning on someone elses posts (or participating in anything that would put someone down. being disrespectful isnt cute, yall).
tags for my stuff include...
my art- #leithart
the dark tower- #leiths dark tower tag
asks- #leithask
my ocs!- #leithoc
ghost (the band)- #ghosting posting
(more will be added if needed <3)
my dni criteria is pretty much just the basic stuff: no incest (real OR fictional, thank you), no (neo)nazis or anyone who hates a group of people because of something they can't control (race, gender, sexuality, etc. this includes people who use pronouns you may not understand). im not going to block you just for interacting with something i post or rb, all i ask is that you please dont add anything nasty or hateful onto it!! (tldr: i stay in my lane, please stay in yours :333)
i really do enjoy meeting and talking to new people, so feel free to contact me anytime (dw i dont bite)! my inbox is always open and i would love to talk!
requests are currently: OPEN!!!!!
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zukkaoru · 3 years
thoughts after rewatching the first two episodes of sk8:
- miya's phone case is the colors of the pan pride flag
- shadow's phone case has flowers on it
- is miya's favorite food fish bc cats like fish?
- why is adam shirtless while watching the races in the first episode. like,, what is up with that
- so when cherry shows up at S in the first episode, the reactions make it seem like he hasn't been there in a while. everyone's like "omg is that cherry?? the ai skater????" and they all seem rly shocked to see him. but then when the camera pans to joe, there's no surprise that he's there and we never see shock at him being there. how long pre-canon had joe been going to S alone? what if matchablossom secret exes but their relationship ended only a few months pre-canon????
- but also why does joe act like he doesn't know carla's name? like there's no way he and cherry haven't had that exact argument over "her name is carla!!" a hundred times before
- also also with that argument i think it makes joe's comment about "of course you named your skateboard after a girl since you can't get one yourself" infinitely funnier if he knows cherry is gay
- oka deserves more love
- cherry also shows up without his mask in the first episode, and i'm p sure the only other times we see him in his S costume without the mask are in the intro and post-his race against adam. my guess is he didn't wear it bc he knew he wouldn't be skating but i feel like there's potential for some deeper analysis with cherry & his mask
- we deserved to see more cherry on his motorcycle throughout the show
- i'm having Thoughts™ about the biblical imagery / parallels in the show but i will not ramble about them all here bc there's so much and it's still pretty incoherent at the moment
- very intrigued by the way cherry very gently helps langa up from the ground in the first episode, only for him to then immediately be like "langa must race and i do not care if he's been on a skateboard literally once before now :/ sucks 2 suck"
- i forgot how much i love miya!! they're easily my second favorite character but like. i forgot just how great they are
- and. as always. i adore cherry blossom so much like this genuinely cannot be healthy i love him
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pinkanonwrites · 4 years
Requests are CLOSED!
Event Requests CLOSED!
You guys can call me Pink! I’m 25, she/her pronouns, and I love to write reader-insert fanfic if you couldn’t tell :>
I thought I’d make an official rules post so anyone on mobile who can’t access them can see them! 
My askbox is always open to queries, suggestions, and helpful and polite critique. Even if I'm not currently taking requests, feel free to pop in and chat!
If you have requests you are free to send them, but I’d like it to be clear that I have the right to refuse any requests/topics that make me uncomfortable. I’ll write most requests if I like them, but I won’t guarantee anything.
If you want me to answer an ask privately, please let me know in the ask itself!
If I am hosting an event, I’ll only answer any suggestions pertaining to said event during that time. I will do my best to answer ALL event suggestions, unless there are extenuating circumstances. (You may still send regular asks during an event period, they just won't be reached until after the event has ended.)
I will only answer matchups during a matchup event.
I’m willing to write for heavy topics such as past abuse, mental illness, suicide, and bodily harm. I get to choose what I am and am not comfortable with writing, and I will tag every post with proper trigger warnings.
I try to write all requests, including NSFW ones, as gender-neutral and physical feature-neutral as possible. If you'd like to request specific gender identity or physical characteristics in a request you are more than welcome to do so, but if you don't specify I will use they/them pronouns and avoid using any specifically gendered terms or physical feature identification.
I'm open for NSFW requests! I'll write some pretty wild shit, but if something's too much for even me I'll let you know. In referring to the last rule, I try my best to get around specific gendered language in NSFW requests as well, but if it isn't specified by the requester I will default to AFAB with they/them pronouns. Don't be afraid to request exactly what you'd like from me though!
I will only write PLATONIC HCS for Miya (Sk8), Luke (Obey Me), and Ortho (TWST). If you want HCs about a mentor or sibling-like relationship, that’s totally fine! But I don’t write anything romantic for these characters.
Some tags: If you don't want to see these specific things, here are the tags to block!
Transformers NSFW: #valveplug
Watersports/Omorashi/Period Sex: #unsanitary
#petplay and #tickling are also tagged as such if you don't wish to see those particular kinks.
Things I’m actively writing for:
Transformers (Various Continuities)
Sk8 The Infinity
Twisted Wonderland
Trigun/Trigun Stampede
Hi-Fi Rush
Things I’ve written for in the past, and will write again if interest comes up:
X-Men Evolution
Stardew Valley
My Hero Academia
Obey Me! Shall We Date?
Niche things I’d like to write for if anyone were interested:
Blush Blush
Final Fantasy XIV
I will NOT write:
Student/Teacher relationships
Enji Todoroki / Endeavor
Chisaki Kai / Overhaul
Zenos yae Galvus
Reader is exactly like *insert character here*
I have zero problems with anyone who enjoys these characters or concepts, I just personally don’t and wouldn’t enjoy or be very good at writing them. I hope you can all understand! Thank you!
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