#; Chris's Grimmoire
bewitchingbaker · 9 months
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A few photos from Chris over the years. One from his childhood, another from his early teenage years and a current photo.
Chris has a very sweet and adorable voice as a child. Often earning sweet smiles from visitors to the bakery when he would tell them fun facts about the art in the lobby.
As he reached his teen years the once cute voice got deeper, often cracking even after he turned 14. Slowly developing into the deep laid-back and slightly sultry voice we hear today.
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siiinfully · 5 months
continued from this with @bewitchingbaker
The baker's attention was focused on the floating grimmoire in front of him, one hand guiding a few levitating plates into the dishwasher. His other hand jotted down a few notes on the spells before him.
"Make sure you focus energy in your hands..." he muses.
The baker was so engrossed in his nightly ritual he didn't notice his lover sneak up behind him.
"Hmm? Whatcha doing there, mi amor?"
His eyes are drawn to her arms around his stomach, one hand holding hers. Before he can fully turn around, the baker was greeted by the sharp sensation that was her canines sinking themselves into his flesh. While most would shriek in pain, and try run form the pain. Chris on the other hand would let out a deep hum of pleasure.
Even before Valentina decided to mark him, the baker would find himself staring at those teeth. Usually imagining what a full bite feel like. Memories of her tackling him to the ground and showing him a sharp toothed grin brought a blush to his face.
"This is a pleasant surprise~"
He glances at her out of his peripheral vision.
"Keep this up and I might end up giving you some bites of my own~"
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“Mate,” she growled a split second before she bit him again. There were times when the wolf in her couldn’t be controlled despite being born a werewolf, and when those moments hit, very few could break through to her. Even fewer were the ones she actively sought out without killing them.
Chris was the only one she remained affectionate with, though she got doubly possessive and protective.
While he was fixed on his magic, she was fixated on him, her occasional growls and affectionate nuzzling expressing how much she was enjoying it.
Valentina smirked as she pressed her face against the side of his neck before biting him there again. She didn’t really need to mark him as much as she was right now – everyone in the pack knew that he was her mate – but she couldn’t help the urge. She was needier than before, more…ravenous for him, and she didn’t understand why. She wasn’t in heat, and the desire to have pups with him hadn’t hit her yet. No, this was something else entirely, but the real reason behind it didn’t concern her too much. Why should she worry about wanting him more than usual?
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bewitchingbaker · 1 year
Chris’s Grimmoire: Event Planning
As shy as Chris is, he does enjoy a good party. Birthday parties, quinceaneras, celebrations of life, etc he’s a fan. If you were to ask him, he’d say he’s not that good at the party planning, but Chris is pretty well versed in planning celebrations for people, especially his friends. 
With his neighborhood connections, skill at organizing and just general good and patient demeanor he’s brought many smiles with his planned parties. Hell, he even planned a rent party for a family in their neighborhood when he came back from college.
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bewitchingbaker · 2 years
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 Introducing the Luna Family! Made a little family tree showing the family connections and getting an idea of what the family looks like. 
Julia Luna is the matriarch of the family and owner of the Bakery. Strict yet kind, she makes a majority of the decisions when it comes to the family affairs even if they aren’t the most noble. Like Chris she possesses magic though her particular skill set is in fortune telling and persuasion. While she never gives Chris too many details, she has done her fair share of dirt to make sure the family is where they are today. Plus it might have to do with what happened to Chris’s parents.
Sebastian Luna is potentially deceased. The last time Julia saw him was a few years ago when they were on the run from some hunters. Julia often tells the family he stayed behind to protect her, she herself doesn’t know for sure what happened to him and prefers not to think about it. 
Alice, Angela and Camilo Luna are the trio who keeps the bakery running with Chris. 
Alice Luna , like her mother, is a little tough especially on Chris and Amanda. Despite this, she makes it clear that she loves the family just not always in words. Outside of the bakery, Alice works as a physical instructor for various students  while occasionally cleaning up loose ends the family may leave behind. Like the rest of the Luna family she possesses magic abilities. Alice knows how to repair and restore things through incantations as well as reverse things that have been repaired/healed.
Angela is the more spacey one in family. While she works at the bakery, she’s also the marketing and tech side of the family. Often works on the website (the one thing her and Chris butt heads about) and on other projects for neighbors. While her magic potential is average compared to the rest of the family, she’s an expert in making various potions along with traps for familiars. Doesn’t get along with Dee, possibly due to being the person who trapped the old God in her current form. 
Camillo Luna is the uncle who knows how to make things happen cause he really gotten into shit. Probably the toughest person on Chris because in his own words ‘the world’s gonna keep hitting you and you gotta either hit back or take it’. Despite this, he spends a lot of time with Chris whether it be prepping orders, making deliveries or going on runs with him when Alice is busy. He feels a lot for his nephew so he tries to impart some kind of parental knowledge to the young baker. His magic deals more with luck.
[I’ll probably do a seperate post about Chris’s parents]
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bewitchingbaker · 4 months
Chris's Grimmoire: Future of the Lunas
Compared to Chris's other side of the family, the Luna's are very small. The only main members currently are Julia, Alice, Camilo and their niece and nephew. As Chris gets older and becomes the next official head of the Luna's, the family grows.
Not all by blood, for some people, he just considers members of the family by association.
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bewitchingbaker · 1 year
🍫 / 🍻
🍫 food headcanon
Chris isn't picky when it comes to pizza. Whatever toppings his friends want, he'll be cool with it. Veggie. Hawaiian. Chicken. He's cool with it all. When he orders pizza for himself, he tends to get a mix of pepperoni, green and yellow peppers and a ton of red pepper flakes.
🍻 friendship headcanon
Chris will freak out if his friends almost die. Throughout his life, he's lost some childhood friends back home in Chicago so he's pretty protective of the few friends he has. On some adventures, if he has to save his friends, you might see a few tears of worry.
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bewitchingbaker · 1 year
Tierra Whack’s visual album, Whack World, is how I imagine Chris’s inner world looks like. Colors that perfectly capture his mood throughout his life, very surreal doors that lead to parts of his life. More than likely guided by a different version of the baker that represents his emotions. While some doors may lead to somewhere silly, there's a certain sadness to them. 
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bewitchingbaker · 1 year
33. are they too hard on themselves over the little things?
Yes and yes. No one is harder on Chris than himself. He knows he makes mistakes but boy does he get mad at himself for it. This is largley because he was raised to believe that "Luna's don't make mistakes with recipes" since he was raised by his grandma. But he's learning to make mistakes and be ok with them.
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bewitchingbaker · 1 year
6. what do they normally dream about? nightmares or nonsense? {Hi fren!}
Ah, Chris's dreams tend go in one of two ways. Very surreal but heartwarming memories with his parents before they passed on. Or nightmares of his time when he was captured by a demon.
His good dreams are set in a very strange version of chicago where things are good but weird. For example, his house looks the same but there are no streets yet people still walk on them. His parents are playing music on mp3s, even though its the 90s. Essentially combining his loves with his very strange life.
Nightmares see him trapped in a glass prison surrounded by a dark ink like substance that constantly torments him with bad memories. He had this nightmare for a few months before they stopped although they still pop up every other night.
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bewitchingbaker · 1 year
[legs]: are they solidly built, short and stubby, or long and graceful, do they have knobbly knees or rounded knees, what’s their gait, etc.
Chris has a pretty long pair of legs. Accompanied by some thick-ish slightly muscular and reliable thighs. When it comes to his knees their pretty round and smooth save for a few childhood scars with a typical gait.
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bewitchingbaker · 1 year
[face]: what is the shape of their face, do they have pronounced cheekbones or a strong jaw, what’s the size and shape of their nose, what’s the size and shape of their ears, do they stick out, are they pointed, etc.
Hmmm, this is hard to describe because I'm horrible at describing a character's head. But I'll say his face is pretty round with some slightly strong features. Despite his somewhat muscular build, Chris still has a pair of chubby cheeks that people still love pinching.
One thing most people notice, however, is his nose. Chris has a fairly large and somewhat long nose. Despite its size, some have said it's one of his most attractive features. The baker possesses a pair of nice round ears, that hold a pair of gold hoop earrings.
I will fully admit, his face is inspired a lot by Mirabel from Encanto.
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bewitchingbaker · 1 year
[mouth]: are their lips always drawn thin or are they plump and kissable, what’s their “default expression”/resting face, do they have all their own teeth, do they use their teeth to smile, etc.
Chris's lips a pretty plump, fairly kissable I'd say at least that's what his exes would tell you. If I could draw Chris, I'd draw them pretty thick.
When it comes to his resting face, Chris usually sports a warm slightly mona lisa Esque smile. Just enough to be welcoming. If he's friends with you, you'll see a much wider and dorky grin that shows all of his teeth.
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bewitchingbaker · 1 year
[eyes]: not just the colour, but the shape, the length of their eyelashes, whether they’re alert or usually half-closed, large or small, sunken into the face, ringed by bags, etc.
Chris Luna possesses a pair of round, dark brown eyes that occasionally show a dark purple when his magic is active. He inherited his mom's long-ish eyelashes (much to the annoyance of his sister). More often than not he can be seen with a half-closed, easy-going expression. He's tall af and somewhat muscular so he does his best to look as welcoming as possible.
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bewitchingbaker · 1 year
*slams hand on the table* HOLY SHI MY FAVORITE PROMPT! MAKE YOUR WRITING FINGERS READY BUDDY! [hair]: length, colour, texture, whether it grows quickly or slowly, how manageable it is, whether it requires lots of styling, do they leave stray hairs everywhere, is it present on their face, is it present on the rest of their body, etc.
Chris's hair is medium length, kinky curly (4C specific). The Lunas are pretty known for their hair growing super fast and Chris is no exception. By the time he gets a haircut, its already growing back! It's pretty manageable, often requiring a bi-weekly cut and a weekly wash. Usually wears a durag to bed and sleeps with a satin pillow.
In terms of style, Chris usually has a small afro (it used to be larger when he was a teenager) although he's been thinking about growing it out again. The young Luna also has a small beard, usually lined up and neat.
Chris is fairly hairy, mainly around his arms and a bit on his stomach.
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bewitchingbaker · 2 years
Is your muse comfortable with public displays of affection? 
Yeah, Chris is pretty comfy with PDA. While he likes it, he'd probably turn into a stuttering and blushing mess if his partner or friend hugged him or kiss on the cheek in public.
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bewitchingbaker · 2 years
6. what is something that ticks your muse off, no matter what?
9. does your muse have any nervous habits? (biting lip, fidgeting, etc.)
12. what is a lesson your muse’s parent(s)/guardian taught them that they still hold onto?
6. what is something that ticks your muse off, no matter what?
Chris gets really really really upset with people who don't respect artist's prices. He grew up in a artsy home so he has nothing but respect for the time an artist put into their craft. Chris supports an artist charging alot for their work. So if he hears someone complain about prices or saying they could do it themselves, he's definitly going to give them a lecture on respecting artist's prices.
9. does your muse have any nervous habits? (biting lip, fidgeting, etc.)
Rubbing his neck along with an awkward chuckle.
12. what is a lesson your muse’s parent(s)/guardian taught them that they still hold onto?
"Patience gets a lot done but also so does anger. It's good to have a balance of both." Chris's dad told him this. Essentially, be patient with things but don't let people take advantage of his patience.
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