#//it's pabst my bebtim
the-black-zoroark · 7 months
The Zorua is very tired, it is eepy. The Zorua has had a very long day of stealing money and wants to take just a smol sleeb. It eeby and neebies to sleeby. Zorbua sleepy and need bed-bye time. The Zorua is currently experiencing critical levels of being a sleevjy lil guy and needs to go to bedb. It is ver tired and needs to slep. Just a little sleejing time as a treat. Zorurudja neebs to slek, ver twired kiddo, just a lil guy. Zoruaruzarura needs it's beaty sleeb. Look at it go! It yawn big cause it skeejy, neebs to falafel asleep. Nini time! Good night, mixter the Zorua.
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