#//in the same vein he's also thankful to yammy because if they didnt clock him in the face like they did he would've been frozen to death
doomxdriven · 2 years
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You would expect someone to harbor feelings of anger or fear toward a person who crushed their pride and nearly killed them, but in the case of Rudbornn after his fight with Rukia, that wasn't case. Rudbornn definitely had some, harsh feelings in the immediate aftermath of his defeat, both toward R.ukia and toward himself (it definitely amplified his feelings of self loathing and it did a number on his self esteem for sure), but over time he came to appreciate what that defeat and near death experience taught him, and what doors it opened for him in terms of his personal development-- Rudbornn's defeat and brush with death that day ultimately helped him realize the error of his ways, and from that point on, he started working on being a better person. Because of this, Rudbornn actually thinks of his vanquisher in a more positive light, even if he does one day hope to get in a rematch with them, and hopefully win.
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