#//if you'd like future answers to be pre or something lemme know--
reflections-of-mobius · 9 months
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@dyadhogs asked:
"wait...you're not my sonic." given she had just opened her mouth to ask the other a question, amy abruptly snapped it close after that, looking a little embarrassed. at least she had caught herself...?
A chuckle escaped the hedgehog. He smiled lightly towards the pink mobian, emerald hues bright.
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"Sorry about that. Kinda surprised you mixed me n' your Sonic up, honestly." Bless would have thought the teardrop of peach-tan fur on his chest, or maybe the armlet that was once Chip's necklace, would have given him away...but it was still interesting to get mistaken for one of his counterparts. "Still though!"
In the daylight, the faint light of the ring sitting in his chest was borderline invisible- something he was rather grateful for, especially with this chance encounter. He quickly snapped himself back to attention- the thought sliding in and out of his mind in a fraction of a millisecond.
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"I hope you find your Sonic soon!- Ah, I should introduce myself." Even if this Amy already knew him- he was well-accustomed to the concept of multiversal nicknames by now. Years around Node and hopping between worlds had definitely been a decent teacher. "-Nickname's Bless. Nice to meetcha!" Though now, he was wondering if he'd accidentally hopped dimensions...or this Amy had. "....so...are you lost, or am I?" It was a half-joking inquiry, at best. One never knew with this sort of business.
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