#//if you do want to we can discuss in dm's who'd actually win the fight!
troublewithvampires · 9 months
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@yaksha-garden said: [SMACK]
(punch him. do it. - open)
It's around two in the morning, and the latest meeting of Bloodsuckers Anonymous is in full swing. The dilapidated apartment building they've chosen for this event is alive with undead monsters, cheering and laughing among themselves as they stand in a circle, watching other vampires beat the everliving shit out of each other.
If asked directly, Sal would deny actually enjoying these meetings. He'd say he comes for stress relief and nothing more. After all, even getting to break some bloodsuckers' teeth in isn't worth having to be around the annoying fucks any longer than he has to. But, well... he does enjoy them. He has fun, fucking sue him.
Like tonight. Tonight, Sal is doing fucking great.
"And we have our winner!" the announcer, a tall woman with a spiky mane of fiery hair, crows as she hauls him off of the vampire he'd just beaten into submission. "Everyone give it up for Two-Shoes!" The crowd echoes his name, and Sal grins viciously back at them.
"Who's next?" he calls. Despite the lack of blood in his veins, Sal feels alive right now, adrenaline thrumming through him. And it seems the others are loving every second of it. "Come on! We ain't got all fuckin' night!"
The announcer laughs, her own expression deadly as she rests a clawed hand on his shoulder. "Come on, you fuckin' cowards!" she shouts. "Who wants to kick this shithead's ass?"
This goes on for another thirty seconds, until someone actually does step out of the crowd: a short, somewhat slight stranger with warm brown skin and short, wavy hair. A jagged crack, like a broken piece of pottery, stretches down their face, which is currently set in a determined frown.
They aren't someone Sal's seen here before, and at a glance, they definitely don't look like a vampire. Maybe not human, but certainly not a vampire. Still, they clearly know what they're doing, and the announcer recognizes them. Her eyes glitter as she steps forward to welcome them into the ring.
"And we have our challenger!" she calls. "Soma vs Two-Shoes. Y'all know the rules by now, so I'm not gonna rehash them--just give us a good show." Something darkens in her expression as she watches Sal and the stranger square up with each other. She holds up one hand.
"Ready?" she says. Sal glances at her and nods, before he turns his attention to the stranger before him.
Normally, Sal isn't that cocky during the fights, but he's still riding the emotional high of his repeated victories. So, he decides to indulge in a little shit-slinging, see what happens.
"You can back out now," he tells the stranger. "I won't tell anybody--might save you a few broken bones." He's only guessing if the stranger's bones can break, but he assumes they will. "'Course, I'd love to kick the shit out of you, so-"
Before he can finish his sentence, the stranger lunges forward and punches him hard in the jaw. There's more force behind the blow than he thought there'd be, enough to snap his head back momentarily, stunned.
The message is clear: Shut the fuck up and fight.
Sal can respect that. Once he recovers, he grins down at the stranger, eyes wild with excitement at the chance for a real fight.
"Good choice," he purrs. And then he pounces.
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