#//He'd even bleed at their whim and Die for them if they so much as asked him to; if it's serious enough
dutybcrne · 4 months
Forever love the idea of Kaeya feeling both Distress but also Anger in the face of realizing just much he likes or even loves somebody.
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computerwarrior · 1 year
[From "Send me ⚓️ for our muses to be shipwrecked together"
...Not sure who should approach who, and this got really long, so leaving it at this...
Ultimately, how Ed ended up on the Grid was trivial. An anomaly he noticed, and couldn't stop thinking about, and, on a whim, went to go investigate.
It didn't take him long to find Flynn's creepy basement lab. It took him less time to find the digital world (he was without a doubt inside the computer, because that was most certainly the digitization laser he shot himself with).
It took them even less time to find him.
All he knew was that one moment he was standing in a dusty arcade, the next... he was still standing in the arcade, except as if it existed in a different dimension. In a different world.
And then two... programs? in glowing orange suits approached him, arrested him (for what, he wasn't certain), and put him on one of those ships from Flynn's game that he was never allowed to play as a kid. Space Paranoids, if he remembered correctly.
In any case, they put him on the ship, with several other programs. He'd already had a stressful day (thanks, Mackey), and was barely keeping it together when one of the other programs mentioned that they were all going to 'derezz.' Ed wasn't certain what that word meant, but from the context, he was convinced the guards were taking them to their deaths.
He was claustrophobic from the number of people programs on the ship, and he may have shot himself with a high-powered laser, but he certainly didn't want to die.
He couldn't breathe, he could barely form a thought from how his mind was reeling.
And then suddenly Ed could feel the lines code that made up the ship, and their restraints that held his feet in place. He had no idea what he did, but the next moment, their restraints were gone.
The woman next to him instantly attacked the guards with a staff he had no idea where she got it from. The ship descended into chaos as the other programs joined in the melee, and then in altitude when one of the programs destroyed the ship's pilot with the disc on their back.
Ed didn't have a disc, or a staff, and he certainly didn't know anything about piloting... anything, really, but nobody had yet realized that their ship was about to crash. So he carefully skirted the edge of their cabin to the controls.
A joystick. Really Flynn? Murder on his wrist. Joy of joys.
Ed... tried to keep them flying, but he had never been good at video games, and he really didn't have time to do much but pull up and lessen the impact when they crashed into the mountainside.
The next thing he knew, he was face down in the snowy, barren wasteland outside the city. When he rolled over to see his surroundings, the recognizer was a fair distance away (he see it clearly: blessedly, his glasses weren't broken in the crash). He must have been thrown out one of the broken windows in the crash. His ears rang, and Ed was certain he was both bleeding and concussed.
There was someone else lying in the snow, thankfully a distance away, but Ed had no idea what happened to the rest of the programs on the ship.
He knew he should get moving, in case any of the guards survived, but Ed needed a moment to recover before he attempted anything else.
((Ooooh, awesome, thank you so very much!))
Living on the Grid was hazardous nowadays, especially for a Renegade. Ark specialized in causing trouble for the Occupation, but knew that it was going to catch up with her one of these cycles.
She had been pulling another one of her self-assigned missions, when the sky had lit up in a way she hadn't seen in countless cycles.
A User was rezzing into the Grid.
Unfortunately, the beam of light distracted her long enough for the Occupation to catch up to her.
Badly outnumbered, Ark decided to save her strength for better odds.
She was loaded into a Recognizer, along with quite a few other programs.
A short time later, someone was loaded in next to her, someone with strange clothes she had never seen before. Was he the User? Or just a program with a quirky style? Was odd fashion a good enough reason for him to be arrested?
As she analyzed him, all of a sudden, him, her, and everyone else was free.
She took advantage of the surprise and chaos, and immediately leapt into action. Fortunately, they hadn't searched her too well in the confusion over the beacon, so her staff had remained with her.
Bolstered by the knowledge that there was likely a User among them, she fought hard, joined in by all the other prisoners on the ship.
The battle didn't last long before everything exploded.
Ark was flung out of the Recognizer and away from it, falling into the snow.
She wasn't out long, the cold stinging and bringing her back conscious, her circuits coming back online.
Using her staff to help, she pulled herself up and started looking around for any survivors.
She saw someone in the snow and started making her way towards them, using her staff as a walking stick while she still got her bearings.
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thebahwrites · 1 year
Hey!!! If you’re still doing prompts then please do Icemav + talking about death please :)
Icemav + Death talks To read listening: I Will Follow You Into The Dark - Death Cab for Cutie CW: Heavy angst, injury, blood mention, car crashes death talks I don't usually add these to these warmup prompts but today I woke up and chose violence so I'm putting this under a read more, no one dies but you get the idea.
Love of mine Someday you will die But I'll be close behind I'll follow you into the dark
"What do you think there is? At the end."
"Mav, stop talking, for once." Or don't. Tom couldn't think quite clearly, which was a first for him — so much for being ice cold when it got down to this. It did occur to him that maybe this was why relationships of people in the same squad weren't allowed because right now thinking became some form of extreme exercise, the convoluted kind ; like trying to find space in a crowded shelf for another knicknack. His hands are shaking, why are his hands shaking? Had the ice finally made all the way into his bones?
"You'd miss the sound of my voice, admit it, Kazansky." Maverick jabs again but there's just the slight hint of strain underlining the words that make Iceman even colder, ironic as it was. It was so damn cold but Tom isn't sure his hands are shaking because of the snow falling around them. It hurts.
"Yeah I would." He's forced to admit to at leas try and focus on something here.
"There's nothing else for you to do, Tom, give it up." Pete hums, talking all too casually for someone whose head and neck were bleeding so heavily that Tom felt like getting sick. The kind of sick he'd feel when a missile rushed right by his cockpit but didn't hit, swerving by the skin of his teeth. He still wouldn't let up, hands wrapped around the man in his arms, cradling that, thankfully so warm, body like it was his mother's fine china. Maverick had always been smaller than him, alright, but right now he felt small. Fragile, even. And Iceman who was never afraid, the man who never hesitated, felt like a helpless child.
"Ambulance's gonna be here soon, c'mon, just keep me busy here." Mav offers and if the man hadn't just been sent through the windshield of their car Ice might have strangled him right there — how dare he be the one comforting him? Shouldn't it be the other way around? Trust that creature to be a maverick of his own.
"Even if you were dying, which you aren't just so we're very clear, this isn't a conversation I ever felt like having, you know?" Maybe it's a snippy response, snippier than it normally would have been — as if he isn't feeling like discussing death and mortality with a man bleeding out on the side of the road in his arms.
"I'm not afraid of dying." Pete's words aren't, somehow, a surprise.
"To no one's surprise, Mav." Maybe there wasn't, in fact, anything he could do other than keep the man's focus and attention on this conversation; even if it meant indulging in what was at best a terrible topic and at worst a terrifying telling of this car crash they found themselves in. Ice runs shaky fingertips over Maverick's bloodied forehead, not really doing much but it felt warm under gelid digits.
"Are you?" Of course Pete would ask that. Tom sighs through his teeth, caving to the whims of that stubborn little man, pushing into that conversation. Pete Mitchell could always get whatever he wanted from him, whatever it was, that short man recklessly held Tom Kazansky's heart in the palm of his hand.
"I am, actually." Ice admits defeat all to easily, finally peeling his gaze away from the man on his lap, eyes falling on the Christmas lights around them, red and white and yellow, the spotty other colorful hues here and there. "Wanting to live is what keeps me fighting to not lose, I think that's where we differ, Mav." It's not that Tom didn't think about it often, he just had better things to think about most of his time. But he looks down and catches curious, though bloodshot, green eyes watching his face ever so attentively.
"I don't know what's at the end, to answer your question but I don't think it matters that much either... I think it's the whole of the journey that counts." His voice feels steadier now, watching Pete's features ever so closely, they're all alone in the world for now. Surrounded by the distant lights, fading Christmas carols, quietly falling snow and the smoldering wreckage of the car; all vague witnesses to this small tragedy. Maverick's blood dripping ever so quietly, staining Iceman's jeans into a painting he wished to forget. "I think... whatever's at the end, it's the whole of my life that should make it count... maybe afraid isn't the right word, the thing is, I don't want to die, I want to stay here, with you."
Tom wonders if he's said the wrong thing when Pete falls silent, which in any other setting would've warranted a finally! from him. But it doesn't, instead, he only knows the man hasn't passed out because he can see pondering eyes.
"I think I lied." Maverick finally speaks, voice a little shaky, hands coming up to find Iceman's wrist, a thumb sliding into his pulse point. "I think I am afraid of death... just not mine."
If Heaven and Hell decide that they both are satisfied Illuminate the no's on their vacancy signs If there's no one beside you when your soul embarks Then I'll follow you into the dark
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Hi hi! I just wanted to know if you think Akane is going to die? And how?
Have a good day!
ahhh this is a very satisfying ask(all I think about is Akane) I love the topic of Akane's death...
Akane is apsolutely going to die
and with the current situation? it's so cannon it hurts(at least I'm hoping) let's start with evidence
Akane was chosen by the clock keepers for a reason
like a short life span, meaning he'll be permanent which is so easy when you're looking for a new seat number.
do you see Akane rn? damn he's so dead
with our new found Yorishiro hunt, the clock keepers may be last(besides Tsukasa), but they will be on the list, and with such a major character as Akane, it'll tie in nicely, to have them appear, and then a confirmation on his death.
let's look at speculation and theories of mine!
well there could be many ways of him dying, we'll start with the most obvious. Akane's situation at the moment is considerably rough, and his wound was confirmed not to be abled to heal since we didn't make it in time with Kako to get it fixed, he's still dealing with the supernatural healing process, which is quite, odd to say the least, I hope we get more coverage on that! and how Hanako(or any supernatural in general) heals after being stabbed or hurt. and his wound from No 6 on top of that? brr you got it rough Akane.
there's also Akane's selflessness that will most obviously get him killed, and by that I mean, Aoi. Akane would bleed himself dry for her and he has, that's all he's been doing. and if making a contract with the clock keepers will help himself save Aoi, he'll definitely take that opportunity. he values helping people so much, and helping the person he loves most is all he wants, he's practically been chilled with fear from losing her once, and that wasn't even a month! poor guy, but there's a lot more tragedy in store for this guy. stricking a permanent deal of some kind could help him in the long run, and could reward himself with good allies considering the clock keepers have it out for his lifespan. even though he'd be utterly devastated and reluctant too, if he had to choose, he'd sacrifice himself for Aoi any day, even though he knows he'll never be able to do anything he said, it'd be a decision that would be his last choice, no where near top, but he would if it came down to it, but Akane intends on being in Aoi's life no matter what, so this is the less likely way it'll go down, oh well!
as much as this could be a stretch, it may or may not be more likely then the one above. Akane making a wish. and it's penalty would be his life, well, it'd only have to take the other half. Akane's wish would be quite pricey considering he reaches for the stars, and if I'll be damned he might as well reach them if he really wanted to, but he fails a lot of the time, most often, actually. but wether this wish be made by;
(the most likely in my book)the Red House itself! the Red House has already tried to ask, meaning it's completely interested in Akane's desires, and enjoys using those who would give anything for another person, which means the Red House could get most of the person themselves, and the Red House is known to like taking lifespans for itself.
Tsukasa (not by the red House, but by the means of Tsukasa, bc Akane has been known to be more of a human then a supernatural but, being half comes with plenty of mysteries, including if he can be granted a wish of the heart from Tsukasa)
Hanako! this may be a stretch considering the situation but Hanako seemed so willing to give Akane a wish, even negotiating and asking. Hanako seems eager to grant him a wish, with specific goals in mind but it'd work in his favor while using him)
he might as well be written with wish material, maybe they should all start putting out signs?
this post was done on a whim so i hope this was good, I hope you enjoyed this little analysis/theory♡
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sacrilegeds · 4 years
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*      pops   in   20hrs   late   w/out   starbucks   bc   i’m   a   bih   but   not   that   kind   of   bih      *      NJLRJKFW   hullo   famjam   !      i’m   dani   n   i’m   so   stoked   abt   this   group   y’all   have   no  idea   .      excuse   this   messy   ass   intro   ,      i'd   sell   my   soul   fr   if   it   meant   i   could   write   even   a   mediocre   one   but   w/e   we   do   be   tryin   out   here   .      NEWAYZ   ,      before   i   get   completely   sidetracked   u   can   read   abt   my   gremlin   beneath   the   cut   n   if   u’d   like   to   plot   then   hmu   or   like   this   post   or   smth   so   i   know   to   come   bother   u   !!
rome   welcomes   DAMON   DVORAK   ,      an   INCUBUS   .      they   are   36/900+   years   old   and   have   been   in   the   city   for   TWO   MONTHS   .      they   are   known   to   be   VOLUPTUARY      +      IMPIOUS   ,      which   makes   sense   because   they’re   AMUSED   about   the   marriages   .      i   heard   they’re   betrothed   to   KIERAN   RAVYN      -----      a   SIREN   PRINCE   .
𝖓𝖆𝖒𝖊   .      draxus
𝖆𝖑𝖎𝖆𝖘(𝖊𝖘)   .      damon   dvorak      (      current      )   ,      countless   others   .
𝖆𝖌𝖊   .      physically   appears   in   his   mid   -   late   thirties   ,      is   actually   somewhere   in   his   900′s   but   stopped   keeping   track   awhile   back   .
𝖘𝖕𝖊𝖈𝖎𝖊𝖘   .      demon
𝖘𝖊𝖝𝖚𝖆𝖑𝖎𝖙𝖞   .      doesn’t   rly   care   tbqh
𝖌𝖊𝖓𝖊𝖗𝖆𝖑   𝖆𝖇𝖎𝖑𝖎𝖙𝖎𝖊𝖘   .
dream   walking   /   manipulation   :      damon   can   insert   himself   into      &      warp   other’s   dreams   to   his   whim   .
vampirism   :      like   the   rest   of   his   ilk   damon   feeds   off   of   pleasure   but   can   also   drain      &      consume   his   victim’s   life   force   through   physical   contact   .
inhuman   abilities   :      enhanced   speed   ,      strength   ,      reflexes   ,      etc   .
healing   :      well  -  fed   ,      damon   can   heal   from   most   injuries   in   a   matter   of   hours   .
immortal   :      he   can’t   die   of   natural   causes      &      most   attempts   to   kill   him   will   only   result   in   banishing   him   back   to   hell   for   a   period   of   time   .
*      quick   lil   note   to   say   that   i’ve   def   taken   some   liberties   w   the   lore   since   there   isn’t   much   to   go   off   of
if   questioned   about   his   origins   the   only   answer   draxus   would   give   is   that   he   simply   is   .      licked   into   existence   by   hell’s   flames   too   long   ago   to   recall   ,      he'd   claim      because   IF   he   did   have   some   sort   of   past   it   must’ve   been   quite   the   traumatic  one   to   warp      &      twist      &      mutilate   a   once   human   soul   into   something   demonic   and   if   that   was   the   case   whatever   he   might   recall  would   be   more   dream  -  like   than   memory   .      snippets   playing   on   loop   inside   his   head   ,      bits      &      pieces   of   a   story   that   never   betray   the   entire   picture      ;      broken   vows   ,      a   gaping   hole   in   his   chest      &      a   bleeding   heart   clenched   in   a   lover’s   fist   ,      none   of   which   was   as   metaphorical   as   it   sounded   .      with   nothing   to   fill   in   the   gaps   or   tie   the   whole   thing   together   ,      it   felt   as   much   a   reverie   as   his   own   recollection   .      the   emotions   however   ,      clung   like   a   second   skin   .      betrayal   ,      heartache      ,      RAGE      all   ate   at   him      ;      made   him   into   someone   else   ,      something   else   .
for   years   he   killed   indiscriminately   ,      caught   in   his   own   grief      &      ire   which   he   was   all   too   happy   to   take   out   on   his   victims   .      with   time      &      experience   he   discovered   feeding      &      killing   were   not   mutually   exclusive   .      he   began   playing   with   his   prey   ,      toying   with   them   during   the   day      &      haunting   their   dreams   at   night   ,      drawing   their   torment   out   for   weeks   even   months   at   a   time   as   he   siphoned   their   life   force   .      nowadays   though   it   isn’t   unheard   of   for   him   to   kill      &      he   certainly   hasn’t   lost   his   taste   for   it   ,      it’s   more   of   a   game   to   him   ,      a   way   to   pass   the   time      &      most   of   the   players   even   make   it   out   alive   .
when   the   war   broke   out   damon   never   really   chose   a   side   .      true   he   held   no   love   for   humans      (      or   anyone   aside   from   himself   tbh      )      but   all   the   same   he   failed   to   see   the   sense   in   culling   the   food   source   so   for   the   most   part   he   simply   kept   to   himself      &      observed   .      as   far   as   the   arranged   marriages   go   ,      he   doesn’t   really   care   abt   peace   ,      esp   not   between   spn   races   but   he’s   not   particularly   bothered   by   them   either   since   he's   not   taking   it   seriously   .
personality   wise   ,      he’s   an   imp   .      likes   causing   mischief      &      stirring   the   pot   ,      esp   when   he   can   sit   back      &      watch   the   chaos   unfold   from   the   sidelines   .      that   said   he’s   also   vvv   laid  -  back   ,      it’s   nearly   impossible   to   ruffle   his   feathers   though   it’s   certainly   amusing   to   watch   others   try   .      of   course   being   an   incubus   he   can   also   be   very   suave   ,      seductive      &      charming   ,      is   definitely   v   self  -  indulgent      &      encourages   like  -  minded  behavior   .
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morbid-n-macabre · 4 years
Los Angeles, California in 2003-
Had you seen her while out and about, it would have been impossible not to notice Lana Clarkson. She was a statuesque blonde who stood at 6 foot tall, and drop dead gorgeous. But Lana was so much more than a pretty face; friends remember her as an intelligent woman with a wicked sense of humor. She had been outgoing, caring, friendly, and the life of the party wherever she went.
Though she'd been the leading lady in many B rated movies and played small roles in a handful of well known films, at 40 years of age Lana was still awaiting her big break. Due to this, the actress took on a job as a hostess at the famous House Of Blues nightclub on the Sunset Strip; her job had been to take good care of the VIP guests in a special area called The Foundation Room where LA's biggest celebrities were known frequent. Lana had not been working here too long, but it seemed to be a great fit for her; though she officially made only $9 an hour, celebrities tended to tip pretty well, and Lana had hoped to meet the right people while there.
In the very early hours of Monday, February 3nd of 2003, less than a hour before closing time, a celebrity by the name of Phil Spector walked into the club and attempted to enter the VIP area. Phil was an extremely wealthy music legend in his sixties, but Lana had absolutely no clue who the heck he was so she refused him entry. If that weren't bad enough, she accidentally misgendered Phil - Lana addressed the celebrity as "Ma'am"! Once the actress was informed of who exactly she had been interacting with, she apologized profusely and, as it was her job to cater to each VIP patron's slightest whim, that's exactly what she did. Sadly, as Lana was about to discover, Phil was much like a grenade who's pin had just been pulled - he was very soon to explode.
There's no denying that the musical genius had some serious demons. When he was only 8, Phil's daddy had committed suicide. As a teenager he was in a musical group called The Teddy Bears; Phil wrote a song called To Know Him Is To Love Him, the name of which had actually been taken from the epitaph engraved on his father's tombstone. By the age of 21 Phil was a millionaire; not only was he an accomplished song writer and musician himself, but he invented what is known as The Wall Of Sound. Phil had discovered a way to layer music, which sounded better on the radio than anything which had been discovered thus far. This was a really big deal, and Phil has been called one of the most influential music producers of all time! Since all of the biggest artists wanted to work with him, the producer became very egotistical; the older he grew the more eccentric, erratic, and violent his behavior became. He was well known for constantly packing heat, and he was absolutely not afraid to threaten someone by pointing a firearm at them - sometimes he even fired it! If this weren't bad enough, there have been a long line of women throughout the decades who claim to have been abused in various ways by Phil; several even swear to have been held captive for several days or longer in the music mogul's mansion! His ex has written a book about the hell on Earth she endured while under Phil's control. Of course Lana had no way of knowing any of this, she barely knew who Phil was.
At closing time, an intoxicated Phil needed help getting outside to his vehicle; the man was a good tipper, and the hostess was happy to oblige. Phil's limousine driver, Adriano De Souza, had been waiting outside the club. Phil insisted that Lana come back to his 33 room mansion known as The Pyrenees Castle for a nightcap. Lana declined this offer several times, but finally relented. Adriano later recalled that Lana had been adamant that she would come inside for just a quick drink, then the chauffer would drive her back. Sometime around 3 am on Monday morning Phil and Lana entered The Castle; the chauffer remained outside, awaiting the actress's promise of a prompt return.
Much of what occurred over the course of the next two hours is still up for debate, mostly we know what the driver has told us. At approximately 5 am Phil walked out of his home carrying a gun in his hands and stated, "I think I killed somebody". The chauffer called the police, with whom Phil refused to comply. He would not show his hands; a scuffle ensued, resulting in the suspect being tased and tackled to the ground.
A deceased Lana was found still seated in the white French provincial chair in the foyer, she'd taken a bullet from a .38-caliber Colt Cobra to the mouth; a firearm lay at the floor near her feet. It was obvious that Phil had attempted to clean up before notifying authorities. Blood was found on the staircase and multiple other areas, and in a bathroom near the foyer lay a cloth diaper drenched in the lady's blood.
The music mogul's account of what had transpired changed multiple times. Phil reportedly told police "I didn't mean to shoot her. It was an accident". After he'd sobered up a bit, Phil claimed to be an innocent man. He'd startled the actress as she'd been playing with the gun, and it had accidentally discharged.
Investigators did not believe Phil's story, and the autopsy agreed with them. The bullet had traveled in a slightly upward trajectory which had severed Lana's spine, and the recoil from the firearm sent several of the actress's front teeth flying to the floor. It was not a pretty death, but thankfully Lana did die instantaneously. The actress's tongue had been bruised, which the coroner stated had been from the gun forcibly entering her mouth - blunt force trauma. An acrylic fingernail from Lana's right hand was missing, had likely broken off during some sort of a struggle. There were bruises on her right arm and wrist, two of which have been described as significant. The lady's leopard print purse strap had been over her right shoulder at the time of death, which indicated that she'd soon intended to leave the premises, and the firearm was found on the floor near Lana's left foot though she'd been right handed.
Phil was arrested for second degree murder, but released on a one million dollar bond. While awaiting trial the music producer married a 26 year old deli waitress named Rachelle Short whom he would show off daily throughout the spectacle of a trial. After trying on a string of high profile attorneys, Phil finally settled on Mafia Boss John Gotti's lawyer, Bruce Cutler. The defense's stance was that Lana had discovered the firearm inside the millionaire's home and had committed suicide. The prosecution and the defense argued about both the gunshot residue and the blood spatter, with both calling experts to prove their point. The prosecution claimed that Lana had likely been grabbing for the gun while Phil was forcing it in her mouth, which would explain why there was so much GSR on her hands. Either way, a good washing can remove GSR from the skin, so Phil could not be eliminated as the killer based on that. The prosecution called a few of the women who had been victimized by Phil, some of which swore that the defendant had pulled a gun on them through the years. One witness, a former friend of the defendant named Dianne Ogden-Halder, claimed that Phil had attempted to rape her at gun point back in the 80's. She had been a guest at Phil's mansion when he'd abruptly changes from friendly to "demonic"; at this point Phil pulled out a gun and threatened to "blow her brains out". Dianne claimed that he refused to allow her to leave the home, and pressed said firearm against her forehead and cheek. Dianne claimed that she was shocked by Phil's behavior as it was unnecessary, had he been romantic with her that would've been fine. This is definitely worth mentioning as there had been sexual activity between Lana and Phil on the night of her death. There was DNA (saliva) which proved that Lana had performed fellatio on Phil, and Phil's DNA was discovered on Lana's breast. The defense called a witness to testify that Lana had been very depressed at the time of her death, and this may have been the tipping point. In the end, a couple of the jury members did have their doubts; after 12 days of deliberation a mistrial was declared.
18 months later, on October 29th of 2008, a second trial began. This trial was not the media circus which the first day been, and Phil did not have the same caliber of a defense. This time around the wealthy music mogul was found guilty of second degree murder and sentenced to 19 years to life; he is currently spending his days in the California Health Care Facility in Stockton. His health is rapidly declining, and it's said that he's not been physically capable of speaking since 2014. In 2016, after 10 years of marriage, Phil divorced his young wife. He stated that Rachelle was "bleeding him dry" with her excessive spending. She'd purchased very expensive jewellery, an airplane, a Ferrari and an Aston Martin. Rachelle had more than one plastic surgeries, bought her mama 2 nice houses, and at the time of he filed, she was in the process of getting herself a jet. All of this spending while Phil was supposed to live off the $300 a month that she placed on his books. The musician wants his daughter to control his money.
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*While researching opinions, I've found that the belief of Phil's innocence is blamed largely on David Mamet's HBO movie starring Al Pacino, "Phil Spector". This movie paints the musician in a completely innocent light, but it is not a documentary. While it's a decent film, it's just not completely factual.
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