#//Diluc genuinely angry; whether at Kae or someone near; is also v likely to make him freeze the ground or smth he's holding
dutybcrne · 1 year
It’s easy enough to tell just how much something really got to Kaeya based on the air around him. He’s so carefully in control of his own emotions and Vision alike, his true feelings tend to go unnoticed or masked as something else. But if it really threw him or a loop or upset him in some way, a notable change in temperatures ( proportionate to how much he was affected ) is the surest sign, regardless of his poker face.
#hc; kaeya#//You know it's BAD bad if ice actively starts forming on himself/nearby without him noticing or in spite of him trying to keep calm#//But that usually only happened if something's truly threatening a loved one and he can't do a damn thing about it#//Or otherwise brought out of him by certain folks he's attached to. Like a certain claymore user for instance#//If Diluc ever tried to initiate reconciliation abruptly or even began to pry into his business; Kae is deffo bound to freeze something#//And he would sure hope Diluc wouldn't try to grab his shoulder or otherwise touch him unexpectedly; bc he'd give the man HELLA frostburn#//Pyro and Cryo do Not mix well; especially not if he was already stressed to begin with#//Anyone else trying to pry would get a chill in the air; whether bc of annoyance or rising stress#//Though Jean could also get him to freeze smth if she catches him off-guard a lot easier than most#//Especially if it flusters him--he would accidentally make a flurry burst of ice crystals the moment the feeling hits#//She and Diluc are the people he is/was most attached to; so ofc they're the ones who can get the strongest reactions out of him#//Diluc genuinely angry; whether at Kae or someone near; is also v likely to make him freeze the ground or smth he's holding#//Same with Jean; he assumes--he has yet to see her actually angry; but he genuinely Fears how it would go#//And the thought alone makes frost spread#//The traveler is depending on what exactly it is they do. Angry with him; it's a chill. Hurt; chill; maybe some frost depending#//Otherwise he's got a good handle on his emotions around them#//Y'know how in Frozen when Elsa froze her own room & then later in the prison when she froze her cell & shit started breaking?#//Yeah; that was what happened the first sleep after The Confrontation and during his stay at the Winery#//Both bc of Diluc lashing out and bc he was finally able to process Crepus' death#//Mans could not sleep Anywhere without the room ending up sealed in ice#//And only got worse each and every time Diluc's Vision flickered and dimmed#//He is thoroughly convinced the fact that he kept it on his person constantly is the reason he didn't get himself sick or worse#//He felt so awful for the staff and Adelinde especially if it got bad enough that she needed to get him to come out so it all could melt#//Or otherwise pull him out of his spiraling so he didn't actually compromise himself; the structure; or anyone else#//Would always act like she needed him to fetch her something; but he Knew. He Knew; and was mortified each and even time#//It got easier to control as the years went by; especially after/whenever Diluc replied to his letters#//But occasionally a particular nightmare would get him. Sometimes does in present day; but he's quicker to recover than back then#//When Jean got sick; her desk space had frost coating it while he worked. And when he heard she disappeared on Barbara?#//He froze and broke her inkwell; his coffee mug; and several pens#//All of which he replaced and swore Noelle to utmost secrecy
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