#// ooc. these two pickle my brain; they're so SOFT
crystalmarred · 19 days
The melody carries a little, as it is made for only one. The humming that follows, soft underneath a hat that tilts just a bit too much. A smile, true and pure — eyes that lock onto one from afar, though it tries ( to no avail ) to appear elsewhere.
Fingers pause, strings silence, and a chuckle that explodes, sending forth rosy cheeks. "I know you're looking Birdie, you don't have to be shy. I wrote this one for you, you know~"
UNPROMPTED ⇢ @diademreigned
It's a pleasant tune that finds it's way through the air to D'lhen's ears, to make the tip of them twitch in delight at the familiarity of the melody. Though the song was new, the fingers that plucked at the instrument's strings were all too familiar for how many times had they been set upon his heart's strings instead?
From the start, A'aven's talents had been startlingly apparent. Bards were common enough, but it'd be an insult to call this man anything of the sort.
D'lhen had, after all, sought out this spot more than once entirely because of his skill in music. Whatever could be better to settle down with when reading a book besides beautiful music?
Haven had not noticed it, he was sure. Not at first, at least. A man as withdrawn and almost abrasive as D'lhen, t'would be hard for anyone to assume that yes, he had come to this spot in particular to enjoy music played by a man with a sweet smile and a gentle demeanor.
But he had. And he did, even still, though now he had learned to tuck himself away, hidden and unseen to escape golden brown eyes, for Aven had long since learned to tease.
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A laugh slipped from his lips, bidden by Haven's words. These days, the sound tasted like Aven's own laughter, sweet a sound as it was.
"And whatever makes you think I'm being shy?"
It's uncharacteristic, how quickly Aven is able to draw a smile from him. Blue eyes squint near the corners of his eyes, giving away how right his Haven is, as he always is.
"I hadn't realized you were..." D'lhen paused, stopped and considered the phrasing of words his heart could not capture, could scarcely comprehend. "It suits you more than it does me, don't you think?"
Sweet, beautiful, just like the man before him and nothing like himself at all. Conventionally attractive, certainly, but the rest...? D'lhen was under no illusions, but it was hard to ignore, difficult to deny when Aven was so graciously offering the song to him like a gift he had not known he wanted...
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