#// light cw for that last song in case ya'll check it out
drachliebe · 11 months
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— 3 songs that portray your muse’s negative side of life! Bitter, negative, sad, bad vibes. What songs portray the darker sides of your muse?
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slumber -- slotface ( slumber version )
even as a child i know / that i'll never have friends like these again / even as a child i know / and i'm getting with companionship / falling asleep while we're still talking / falling asleep while we're still talking / faling asleep while we're still talking / falling asleep while we're still talking ...
boys will be bugs -- cavetown
don't mess with me , i'm a big boy now , and i'm very scary / i punch my walls , stay out at night , and i do karate / don't message me 'cause i won't reply , i wanna make you cry / ain't that how it's s'posed to be ? though it isn't me / boys will be bugs , right ?
krigsgaldr -- heilung
what am i supposed to do / if i want to talk about peace and understanding / but you only understand the language of the sword ? / what if i want to make you understand that the path you chose leads to downfall / but you only understand the language of the sword ? / what if i want to tell you to leave me and my beloved ones in peace / but you only understand the language of the sword ?
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