#/ i'm so sad i wanted to recommend some h.sr interactions but
dynmghts · 1 month
plots please! c:
rubs my hands together. i know you're super into genpact still (and hsr more so, but i haven't played enough to make a verse for katsuki yet), so lemme write up some ideas! we already have a basis for tartaglia and bennett mostly, so let's see if i can maybe slap down a few more that we could expand on !!
I. DILUC + KATSUKI (GENPACT). I swear we've discussed this before, and knowing me I've gone and forgotten exactly what, but I just like the idea of Diluc and Katsuki interacting. I think it would also be funny to implement the fact that Katsuki rendezvous with Tartaglia often, since he's always offering a challenge, and I doubt that Katsuki is inherently subtle with it - it looks as though he corresponds with the Fatui, but that's not the case for him. He's just there to fight Tartaglia like the little menace of a pseudo-younger brother he is. I think it'd be cool to see what Diluc might think of that. And let's be real, any sort of miscommunication... One of my favourite tropes to mess around with.
II. HU TAO + KATSUKI (GENPACT). These two... I bet that Hu Tao would quickly find every single one of Katsuki's nerves and tap dance right across them, but I'm not sure if she'd do it accidentally or if it'd be for the funsies. I think she'd also be the one dragging poor Katsuki into her bizarre ideas or any other antics she could potentially enlist his help for, because let's be real... All she has to do is imply he can't do whatever she's trying to get his help for. I think they'd get along well after a while, though! It's kind of like. Silly goofy meets silly angry.
III. SETO KAIBA (BNHA) + KATSUKI. Now I'll be honest: I don't got a single clue about Kaiba's original source, but I DO know you've recommended him to me a few times! I quickly read your bit on his BNHA verse and what he specialises in, and I vaguely remember you saying he'd be invested in Katsuki as a Pro-Hero or even as an up-and-coming one. I'd like to see these two working on possible upgrades and improvements to his existing tech, so long as it's not stepping on anyone's toes that he's getting these upgrades - Katsuki is someone who, ultimately, plays by most rules set by the Commission. Maybe he'd be seeking out some upgrades for his Strafe Panzer... We could play around with this one a little if you'd like!
and also because i've been seeing this boy frequently enough on my dash from you, i'm gonna slap down this too:
IV. ACHILLES (GENPACT) + KATSUKI (GENPACT). I also know nothing about Fate, which is where he's from, but I read up on your Genpact verse for him and I am... Interested... Katsuki's travelling the entire world of Teyvat, so I wouldn't put it past him to run into Achilles somewhere in Fontaine as a result of that, maybe chasing him down after hearing some things about him. As for what happens when they cross paths, you're gonna have to hit me with some ideas - because all my knowledge of Achilles comes straight out of The Odyssey and The Song of Achilles, I don't got a clue about Fate's version.
@resolutepath / PLOTS PLEASE, ACCEPTING.
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