#/ anyway the main differences in design between male/female conall is that her war paint is more feminine and she doesn't hide her-
caemthe · 1 year
Post Nimhe Eire | Berserker of Victory
     During the Nimhe Eire Lostbelt, the spirit core of Conall Cernach from Proper Human History was shattered, erasing his existence from the Throne of Heroes. Therefore, there was a general shock among the people when Chaldea’s summoning system picked on a familiar yet distinct readings. And so once again the wolf rose.
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Height: 1.79m / 5′11ft Source: Celtic Mythology, Ulster Cycle Region: Midluachair Alignment: Chaotic Evil Gender: Female
     ‘She who is as strong as a wolf’      No one was a brave as Conall Cernach, who never went a day without beheading a Connacht warrior in battle. So terrible was her rage that each night she slept with a severed head under her knee. No land had not felt the fury of her slaughter. There was not a man of Connacht, whose son, brother or father she had not slain.
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     While her deeds, looks and personality are essentially the same as the Berserker that was previously summoned, the life and experiences led were heavily influenced by the fact that she was a woman in the Iron Age. She had the same ‘miraculous’ birth and prophecy of slaughter as her Proper Human History counterpart but, instead of almost being assassinated upon birth, her uncle Cet requested King Conchobar to marry her to a faraway land so she wouldn’t be able to fulfill the prophecy. King Conchobar agreed to keep the ‘peace’ between Connacht and Ulster and arranged a marriage between the Ulster princess and a Pictish king.
     The marriage didn’t last long as, years later, Conall would return with the severed head of her husband tied to her belt and her four infant sons. While usually that would mean that she would go back to being the property of a male family member, she insisted that she still followed her husband’s commands and answered only to him. If one wished to defy the word of the severed head man. they would’ve to talk on equal terms, which meant become a severed head themself or suffer the consequences of defying his authority.
     While a mercenary leader rather than an Ulster warrior, Conall often aided Ulster in war and, true to the prophecy, killed more than half of Connachta during her lifetime. And just like her Proper Human History counterpart, she had 6 wives (technically, they were married to the severed head tied to her belt) and her four sons became kings, earning her the title of Mother of Kings.
     Once in Chaldea, she was quickly asked to not walk around with the severed head of her husband tied to her belt as it was a grotesque sight.
tag:: au. º ( máthir. )
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