spicyy-water · 2 years
MBTI types as shit i have said as an INTP
INTP- theres a fine line between genius and insanity and i snorted it
ENTP- im always right, even when im wrong, im still ambidextrous so fuck you
INTJ- ayo stfu im tryna watch anime
ENTJ- the bags under my eyes put this fucking store to shame
INFP- somebody called me a poopyhead on the internet im gonna go kms
ENFP- and we’ll call them all Fred
INFJ- and how the fuck does that make you feel
ENFJ- i know a guy who knows a guy who knows a guy
ESTP- i like money
ISFP- we did color wheels in like second grade, why the fuck are we doing them in high school fucking painting
ESFP- and here goes a little song that goes “fuck you”
ISTJ- oh shit i got like 3 weeks to do this better get to work
ESTJ- go close front so we can get the fuck out of my store
ISFJ- imagine how much serotonin we’ll get from this
ESFJ- shit man do you need a band aid oh shit is bleeding
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