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Dream but instead of the snowglobe he got a fuzzy sock
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The Doctor and The Master implies a third, less prestigious renegade timelord named The Bachelor
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All of these would piss off conservatives but I think the one that would *currently* rile up the most people would be Wanda having a heterosexual relationship. Even some tumblrites would probably join in on that 🙄
Sandman s2 poll
Time to be silly. Following S1's reviews of the show being "too gay"
(more than what they're going to be, anyway)
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saw this haircut on a reel, knew dream had to have it 🙏
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still trying to figure out how (netflix) corinthian has so much money and the logical answer I keep landing on is that he’s just an extremely successful camboy
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Dream—Mike Rooth
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@dam-mar I just saw your tags... interesting that you note you only saw it on DVD but still remember this scene. The usual divide seems to be that "DVD only" fans insist it never existed while "saw it in theater" fans remember it and think it was censored out. The only time a "DVD fan" ever supported its existence was someone on reddit who claimed to be French and have a European copy of the original DVD which had the scene. Conveniently, though, they refused to post any proof that their DVD had the scene, so they could've been lying. Are you outside the US? If you do find your copy, it might be worth checking and posting proof if the scene really does exist on it.
Since I'm here, I also might update with more findings. On Reddit, u/aurisborealis pointed out that the "Death of Topthorn" scene in War Horse (2011) is very similar to what we're remembering. The thing that makes me doubt that this is the source is that 2002 and 2011 are quite far apart for us all to be mixing those two movies up. Plus, Spirit is animated while War Horse is live action. Human memory is flawed like that, but it still feels unlikely for me to mix up a movie I saw as a child with one I saw when I was nearly an adult, and that was a totally different type of film. The 90s version of Black Beauty features lots of horses dying from overwork (with Ginger's death being the most notable), but none that seem so easily confused with the scene I remember from Spirit. I still haven't gotten a copy of The Silver Brumby to check either.
What I wanted to do tonight: nostalgic childhood movie rewatch
What happened: rabbit hole where it turns out I and many others my age remember a scene that apparently was censored for re-release, but there's no concrete evidence the original exists. Younger fans online accuse us of pranking them. Unfortunately the movie is obscure enough that there probably will never be answers :(
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Lucienne 💜✨
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we are RADICAL REBELLIOUS QUEERS WHO LOVE GAY SEX but don't break the rules of our social panopticon and don't point out misogyny or racism and don't do any of that freaky kink shit around me or I'm reporting you #ACAB #DOCRIME
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fyi: you can be fat and hairy and still be a pretty boy.
Pretty boy shouldn't only be for thin, hairless guys. Pretty boy is a damn mindset and you too can be a pretty boy.
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When you do your custom dolls, do you ever have to deal with the doll’s heads having those dumb plastic tag fasteners sticking into the scalp?? Is there a way to remove them? Asking for a local kiddo who just had a bday party 😒
The ones that hold them into the box or hold hats and tiaras on? Yes I've dealt with them and I HATE those things. When I re-hair a doll I remove them when I take the head off and pull out all the hair. If I want to keep the hair though? There's two options. One that's more difficult but more effective is carefully plucking the plastic things out with tweezers/forceps/needle nose pliers, being careful not to pluck any hair out with it. If that doesn't work, I carefully snip the plastic as close to the head as possible and try to shove the end into the head. While easier than plucking it, I've also had the sharp end then pop back out while styling the hair which SUCKS because it stabs your fingers.
Doll manufacturers REALLY need to stop using those things.
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God, the US election takes I'm seeing are making me feel a despair I've never felt before. And that's with my filters in place and (I thought) curating my follow list well.
We're fucked. The future is fucked. And it'll be because these so called idealists just handed it over the the orange ass as a "protest".
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Dream should know better. No one bothers me while I’m sleeping!
(So excited about this!)
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oooh im curious about what you mean about “ooc” content in the sandman fanfic community. Cuz, if this is about the fandom tendency to fluff-ify Hob and Dream 100% agree
yup! mainly, fanon characterization of Dream as powerless and submissive frustrates me, particularly when it's equated with femininity. there's a lot of textual evidence that Dream *is* a passive character in certain regards (at least in association with "static" and "distant"), and i imagine "submission" in the traditional bdsm sense would be appealing because it would give him a space to safely relinquish the control he's always keeping on himself (for the sake of the collective unconscious). but there's a tendency in fandom to associate "sub" > "bottom" > "girl," which is...highly regressive re: attitudes toward sex and reifies a gender binary. in other words: why are we thinking about weakness as inherent to women? why are we equating passivity/submission with the role of the sexual recipient? in what ways are we just re-inscribing dominant cultural narratives around Who Gets To Be A Subject on sexual positions (and acting as though those positions are fixed, natural, and/or inherent to a person)? who does this serve? who is harmed by this?
this trope shows up in a lot of fics involving Dream, not just the major fandom ship. this also isn't me saying it's, like, a moral failing to headcanon Dream of the Endless as primarily a bottom. it's more that i see people gleefully adopting fanon tropes as "basically canon" and not considering how these tropes can (and do) reproduce sexist and racist (and transphobic and ableist) rhetoric.
that's my biggest frustration with fanon Hob. because i DON'T think it's out of character for Hob Gadling to be personable. i could very much see him adopting our modern language around consent, boundaries, and relationships. that is consistent with the character from the comix, the one who talks to a young boy on a ship about sea monsters, who grieves his wife and son, who asserts friendship with the anthropomorphic personification of the collective unconscious. he adapts to whatever the social norm is - whether that's the printing press, the transatlantic slave trade, representative government, or the dot com boom. the horror is: what we accept as socially normal is not inherently good. i've seen people defend Hob Gadling as a "good person" because he's a family man, because he left the slave trade (eventually), because he's personable. and frankly that's a weird conclusion to reach! (it also negates any possibly interesting explorations of his narrative function, but that's a separate issue.) "normal" =/= morally good. "personable" =/= morally good.
i'm not saying "don't ever write a fic featuring Hob being a nice dude because that's Wrong." i'm saying, let's examine the logics behind certain fanon tropes. why do we equate "family man" with "good man"? why does Hob waiting for Dream = queer pining, while Lucienne waiting for Dream does not? who is served by these narratives? who gets excluded? what metrics of good are we even discussing here?
...but also yeah. Dream's entire personality is a maladaptive coping mechanism. he should not be cogently and coherently expressing his feelings. did you even read the comix. did you not see Tom Porridge's red, wet eyes.
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