sakyuu · 2 years
Badou turns slightly at being addressed, but fully stops when his friend is mentioned. He looks the other man up and down, a little wary.
“Yeah, I know him. What of it?”
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Even though this man literally just opened his mouth, the redhead’s usually nervous when someone opens with ‘do you know ____’.
“You could say we have a mutual friend, then. This is the first time I’ve met one of you.” Friend certainly was a word for Dune’s connection to Klaus. Not the best one, but at least there was no hostility to speak of. It was the closest as someone could get without being under his control.
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“My name is Dune. He’s had a few positive things to say about you. If he wasn’t as quiet as he is, I’m sure there would have been more.”
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sakyuu · 2 years
“I only kill drug dealers.” 
The answer is given a beat earlier than Dune finishes his first sentence. There’s no need to wait to answer a question you already know the answer for, though the other might find it curious how he knew the question before he asked. 
No, it wasn’t too out of the ordinary to answer a question like that so quickly, so it’s safe to think he wouldn’t assume there’s anything special about him. Yet. It’s hard to tell anything, the people and their own respective powers within Spirale were limitless. 
Zero’s cold eyes move across Dune, one hand on his katana as a caution. 
“So. What do you want?” 
“Fortunately, I’m not looking for a contract killer. That’s not the best foundation for an alliance, is it?”
The wary way the man regarded him didn’t come as a surprise or a concern. For all the tension the stranger carried, Dune didn’t mirror it in the slightest.
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“I like information. I’m sure we frequent different parts of this island. Even if you don’t value the same, there is also mutual assistance when everything inevitably turns upside down.”
He raised a hand past his shoulder flippantly. “If you’re looking for targets with that description, I imagine I could find a few.”
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sakyuu · 2 years
“It seems you’re having some trouble minding your step.”
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Hovering over the ooze took no effort from him. He was fairly sure this girl couldn’t do the same even if she wanted to, but regardless, she wasn’t easily getting out on her own now.
So, he’d lowered to grab her by the arm and lifted her free that way. It wasn’t the method most considerate of her comfort, but at least he bothered at all.
“Your body is in one piece. How is your mind faring?”
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sakyuu · 2 years
Currently making his breezy escape across a small home’s well kept lawn, Dune heard a growl of frustration from behind him. “Why won’t you face me? Are you that frightened?!”
Laughing at the transparent attempt at provoking him, Dune turned and continued his retreat backwards. “Not enjoying our game of tag? I’m already holding back, and you still can’t catch me.” He lowered his speed enough just to allow Giansar up close again, then jumped back out of reach. “If you’re afraid I’m going to make a fool out of you again, that ship has sailed.”
Baring his teeth, Giansar pushed himself faster, driving Dune right off the grass. Still backwards, he nearly backed into someone completely unrelated to their game. Taking the young man by the wrist with a pleasant expression, Dune tugged him back a short distance with him before letting go.
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“Be careful with this one,” he said to the stranger, referring to his other self. “He's in a poor mood today.”
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sakyuu · 2 years
The moment he appeared in his other self’s home, they locked eyes. The “older” Dune, seated at a computer desk, flipped a knife into his own hand.
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“I take it you missed me?” the “younger” Dune said with a bright smile, raising his hands in mock surrender. Giansar responded by leaping to his feet and charging toward him.
Carrying no grudge on his end, Dune slipped out of the quaint little office and into the hallway. He was unfamiliar with the layout, but after winding up in a bedroom, he was able to sidestep Giansar and re-enter the hallway without incident.
“Your sense of decor is boring, you know.”
“Who cares what you think?!”
Once in the living room, he put a dark purple couch between them and paused his escape. “Still hoping a knife would be good enough against me? You should have invested in a gun.”
Giansar glared at him from the other side, trying to fake being less wound up himself. His unnatural posture, like a cat ready to spring at the next sudden movement, made that a failure from the start. “A gun won’t let me get my hands on you myself.”
“Neither will that knife.” Dune tilted his head, looking his double over from the shins up. The rest was obscured by the coffee table. “You’re starting to look just like our father,” he stated coldly, then added a chuckle for good measure.
“I’ll kill you!”
Giansar sprung on top of the coffee table, presenting him with an easy prospective leap over the couch. Dune decided it was time to take his leave, and after dodging to his left, flipped aside the multiple locks on the front door. He was within knife swinging distance by the time he figured it out, and the blade just missed his arm as he stepped out into the fresh air.
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sakyuu · 2 years
age 24. looks about 188 cm.
actually has a lizard now: a blue tongued skink! her name is vega.
was from a nobody family, but the conflict with his father, stepmother, and stepbrother still took place over supposedly not having enough money for two children (a lie). he killed them in self defense after their few attempts to kill him, and then started going by a false last name.
after working up enough savings and securing scholarships, became a late college student studying as a chemistry major. sky high grades.
seems well-adjusted and liked by his fellow students, but he tends to periodically go out and kill those that had been friends or associates with his father and stepmother.
has a semblance of real emotion now that he’s not devil-contracted, but it’s down deep. he really loves that lizard and the few people that hate him, though!
age 34. still 188cm, but giansar has a stronger build and longer hair than dune.
living a comfortable life on his own as a research chemist.
pretty friendly toward coworkers and neighbors and the like, but it’s largely an act. does have a few real friends (or at least he thinks he does)
after his violent capture during subversion, giansar has an incredibly strong grudge against dune. the pain he still sometimes feels in his wrist reminds him of it.
stopped killing for a long time after subversion because his wrist needed to heal, his targets were thinning, and he kind of hated someone else more than his father for a while!
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sakyuu · 2 years
“October…” Narberal may not have partook events or was she can’t remembering things nowadays. She had finally had some ideas regarding what just happened this past October. People were mostly inside incorporeal illusionized mists that Albedo had shared something in their private time.
And she just remembered it just fine.
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“The so-called ‘mists’ that was almost everywhere at Spirale where one will be in their world, surrounded by ‘imprints’ caused by the ‘stars’ themselves. I tried entering one of them but no avail.” Narberal wished that she partook that event to gain information and whatnot. Probably she failed that one but thanks to Albedo for sharing what was behind the mists. “According to Lady Albedo, she and the other ended up in my world where a war happened and that is a sample.” There are many ways that the ‘mists’ can do. 
“Powers in that illusioned mist grants a full unlock but one is out, it may revert back to what they currently obtained.” Powers are like a flickered on-off switch but only one escaped the mist and going to another.
“Hm. Not beyond my imagination. Just from that, it doesn’t sound far from the time we wandered through visions of other worlds in our dreams.” And not being present, he couldn’t really guess their motives or what it may have revealed about the world the island was present in. Unfortunate.
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“Were these imprints something dangerous? It must be different from then in some form.” Her insight might prove useful as well. More than being entirely in the dark, at least. “Do you have any idea what they intended to get from causing it?”
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sakyuu · 2 years
And it takes Klaus a moment to realize what he means. Right, the last Dune had seen Klaus, he was still a child. While time hadn’t passed too long, at least that’s how he felt, Klaus did change just a smudge physically. 
“I suppose time works differently. It’s good to see you again.”
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He approaches the tall male. Dune looks just the same as how he remembers him. Spirale is truly a mystery in the way of how time works. “I’ve forgotten about you and about your castle,” He admits. It’s unnecessary, but he felt the need to mention that. 
“Oh? And I thought we were friends. I’m wounded by the suggestion that I left so little of an impression on you.” It was said like a jest, but he did find it peculiar. Was that another feature of the island? At least disappearing taught him something new.
He was trying very hard to find a bright side.
Holding out his hands in front of him, he looked over his arms. They weren’t the thin limbs that belonged to his childlike appearance; the ones bigger hands could easily curl around.
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“I’m relieved my power wasn’t stolen from me a third time. It hadn’t occurred to me before that it was a possibility.”
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sakyuu · 2 years
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Maybe ‘threat’ wouldn’t have been the right word, but this was still the kind of question that ruffled her feathers. Strangers had no business prying into her powers—and, of course, she was weaker, and Xayah didn’t like admitting to any kind of weakness.
     Her hand goes for the motion she would use to summon her knives, but she remembers last minute that she can’t do that right now, so she opts instead for baring her clawed fingers. 
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     ❝ —i’m powerful enough to kill a star guardian if it comes down to it. ❞ She replies, Saki posturing on her shoulder. That’s probably not much of a measurement to a stranger, but what does that matter?  ❝ who wants to know? ❞
“A Star Guardian? Are they as pleasant as they sound?” He drew out pleasant with an audible, amused sense of disdain. If the title was meant to be taken literally, he could imagine “annoying” being an apt descriptor.
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“My name is Dune. I’m fairly powerful myself, and I’m interested in seeing the same from others.” It was possible she was another nearly powerless arrival, but he liked her personality so far — and he had options when it came to that.
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sakyuu · 2 years
“Are you in the market for work?”
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He stopped the man without consideration of whether he had somewhere else to be or not; for the moment, at least, he didn’t look in a rush. Dune’s impression of him: quite serious and quite capable of putting up a fight. How far either went, he’d yet to find out.
“If not work, what about an ally?”
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sakyuu · 2 years
“Are you acquainted with a Klaus Avenue?”
Dune had fallen into step near the young man, not within an overbearing arm’s reach, but clearly pinning him with his curious smile.
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“You look like someone he’s mentioned before.” Although the boy hadn’t mentioned the eyepatch. If it was the same person, it must have been out of some odd idea of discretion.
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sakyuu · 2 years
“They’ve been at it for twenty minutes,” he explained to the girl in a tone that suggested dwindling interest. Still, he watched the two men exchanging blows and intermittent insults on an Archimedes street without any effort to leave on his part.
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“One of them hits harder, but the other isn’t going down. Do you think there will be a clear winner, or they’ll tire of it before then?”
Someone clearly wasn’t going to stop them and hadn’t even attempted to.
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sakyuu · 2 years
random starter - @sakyuu​ 
Mistwood. Narberal took an exploration as the recent eclipse just appeared by, unexpectedly seeing Dune nearby his abode. Doppelganger’s purpose is to venture around the outskirts of Spirale, which is outside wards.
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“I only wandered here but it’s nice to see you once again. Your name disappeared in my contacts and reappeared after the recent happened.” She knew that the ‘recent’ she spoke is about the eclipse itself. Dune had a nice place around here and kinda suits him.
Narberal has some nice info to share with or curious of his past event partakes from the ‘gods’.
“I would say I missed you, but I don’t recall leaving.”
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“Despite the tricks this island likes to play on us, I’m already convinced six months passing isn’t one of them.” Awfully kind of them to not even allow him to remember returning home. “Time makes even less sense here than before.”
He looked weary for a moment. His disorientation was churning with his irritation over “leaving” without going anywhere. He didn’t have the energy to be angry, but it wasn’t one of the Stars that was standing near him. “What out of the ordinary has happened since October?”
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sakyuu · 2 years
It wasn’t the first time he spoke to someone in the darkness of Cotes ward without prompting, and it wouldn’t be the last.
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“You look confident. Do you have the power to back it up?”
He hadn’t moved from where he was lounging on an old-fashioned bench, long legs out in front of him and crossed at the ankles. If it came off as a threat, he didn’t have the posture to match it.
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sakyuu · 2 years
He was just making his way back home from another training session with mister Kratos when he spots the castle in Mistwood. Had that castle always been there? No. Klaus doesn’t remember seeing such a castle just standing tall like that, and so close to where he lived as well.
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Someone’s been brought back.
That’s the only explanation, isn’t it? He’s been here long enough to know certain things. It’s when he treads further into the forest in the direction of his home with sword still in hand that he notices a silhouette of a person just a few distance away from him. Not a denizen or any other creatures of the forest, but there is something familiar about them. 
It’s a strange feeling to have memories of this man flood right back into his brain! He had forgotten about him for the time that Dune had been sent home. Klaus knows for some people it’s a case by case thing. Some people remembered those who left while others didn’t. He’d remember some and maybe forget others.   
He was one of the few able to find the Mistwood calming. Others were often wary of what waited just behind the veil, heads filled with stories of the forest’s dangers. Dune found the lack of people and his familiarity with the place comfortable, and here, outside, he could work on getting his thoughts in order: his thoughts on the calendar date in particular.
He cracked an eye and casually turned his head at the address. The kid — was he really still a kid? — had seen multiple of his faces already, so Dune wasn’t concerned about putting an act together yet.
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“I’m afraid I don’t have any identical siblings,” he answered calmly. He was thinking deeply and not attempting to hide it. “I feel like I only saw you yesterday, but you look a little older.”
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sakyuu · 2 years
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"Do you believe that is good or bad advertising?”
While stationed in a pleasant location (and it looked reputable enough), the store Dune was observing had part of the neon sign on its front burnt out. In the setting sun, the Golden Goodie Shop now titled itself simply “DIE SHOP”.
“Honestly, in this city, I can’t tell how much of a mistake it is.”
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sakyuu · 2 years
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uncapped disaster alien with an even smaller alien on his shoulder
around 199cm? canon’s nuts about its evil men
mostly tolerable and knowledgeable, but might also be trying to cause problems on purpose
develops grudges easily, for legitimate or petty reasons
magical girl enemy #1
mistwood wanderers might think his “castle” looks super haunted
LF friends who will ally with him in exchange for power :)
or people who already have power. they get some respect as a bonus!
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