rockdann · 2 years
Привіт. По-перше, я не знайомий з хіральними символами, тому цю статтю було написано за допомогою Google Translate. Зараз ця драма стала для мене спогадом, але я залишаю цей обліковий запис, оскільки це гарний спогад про розмови про destiel з людьми з різних країн, які мені подобаються. Я завжди хвилювався Я хвилювався, що може бути надто пізно, щоб написати цей пост, але одного разу я раптом згадав картину українця, яка мені сподобалася, і українців, яким сподобалися мої малюнки... Можливо, була опублікована нова стаття на цей блог Минуло багато часу, і я не знаю, скільки людей побачать цю публікацію, тому що я навіть більше не маю облікового запису Twitter. Але як тільки я згадаю про минуле, я хочу, щоб ти був здоровий і щасливий, і я хочу сказати, що я хвилююся. Я завжди був зосереджений на міжнародних новинах... Тому я подумав, що мати когось із далекої країни, який підтримує тебе і хоче, щоб ти був у безпеці, тобі дещо допоможе. Навіть якщо мені не подобаються мої картини чи ця драма.
Я не дуже добре вмію писати, і навіть цю статтю було написано за допомогою Google Translate, тому я переживаю, що її буде важко читати. Отже, якщо я напишу це коротко (я сподіваюся, Google Translate це добре перекладе) Бажаю українцям здоров'я. І тіло, і розум!
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rockdann · 2 years
fuck of desitel
i've been trying to think of a response to this for the last 5 minutes but i cant stop saying "fuck of desitel" silently to myself
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rockdann · 3 years
So lots of people have asked me to share the video of my question to Misha being stopped by Creation. I wanted to make sure before I posted it, I was able to get her face blurred because I didn’t want to doxx anyone. 
So a little background - I waited in line during the previous panel letting all the people with questions for Mark go ahead of me to make sure I got a place in line for Misha. Turns out I was first! Between the panels, the Creation person walked away for a moment and when she came back she forgot to ask me what my question was so it took her by surprise when I said it was about the confession scene. 
This video shows her saying no and shaking her head then turning around pissed off when Misha said I could ask my question. It’s blurred so it kind of dulls the seething anger and eyeroll but still gets the idea across. 
When she said no I purposely said “I can’t ask about the confession?” into the mic cause fuck that! I purposely crafted my question so that it shot down Jared’s stupid response that they were just friends or bros (or a guy who gave him a million dollars??? IDK it was incohesive rambling) by stating that Cas knew he had Dean’s friendship, brotherhood, and forgiveness. I think Misha did the best he could with the answer and I believe he was telling me that he played it as romantic love because he has already said that he played it as a declaration of homosexual love, which is about love not necessarily sex. 
Also, they immediately turned off my mic after I asked the question. I had to yell thank you at the end for him to hear me. Ugh!
For anyone unaware of what’s going on, here is the video facing the stage so you can see Misha and hear his whole response. Mine is the first question (and I didn’t say he was my 3rd favorite FFS, I said he was my very favorite).
I hope seeing it out there this blatantly inspires others to ask their questions (as long as they do so in an appropriate way and not be gross and demanding - yes, I’m talking about the ‘dance for me’ lady). Go forth and talk about what is canon in the show!!!
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rockdann · 3 years
The empty didn't come till he saw love ,,,,, for FUCK SAKE
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rockdann · 3 years
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rockdann · 3 years
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rockdann · 3 years
Second question was on when Cas knew he was in love with Dean 💚💙
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rockdann · 3 years
misha saying he thought the cw wouldnt have the guts to make destiel canon:
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rockdann · 3 years
he called jensen a bottom on main
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rockdann · 3 years
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My angelll I love youuu
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rockdann · 3 years
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Just a couple of boysties (another name for boy besties😳)
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rockdann · 3 years
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rockdann · 3 years
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rockdann · 3 years
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rockdann · 3 years
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We’ve gotta stop running into each other like this
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rockdann · 3 years
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“I’m pretty sure you were the one hellbent on coming to this thing and now you’re missing it.” “I’m not missing anything, Dean.” 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈Happy Pride, everyone!🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈
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rockdann · 3 years
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I got sucked into a coffee-shop-during-Pride AU somehow and I couldn’t get out
(AKA sometimes I like to think that Cas could be a smooth motherf*cker if given the chance)
(Don’t repost)
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