pineconeinatree · 2 years
i want to write art again, i want to paint my feelings on a canvas and create landscapes from my thoughts, i want to cherish the faint shades of blue of my brain and draw a picture of you with my words. i want to use the damage to turn these hurts into fleeting butterflies and falling camellias, my feelings of you into love letters that you'll never see and whispers that you'll never hear. maybe you can guess it already, i love you.
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pineconeinatree · 2 years
Your True Passion Tarot Spread
If you have not yet found yours, no need to wait much longer.
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Your True Passion
Card on top (The Empress)
Its Different Forms
Cards in the middle row (Six of Wands, Ten of Cups, Seven of Pentacles)
Your Path Towards Each
Cards at the bottom (King of Wands, Knight of Pentacles, Page of Wands)
Your True Passion
Divide your deck into three: Major Arcana, Minor Arcana pip cards, Minor Arcana court cards. Shuffle the Major Arcana. Pull the card on top. That is your true passion in this incarnation.
Its Different Forms
Shuffle the Minor Arcana pips. Pull two cards from the top of the deck, and get the third from the bottom. These are the different manifestations of your true passion.
Your Path Towards Each
Shuffle the Minor Arcana courts. Pull two cards from the top of the deck, and get the third from the bottom. These are the personalities you have to embody to feel fulfilled by your passion.
Your True Passion
The Empress – The card of Venus, Goddess of Love, Beauty and Harmony. Your true passion lies in romance, cosmetics, grooming, and other similar lovely things. This is also the card of femininity, motherhood and abundance. Anything to do with physical attractiveness, fertility and finances.
Its Different Forms
Six of Wands – The personality of this card is young, attractive, flashy. It embodies the physical beauty and romantic nature of The Empress. You might find your true passion in being a fashion designer, a beauty guru, a hairstylist, a makeup artist, a matchmaker, or a dating app designer.
Ten of Cups – This card embodies The Empress’ role in the family. You might find your true passion in being a wife, a mother, a nurturer – like nurses and teachers. Or it might be in being a children’s book illustrator or a cartoonist.
Seven of Pentacles – The Empress and this card share the concept of abundance and harvest. You might find your true passion in being a banker, a farmer, a financial analyst, a gardener. Perhaps a realtor or a stock market investor.
Your Path Towards Each
King of Wands – This king is confident, enthusiastic, adventurous, optimistic. If you are to find success and happiness in the fashion & beauty industry, he is the ideal you have to embody.
Knight of Pentacles – This knight is smart, reliable, patient, strategic. If you are to find joy and fulfilment in your family life or in your nurturing profession, you have be as clever as him in your approach and decisions.
Page of Wands – This page is passionate, daring, eager. He is not afraid to take risks. If you are to find completion and wealth in the finance or farming industry, his is the mindset you have to adopt and project.
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pineconeinatree · 2 years
Hi 🤍 would you please like to do a Venus in Virgo Culture? Thank you very much! 😇
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𖧷 𝚅𝚒𝚛𝚐𝚘 𝚅𝚎𝚗𝚞𝚜 𝙲𝚞𝚕𝚝𝚞𝚛𝚎 𖧷
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𖧧 being really irritable
𖧧 bring too harsh on themselves
𖧧 wanting reassurance but never expressing that they want it
𖧧 having really high standards
𖧧 being picky
𖧧 reading love stories or reading about love in general
𖧧 having good memory when it comes to love related things
𖧧 being very helpful to others it's literally their love language
𖧧 wanting help back but not saying it
𖧧 probably introverted unless they have leo placements
𖧧 not very open with their feelings unless they really trust you
𖧧 they're still very trustworthy and reliable
𖧧 literally the kindest people ever and they work so hard
𖧧 sacrifices too much for others :(
𖧧 literally can't say no to the people they love (FREE VIRGO VENUSES)
𖧧 they see right through people since they're very analytical
𖧧 half of them are either really messy or really clean
𖧧 probably love asmr
𖧧 tend to burn out fast bc they work too hard
𖧧 need to be reminded that they deserve happiness/kindness
𖧧 they have good music taste tbh
𖧧 they cook well but ik a lot of virgo placements that burn food often :p
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𖧧 very loyal but have a lot of insecurities
𖧧 the type to leave sticky notes for you
𖧧 hate when people try to control them
𖧧 genuinely want to be accepted for who they are and want to be told they're enough
𖧧 like things to be done their way and the right way (their way = the right way)
𖧧 can get pretty bossy at times but they mean well
𖧧 they'll definitely criticize you unprovoked
𖧧 i feel like a lot of them don't take criticism well tho
𖧧 they value people who are themselves
𖧧 they can be hard to approach and get to know
𖧧 i feel like a lot of them are picky with their food too
𖧧 can seem stuck up but are actually gentle
𖧧 might have great skin tbh
𖧧 act really youthful in love (mercury ruled)
𖧧 the type to make you gifts
𖧧 will always try to remember the things you like
𖧧 big healing energy once they let you in
𖧧 they really like to take care of others
𖧧 might like animals or have a lot of pets (specifically cats)
𖧧 not overly emotional or romantic but they believe it's the little things that count
𖧧 very honest and have great communication (not so much of their feelings tho)
𖧧 they have a "natural" look
𖧧 they believe in quality > quantity
𖧧 very intelligent
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that's all i have for now i hope you enjoy c:
you can request more of these cause they're fun to do :)
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pineconeinatree · 2 years
asked a yes/no question from my deck and drew Justice ... the question was whether me and my best friend are actual soul mates or not. what could thus mean or how could I interpret it ?
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pineconeinatree · 2 years
✨Yes/No Tarot tips✨
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Here are some ideas to help you answer those pesky Yes/No questions using Tarot. These are just ways that I’ve found work for me and Yes/No card interpretations that have always given me the answers I seek. Sometimes, this varies from reader to reader, so use this as a springboard to find out what works for you! 
If you pull a Yes card in reverse, it could indicate a “Yes, BUT…” or a “Yes, IF…”. You’ll need to understand what each card means in reverse to determine the caveat for a reversed Yes card. 
Pay attention to the positive meanings for each No card. Sometimes, things aren’t as clear cut as a simple No. Sometimes, it becomes a “No, but…” and gives you clues about how you can change your No into a Yes.
If you pull a Maybe card, you can often get a feel for your options either way by drawing additional cards to go on either side. For example: Two of Swords is a Maybe card and often represents a difficult choice between two options. You can draw two cards to set on either side of this card that represent the two choices and their pros and cons. 
Major Arcana: Fool, Magician, High Priestess, Emperor, Empress, Lovers, Chariot, Strength, Hermit, Star, Sun, Judgement, World
Cups: Ace, two, three, six, nine, ten, page, knight, queen, king
Pentacles: Ace, three, six, eight, nine, ten, page, knight, queen, king
Swords: Ace, page, knight
Wands: Ace, two, three, four, six, eight, page, knight, queen, king
Major Arcana: Death, Devil, Tower, Moon
Cups: Five, eight
Pentacles: Four, five
Swords: Three, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten
Wands: Five, seven, ten
Major Arcana: Hierophant, Justice, Hanged Man, Wheel of Fortune, Temperance
Cups: Four, seven
Pentacles: Two, seven
Swords: Two, four, queen, king
Wands: Nine
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pineconeinatree · 2 years
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Here are a few of the very first three-card spreads I learned when I was first starting out with Tarot. Even now, I use a lot of these spreads for my daily readings or to gain insight if I don’t have time for a longer spread. For me, my personal favorite is the Stop/Start/Continue. It’s sometimes helpful to get in touch with what I need to quit doing, what I should be doing instead, and what I’m already doing right. I also really enjoy these 3-card layouts because you can use them as a jumping off point for making your own spreads. What are your favorite 3-card readings?
As always, you can reach out and chat with me here or find me on Instagram @readingsbylily. I have recently opened up an Etsy shop too where you can find my readings!
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pineconeinatree · 2 years
Another hot take: intention isn’t everything, actually. It’s important, but if you intend for your teeth to be clean but don’t brush them properly, they’re not gonna be clean. It’s the same with magic. You can’t just make this shit up. Intend to do it, and then learn how to do it.
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pineconeinatree · 3 years
𝓻𝓲𝓼𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓼𝓲𝓰𝓷𝓼
✧ aries: to others, you come across as a bold and direct person. some may be intimidated by your bluntness and your ready to go attitude, but the right people will be attracted to a person who will who so readily accepts new challenges, pursues their goals without hesitation, and is dynamic enough to captivate everyone’s attention. people see you as independent to a fault, and it might make some think of you as a person who is hard to form bonds with, but when you do let someone in they mean everything to you.
✧ taurus: people are instantly attracted to the stability you exude. you take a slow, practical approach and those who moved at such a fast pace it overwhelms them are enamored with your ability to stop and smell the roses, so to speak. you may present as being overly stubborn, or unwilling to change, and it could be off-putting to those who constantly seek new experiences. overall, you are the kind of person who seeks security and routine and it shows even in first meetings.
✧ gemini: you are the sort of person who may intimidate others by the sheer amount of connections and friends you seem to have. communicating is a breeze, or at least you can make it look like it is. people are drawn to your quirky, curious, and witty personality very easily, and you come off as incredibly charming. those who are less adaptable in social situations may be enviousness of your ability to network and connect, but deep down they would benefit from your presence in their life.
✧ cancer: your sensitivity can both draw people in and put them off. on one hand, you come across as incredibly empathetic and willing to help others even if it is not beneficial to you. but on the other hand, people who do not handle emotions well can be overwhelmed by your heart on your sleeve style of dealing with feelings. you find yourself having a natural sort of intuition and knack for seeing things that aren’t outwardly mentioned, but that can come across as though you might be projecting or trying to tell people how to feel.
✧ leo: a natural born star, your confident attitude is admirable and enviable. it is both your vice and your virtue, as your confidence gives you the ability to seize your time to shine and work on your talents and capabilities, but it can also give off the air of someone who thinks of themselves too highly. there are times in life you don’t need to jump in with an “i’m the best” attitude and sometimes people feel put off by that sort of mentality.
✧ virgo: though deep down you are nurturing, at first meeting you might across as overly critical and unable to be satisfied with anything. what people don’t see is that that perfectionist attitude extends to everything, especially your own personal endeavors. your humility might seem overdone, and people may assume it’s an act, but truly you are humble and find it confusing when other’s recognize your hard work and achievements. you’re the person to go to whenever anyone can’t remember something, and you know all sorts of little things that stun people in the best way.
✧ libra: oftentimes, you seem to others as too indecisive. the sheer amount of choices in life can cause anxiety that burdens you, and it makes you seem wishy washy in some ways to the people who don’t know you. you try to be diplomatic with issues almost to a fault, sometimes unable to even pick a side when it’s needed or obvious. fairness is of the utmost importance to you, and some may find that unnecessary, but it is an admirable trait that should be fostered for life.
✧ scorpio: people can be intimidated by the passion in your emotions, but others will see that as a sign of a person who cares deeply and will seek out your companionship. you can be incredibly uplifting and inspirational on a good day, but on a bad day you can be entirely too negative for no good reason. you are the type of person who wants someone who will cry with you when you’re upset because that’s what you do for others.
✧ sagittarius: on first impression, to many you might seem intimidating or mean. you give off an air of confidence and optimism, probably much more than you actually feel. once people actually meet you, you are bright, funny, and charismatic, and they’re prone to admitting how wrong they were in assuming you might be mean. you have an innate need for change and novelty, which can lead to chronic boredom and getting into situations you definitely shouldn’t simply because you were trying to satiate that boredom.
✧ capricorn: people admire your worth ethic, drive, and maturity, but typically from afar. you might seem cold or unapproachable, though deep down your crave validation and encouragement because you too often doubt your own abilities. you may hold yourself back from great opportunities under the guise of caution and thinking things through, and it can definitely be frustrating to outsides watching you pass up something that would be good for you.
✧ aquarius: anyone who meets you admires your ability to simply be yourself. you truly march to the beat of your own drum, and you are often a trendsetter in many ways especially within your friend group. you are naturally independent and a leader, and people who like to feel taken care of and bossed around flock to you. others might find your uniqueness somewhat odd, and they might have a hard time understanding you at first, but when they make the effort it’s entirely worth it.
✧ pisces: you are someone who is incredibly pleasant to be around, simply because you are able to adapt to any situation or person. you are agreeable to the point you might allow yourself to be stepped on, which sadly attracts people who will use your kindness without giving you anything in return. you may have a sort of feeling that you want to escape, or that life is in many ways constrictive both physically and emotionally. it is common to feel as though you have a heightened sense of understanding feelings compared to your peers and others around you.
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pineconeinatree · 3 years
Differences I notice within signs based on placements
Focused on the big 3: Sun, Moon, Rising
REMINDER: This is a vague description and every chart is different! 
Part One
        Sun: Aggressive and fiercely present, they radiate with warmth and you can always feel their presence when they are near. Friendly and a bit oblivious to others, they are more concerned with themselves. Goofy smiles and bellowed laughs.  Always needs to have the last word. Blunt and straightforward, they expect the same in return.
        Moon: Passionate and driven, these individuals see what they want and nothing will stop them from acquiring it… unless they find something else they would rather have. More concerned for those they love than themselves, emotions are felt based on impulse. Emotionally sensitive and extremely reactive.
        Rising: Their presence is loud. The way they talk, walk, and act… you can always spot where they are. True to themselves and will not alter for others (aka Badass) Friendly and very much into pranking/joking around. Either looks super dangerous and intimidating or is very expressive with their face. Has a distinct or trademark look to them
          Sun: Calm aura. Self-sufficient and mature, they always will look sure of themselves even when they may not feel it. Loyal to a fault and usually tries to keep the peace. Guarded with their true identity, they focus more on others and direct conversations to them. Often taken advantage of because of how wise and caring they are to others. Cautious and practical, they are hesitant to love because they aren’t sure if they are ready to give up their love of freedom and commit to someone other than themselves.
          Moon: Family oriented. Materialistic and craves stability in a conventional way. They are deeply connected to those they love and it can be really hard for them to leave friendships/relationships that have a history. Emotionally sound and mature, they are level headed, but when their emotions are put in stressful situations they can become easily frustrated and temperamental (almost always has collateral damage) (also usually extremely bonded to their mom)
          Rising: Graceful. Slow movements, melodic voices, they take their time and just being near them can calm anyone’s nerves for how serene they seem. Great listeners and love to get to know others. Ask genuine questions that can often catch others off guard for how caring and personable they are. Steadied gazes and coy smiles. Warm and comforting eyes.
           Sun: No filters. At all. Says what comes to mind and thinks nothing of it. Defensive when jokes played on them but dismiss their actions when they use others for the punchline. Very witty and genuinely just wants to share their opinion and jokes and don’t mean to offend the sensitive. Very intelligent and often well versed in an abundance of topics. 
          Moon: MOODY AF. Internal conversations and the definition of overthinking. Can spend sleepless nights just because of their thoughts and ideas, good and bad. Creative and often have moments of genius ideas, but move on to the next topic so fast that they actually don’t manifest time into it. Emotionally unavailable (They can’t trust their emotions because the feelings are fleeting) Will find what makes them emotionally fulfilled if they are intrigued enough to be consistent.
          Rising: Childlike. Curious and quite the chatterboxes, there is no such thing as awkward silence with them. Very energetic and friendly. So nice you may not trust them (kind of like salesman or anyone who pretends to be concerned with you but it’s really for their own personal gain) Though this couldn’t be further from the truth. They really are just that nice and want to keep things lighthearted and fun. Very bubbly and have fluttering eyes. A wealth of knowledge.
           Sun: Superiority complex. Very kind and sweet, just wants to be at home wrapped in a blanket surrounded by those they love. When crossed, can become vindictive and ruthless. If undeveloped they can be very ill-tempered at all times. Will care for any wayward soul and fiercely protect those they deem worthy. Strong instincts and exude the feeling of being at home when with them. Soft smiles and caring eyes.
           Moon: Needy and clingy. If they are invested in you, they will not let go. Very emotional when it comes to their family, as they are closely bonded to them and have a deep respect for their parents. Emotions are embraced and poised in a way that seems effortless; but actually, they just have had a lot of practice understanding what their emotions mean. Usually intuitive (which is what guides them through life)
           Rising: Love to complain. Can often seem overly emotional even when they don’t feel like they are (It’s in their mannerisms that tell this to others, very telling in their movements) Artistic and creative individuals. Always smiling and seems generally happy all the time. Round features and soft-spoken.
      Sun: Dramatic with their viewpoints. Just wants to be heard and not overlooked. Demands attention, even if they don’t call for it (which they will if you aren’t giving it to them) Very active social life, even the introverted ones. Fun to be around but not one to mess with. Self-love is crucial for them. May act like their opinion only matters, but they are open to hearing others, just be prepared to put up a big defense for them to take it seriously. Guarded.
      Moon: Literal sunshine. Often have a negative past but they try to stay optimistic because if they don’t, they will be destroyed by what haunts them. Fun loving and kind, they truly care for others and their well being. Will help others learn to love themselves. Can be naive but it’s just because they want to help others sorrows disappear. Can easily be taken advantage of. Ego and pride are often vulnerable.
     Rising: Their hair is their trademark. Bold and the center of attention, they will take lead in any conversation. Love to joke and have fun. Popular and can easily be spotted with how theatrical they can be (Very exaggerative and often act as the starring role of any situation) Very warm and friendly. Cannot stress enough how hair is their main feature, most noticeable in their mannerism(how their hair flows with their movements) and/or has some sort of special look to it (shine, volume, the way it lays, etc)
        Sun: Anxious and lost. Often have an internal struggle between caring and not caring. Extreme in their habits; either procrastinate or obsessively plans, either super neat and clean or disorganized, etc. Just wants to do a good job but feel like they will never meet their own expectations. Hard on themselves, hide all the nervous energy by joking around and focusing on tasks. Always seem put together (even if they don’t look like it hygiene wise) Always seems exhausted and stressed but when they talk they hide it very well. 
         Moon: Seem like personal assistants to their families and friends. Always at their beck and call and caring more for others needs than their own. Innate caregivers and usually step up to responsibility at a young age to get things in order for their loved ones. Stressed and tired emotionally, mentally and physically but that won’t stop them from living. Seamlessly devotes themselves to their personal life, social life, family life, work life, and any other personal project they have going on. 
         Rising: Judgmental and pessimistic, their nervous energy is surrounded on the world and those who inhabit it. Shy and reserved, they will dissect a person or situation and create (usually negative) opinion in a matter of seconds. Though they won’t let you know that, they only tell those closest to them. Picky and cautious about who comes in and out of their life. Doe-eyed and often have a peaceful and ethereal aura, but don’t let their “innocence” deceive you.
*2nd part will be posted later today, cause I’m finally sleepy, so its time for bed* 
Part Two
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pineconeinatree · 3 years
A Crash Course in Warding
Let’s just start a series of crash courses in witchcraft, since sometimes we need to learn things the quick and dirty way. Today, let’s talk about wards.
What are wards? Wards are protective energy barriers. They keep things out. You can place them around your home, certain rooms, even on certain objects. With practice and clear intentions, you can focus the wards to block out everything or only certain things. We’ll get to that in a bit.
Why should I ward my space and my things? Wards can keep out all sorts of things you don’t want in your home. They can block out negative entities, wayward spirits, mischievous entities, demons, and (if you’re really good at what you’re doing) even gods. Some people ward their divination tools so they know there are no spirits tampering with the results.
So what do I need to do first? Cleanse. This is very important. Wards are kind of like walls, or perhaps more accurately, bubbles. If you don’t clean the space first, you might trap things inside your ward bubble. You do not want that. There are lots of methods of cleansing, from burning sage to spritzing oil-infused water. Find a method you’re comfortable with and cleanse everything you’re going to be warding.
I’ve cleansed my home/item. Now what? Now we ward. I’m going to give you a couple methods. Let’s start with my favorite, incense warding.
Incense warding can also be done with spritzes of water/essential oil blends or herb-infused water if you can’t have smoke in your space. Whichever you’re using, you want to have a blend of protective herbs. Bay leaves, cinnamon, ginger, mustard seed, and salt are some great options that you can find in the grocery store, no fancy witch shop necessary. If you’re using incense, make sure you’re using natural incense and not super cheap stuff that’s artificially scented. The magic is in the herbs, and you won’t get that from fake scents.
How to Incense/Spritz Ward an Item
Smoke or spray item.
Visualize the smoke or spray clinging to the item and wrapping around it like a tight blanket, protecting it from anything that would cause harm (or interference, etc.).
How to Incense/Spritz Ward Your Space
Pick a place to start. I always start at my altar, but it’s up to you. If you’re doing multiple floors, start either at the top or bottom floor.
Moving continuously to your right, smoke or spray along the walls and door frames. As you go, imagine a barrier being formed around the walls, ceiling, and floor, pushing outwards to fill the room. Visualize the smoke or spray forming the barrier to keep out anything that will do you harm. [If you have a hard time with visualization, you can simply focus on the intent of the smoke or spray keeping things out.]
Keep moving right, following the layout of your home, making sure you get all the closet spaces. You basically want to outline the entire area you’re protecting, whether it’s you’re room or your whole house.
For multiple floors, repeat on each level.
For big layouts where there are rooms in the middle, go around those rooms as well.
I like to reinforce the wards over outside doors, windows, and mirrors. These are all passages of sorts, and when I reach them, I use the incense to draw a pentagram in the air over them. This is entirely up to you.
You’re done when you’ve reached the point where you began.
So why do we go to the right? Is that important? Kind of. Going to the right is like going clockwise. It’s about making things and progression, where going to the left or counter-clockwise is about deconstruction or reversal. [I read this idea in a witchy book a long time ago and will try to find a source when I can. If you honestly don’t feel it makes a difference, do whatever you’re comfortable with.]
Can I place wards that keep out certain things but not others? Sure. When you’re going around your space/warding your item, your intent is what’s important. I like to ward out entities that mean harm - it’s nice and general and doesn’t keep the fae out. Some people might want certain spirits and not others. Have your intentions clear in your mind as you place your wards.
That’s neat and all, but what are some other ways to ward? Let’s list a few.
Symbol/Sigil Wards
Choose (or make) a symbol or sigil that has protective properties. I’ve done this with Pluto’s astrological symbol because I worship him and it’s my way of being like, “Hey, Pluto. Please protect me, kthanxbai.” Pentagrams are nice and basic witchy/pagan symbols if you like them.
Draw the symbol over doors and windows. You do not literally have to draw it. It can be in water, incense smoke, or just your finger against the surface if you want.
As you’re drawing, make sure you have your intentions in mind - that nothing harmful can pass through this door, that the windows remain closed against entities, etc.
Energy Bubbles (if you have control over your energy)
Pick an item - any item.
Get your warding intentions in mind.
Channel lots of energy into the item. Visualize it emanating from the item in a bubble to fill your space.
If you’ve got mad skillz, you can form the bubble to the walls and be super exact with where its barriers are.
Vocal Wards
If you like spoken (or thought) spells, come up with a small chant to protect your space.
You can repeat this chant as you focus on your item being protected or as you walk around your home, protecting every room.
This is really great to incorporate into basically any other form of warding and gives your magic an extra bit of oomph.
I’ve heard wards can “fade” over time. True or false? Wards are just energy. Like all energies, they can disperse and weaken over time, or if something particularly nasty puts effort into destroying them. Redo your wards every so often (I do mine every few months, but it’s up to you), and especially before spiritual interactions. I also like to do mine after I’ve had lots of company, to kind of clear out family’s lingering energies and reinforce what I don’t want in my house.
In general, the intent of your wards is the most important part. Know what you want to keep out. This concludes our crash course on warding. Now go forth and protect some stuff!
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pineconeinatree · 3 years
Things You Do Not Have to Be In Order to Be a Witch
-Pagan. You can be a witch and be Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu or any other religion that does not use the label “pagan” for itself.
-Wiccan. Witchcraft is a secular practice. Wicca is a religion that involves the practice of witchcraft sometimes.
-Religious/spiritual. You can be an atheist witch.
-Female. Men and nonbinary people can be witches.
-White. A person of any ethnicity or race can practice witchcraft and be a witch.
-Straight. Anyone of any sexual orientation (gay, lesbian, bi, pan, ace, poly, multi, omni…) can be a witch.
-Cis. Trans and nonbinary people can be witches.
-A hardcore environmentalist. Respect for nature is certainly never a bad thing, but you don’t have to chain yourself to a tree or live in a building run entirely on solar power or eat only organic food to call yourself a witch.
-Vegetarian/vegan. Witches can eat meat and animal products. Remember, witchcraft is a secular practice. There is no dogma.
-Full of love and light. Witches who do not follow a religion or moral code that says otherwise may curse as they see fit.
-Dark and scary. Some witches do not want to curse anyone, and that is also fine. Make healing potions and yummy smelling tinctures to your heart’s content.
-Fictional. Witches are real, and they don’t all dress, act or believe in any particular way. All witches are valid.
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pineconeinatree · 3 years
I'm very rejection sensitive but I won't show it and that's on cancer moon aquarius rising
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pineconeinatree · 3 years
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a little confidence and power sigil on a rose petal for self love that I burned afterwards, I don't usually post my sigils but this one was kind of pretty :D
2.03 am 21.7.2021
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pineconeinatree · 3 years
witchy tips for witches with depression <3
I've been struggling with depression for some time now and I've been having a lot of issues practicing my craft since the lack of energy and motivation, so I decided to compile a list of simple routine things you can try to add to your daily life to get you back on the craft and maybe make you feel better :]
theres no instant cure to depression but there are ways to make it a little less bad, and little by little get you back on your feet !! these may not work for everyone as I am writing down things that work for me and just simple ways I use to incorporate the craft into my daily life. please please please also seek prefessional help if you're able to !! talk to friends and family, you're loved and cared for !! google depression self help tips for more tips, I know most of them may sound dumb or trivial or useless but it is so worth a shot adhering to them for some time, maybe you will notice an increase in your mood :D
1. veiling
when I go out, I wear a scarf on my head to protect my energy or keep me in a good mood, depending on the days activity. you can wear a scarf around the house or go out with it and putting one on also works for a bad hair day (read: haven't washed hair in a week) ;D
just cleanse the scarf by maybe shaking the unwanted energies out of it or with incense or with whatever you see the best and bless the scarf with your intentions for the day :D
2. cleansing
if you have a hard time taking care of your hygiene ( it's okay I promise, it can be very exhausting :/ ), try getting some baby wipes on your bedside table and when you wake up / before you go to bed, wipe your face, armpits, feet etc. with the wipe and with the intention of cleansing. it's quick and very easy and I promise that it's worth it, you'll feel a lot more fresh afterwards. you can do the same with washing in general ! if you take a shower imagine the bad thoughts and depressive energy go down the drain in a black/gray/brown stream of dark water !! you'll feel a lot more fresh and maybe a bit clear-headed even :)
3. tea magick
while getting your cup of tea / coffee, stir your days intentions into the drink or do this:
stir clockwise thrice to bring positivity, stir counterclockwise to let out negative energy in your next three sighs and then seal the spell to let the sadness repel.
I recommend black tea or white tea or chamomile tea and add some honey / sugar to sweeten the deal !!
4. shadow work
I know that one of the last things you might want to do is dwelve deep into your feelings but it really will be useful in the long run. if you feel yourself getting upset or your mood suddenly dropping, try getting to the bottom of it; what triggered the emotional reaction? take a deep breath, relax into your feelings as they are in that moment and be honest with yourself. observe them without judgment and try to find out where they came from and how to solve the conflict.
here's some prompts and questions you can try asking yourself:
how did you feel ( more accurately than just upset; were you angry, jealous, sad, lonely etc.) ?
is there something you can do right now to solve it ?
how could you handle this situation in a healthy way? eg. try to come up with healthy coping mechanisms.
how can you maybe prevent this in the future?
try the court trial thought challenging technique. if these thoughts or this situation was a court case, which side would win? imagine yourself as the defense attorney. you need to gather 100% foolproof evidence you have siding with the negative thought and then defend it against the undermining counterpart. it's kind of a pros and cons type of list but you adopt the viewpoint of an outside viewer to get a clearer and more realistic view of the situation. this thought process can help you realize that some negative thoughts aren't truthful and help you let them go. you can Google "the court trial cbt" for more on this technique :D !!
5. studying the craft
we're all individuals and we react differently to bad states of mind but what I do often is distract myself by being on my phone and I know ( I hope so, at least ) I'm not alone in this. as a witch, you're always developing and learning new things, was it about learning different kinds of ways to practice your craft or getting to know other practices or maybe reading a guide how to grow your own herbs ! point is, if you're gonna distract yourself, you could try reading ebooks or articles or even tumblr posts about things that interest you !
maybe try making a list of subjects, topics and practices that interest you and set a goal for yourself to read at least about 3 subjects on the list per day !!
6. making pinterest boards / planning
this isnt directly magick but I think it does count as practicing your craft. make mood boards for the next full moon, come up with spells, make pinterest boards about cool things that interest you or maybe start planning for the next sabbath ! just have fun with it, maybe colour coordinate your pin boards or arrange them by season !
7. go out for walks
it is so so so important to try to adhere to some routines. a big part of managing depression is taking care that you get enough sleep, eat enough and do fulfilling, nice and healthy things. go outside and try to look for rocks or crystals from the nature ? or try foraging ! or maybe go for a walk during sunset/sunrise and admire the beautiful sky and clouds ! ANY reason to peep your nose out of the house is a good reason. maybe go meditate to the nearest park ? or try yoga !!
8. interests and passions and things you loved to do
I know that it might be hard to find joy in the things that you used to like doing but you should try to do at least one thing that you used to love doing for 10 minutes every day ! incorporate a little witchcraft into it too if you want to !
draw or paint a sigil and maybe colour it
sing your favourite song with intent that matches the lyrics
try freestyling with any instrument you play and let your intuition guide you with the chords and notes that come out ! you can try also making small melodies that correspond to different intents and use them for cleasing or happiness or protection !!
bake or cook something you've always wanted to try ! look up the ingredients' correspondences and cook with desired intents !
please know that you're not alone !! my dms are always open if you want tips or just someone to talk to, too :) you don't need to do all of these but maybe try taking some inspo and adjust it to your life and surroundings and daily life and come up with ways of your own, it's your craft after all !!
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pineconeinatree · 3 years
Closed and Open Practices
When you get into magick, it's important to know what practices are open (what anyone can do) and what practices are closed (what only certain people can do).
Why are some practices closed?
Sometimes, magick practices can be sacred to certain cultures, religions, ethnic groups, etc. It's kind of like how non-black people shouldn't wear black hairstyles--its appropriating a culture.
Examples of Open Practices:
Norse neo-paganism
Egyption neo-paganism
Greek neo-paganism
Most forms of Wicca
The evil eye
Most (if not all) forms of veiling
Examples of Closed Pracitces:
Both types of voodoo
Native American and Indigenous practices (including smudging!!)
Proper Druidism (as opposed to Neo-Druidism)
How Can I be a Part of a Closed Practice?
It depends. Sometimes you have to be born into the ethnic group or religion that practices it, and sometimes you have to be formally invited into the practice. I'd advise looking into any specific practices you might be interested in since they're all different.
On that note, make sure to research any practice you're interested in to make sure it's an open one, or a closed one that you're allowed to participate in.
Have a lovely day <3
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pineconeinatree · 3 years
thank you so much !!
i saw on tiktok (not a reliable source, I'm aware, that's why I came here) that after starting your spiritual journey some people have seen these "shadow people" due 3rd eye opening / becoming more conscious about it and i have seen them twice in the past month and I am honestly kinda terrified, I know I shouldn't be scared but boy I've watched too many horror films and they just remind me too much of slenderman; now, the question is, are the r shadow people "real" or is it just a silly myth people like to spread around ? and if they're "real", are they something to be afraid of or no ? should I use more protection around my house ?
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pineconeinatree · 3 years
i saw on tiktok (not a reliable source, I'm aware, that's why I came here) that after starting your spiritual journey some people have seen these "shadow people" due 3rd eye opening / becoming more conscious about it and i have seen them twice in the past month and I am honestly kinda terrified, I know I shouldn't be scared but boy I've watched too many horror films and they just remind me too much of slenderman; now, the question is, are the r shadow people "real" or is it just a silly myth people like to spread around ? and if they're "real", are they something to be afraid of or no ? should I use more protection around my house ?
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