pharowagdy · 5 months
“Violence does not always take visible form, and not all wounds gush blood.”
— Haruki Murakami, 1Q84 (via wordsnquotes)
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pharowagdy · 1 year
The Prophet [ﷺ] said:
❝When the Day of Judgment will occur, a caller will call out, 'Whoever did a deed for other than Allah, then seek its reward from whoever you did it for.'❞
• [Sahīh Al-Jāmi‘, (No. 782) | Translated By Abu Abdur-Rahmān Hilāl]
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pharowagdy · 1 year
Divine Names of Allah Series: Al Ba'ith, The Resurrector and Raiser of the Dead
Allah’s Divine Name, Al Ba’ith contains gems. The root, (ب-ع-ث) has several powerful Arabic connotations: to awaken, call forth, and make manifest.
The most noticeable interpretation of this name reflects on the Day of Judgement, and Allah bringing us to face Him with the deeds we have cultivated through our relatively short lifetimes. 
The God consciousness this name instills in us amplifies our sense of purpose, reminding us that we will all be accountable.
This alone is a strong contradiction to the non-believer’s philosophy of life, where true purpose is lacking and is instead defined through worldly fulfillment one way or another. 
But as Muslims, we carry an upper hand as we nurture our understanding that this life is no more than a step in the direction we choose to head towards – and that, is our purpose.
أَفَحَسِبْتُمْ أَنَّمَا خَلَقْنَـٰكُمْ عَبَثًۭا وَأَنَّكُمْ إِلَيْنَا لَا تُرْجَعُونَ 
“Did you then think that We had created you without purpose, and that you would never be returned to Us?”
We must ask ourselves on a regular basis, “what will I present to Allah?” As this repels one from acting solely on their desire and builds immunity to the Devil’s mind games.
Sheikh Al Nabulsi adds a beautiful understanding of the Name which emphasizes several of the meanings mentioned above, particularly ‘to awaken’ and ‘to make manifest’ – he states that Ba’th comes with “inspiration from Allah for His servants to do good.”
Ba’th is not simply about life and death, it is also about the ideas, inspirations, and sudden bursts of motivation. So, when you get these motivations, you should act upon them urgently.
We are often given these windows to act but are distracted or led away from these pursuits by other worldly affairs. It is also no question that the Devil plays a strong hand in this. As good acts often inspire more, and this snowball effect is hard to stop unless it is stopped before it ever gets rolling.  Otherwise, it might become a habit and that alone is motivation enough for a fully-fledged plot against you and your improvement inspired by Al Ba’th Himself.
Once we see our ‘good ideas’ as more than just random thoughts and understand that not even our ideas are mindless thoughts – we can give them the credibility they deserve and use them to pave our path towards Allah in this Dunya, but more importantly in the Hereafter. 
Our Prophet ﷺ   has taught us to identify our blameworthy qualities and pledge to change them, knowing that Allah is Ever Forgiving. 
For Allah to have sent the Messenger is also referred to as a form of ba’th:
هُوَ ٱلَّذِى بَعَثَ فِى ٱلْأُمِّيِّـۧنَ رَسُولًۭا مِّنْهُمْ يَتْلُوا۟ عَلَيْهِمْ ءَايَـٰتِهِۦ وَيُزَكِّيهِمْ وَيُعَلِّمُهُمُ ٱلْكِتَـٰبَ وَٱلْحِكْمَةَ وَإِن كَانُوا۟ مِن قَبْلُ لَفِى ضَلَـٰلٍۢ مُّبِينٍۢ 
“He is the One Who raised for the illiterate ˹people˺ a messenger from among themselves—reciting to them His revelations, purifying them, and teaching them the Book and wisdom, for indeed they had previously been clearly astray—”
In line with Sheikh Al Nabulsi’s understanding, the Prophet’s ﷺ   arrival was a manifestation of light that Allah blessed humanity with. 
As Al Ghazali states, “ignorance is the greatest death and knowledge is the noblest life” and this reflects the importance of studying the Prophetic Seerah, as it will educate you on the Prophetic way of life and his values ﷺ 
Along with the Quran are the ultimate source of guidance, this will drive our inner purpose and align us with Al Ba’th and all this Divine Name implies.
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pharowagdy · 1 year
If you never felt pain or experienced problems, how would you know that Allah is Al-Shafi –the Healer?
If you never made a mistake, how would you know that Allah is Al-Ghafur –the Forgiver?
If you were never hurt, how would you know that Allah is Al-Mu’min –the Comforter?
If your life was perfect, then why would you need Allah?
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pharowagdy · 1 year
فلئن صبرت علي عذابك
Suppose I can endure your punishment (of the fire)
فكيف أصبر على فراقك
But how will I endure separation from you (my Lord)
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pharowagdy · 2 years
Spending several hours a day, week after week, month after month, scrolling through your phone and having your eyes glued to a screen is weirdo behavior. Like really weird. It’s a new normal that society has had no business accepting and it’s ruining you in so many ways I’m not even gonna get into that in this post. If you want to be a high achiever, you must reject that conditioning. You need to view those wasteful hours where you aren’t even really having fun, you’re just feverishly searching for a new glimmer of entertainment every few minutes as something gross. I personally feel disgusting when I spend all day being passive, clicking buttons, numbing my mind with various screens at a time, barely enjoying myself just staring idly at unmemorable content. Especially when I have things that need to get done and goals I could be working towards. And bc I know what that disgust feels like, I don’t do it. Break the habit now.
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pharowagdy · 2 years
Ibn Al Qayyim رحمه الله said:
“Your nafs is just like your enemy, once it finds you serious, it obeys you. If it finds weakness from you, it will take you as a prisoner.”
[بدائع الفوائد - ٣/١٢٠٢]
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pharowagdy · 2 years
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pharowagdy · 2 years
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pharowagdy · 2 years
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pharowagdy · 2 years
هل نسيت ان الله يفرح بتوبتك؟
Have you forgotten that Allah rejoices with your repentance?
هل نسيت انه الغفور الودود؟
Have you forgotten that He is the Most Forgiving and the Most Loving?
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pharowagdy · 2 years
Imperfection is a human truth we are desperate to deny. An inhibitor that tells us: if we’re not where we want to be, the things we want to become must be put on hold.
I’m not good enough for that.
I’m not ready to take that leap.
I barely do X, I cant even approach Y.
This smoke in your vision serves as a self-justifying blockade. It is your enemy.
Allah is Al Tawwab — The Acceptor of Repentance. The root of this word is توب (t-w-b): to return to goodness.
In the Quran (42:25), Allah attaches acceptance and forgiveness to those who return to Him, regardless of their state. There is no hierarchy. Sincerely returning to Allah is a sign of His Divine Self already having accepted your repentance.
In our relationships, we can’t keep upsetting someone repeatedly and expect them to be there once we realize what we’ve done to them. Many won’t have the capacity to forgive us.
Yet, Allah never tires of us. No matter how many times we stray, sin, and betray our own selves. Al Tawwab accepts you regardless and has the capacity to completely erase that sin. No one compares.
He knows your effort, He sees your struggle.
Some scholars have said you can’t understand this name without understanding Al Rahman, because it is His mercy that not only accepts our return but allows us to do so in the first place.
Al Ghazali states that Al Tawwab makes references that facilitate causes of repentance.
Have you ever heard just the right aya or read a reminder at just the right time?
This is by Allah’s will and mercy. The Acceptor of Repentance calls for your return through tawba. As sin blackens the heart, the only way to clean it is through repentance.
We need to return to Allah, regardless of how imperfect we are. We tell those we love most, “come as you are” — and when there is truth in that statement, we don’t just feel loved, we feel safe.
And if that is the case, how should we feel with Allah?
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pharowagdy · 3 years
Ibn Taymiyyah (رحمه الله) said:
It is essential for one to have some time spent alone where he supplicates to Allah, makes His dhikr, prays, contemplates, reflects on himself, and rectifies his heart.
— [Majmoo' al-Fataawa, 10/426]
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pharowagdy · 3 years
Divine Names of Allah Series: Al Wahid Al Ahad, The One and Only One
Al Wahid has no partner, and Al Ahad is completely unique. Combined, Allah is the One and Only.
The opposite is shirk, making this Name is the essence of Islam.
اشهد ان لا اله الا الله —
There is no God but Allah.
It’s easy to claim we associate nothing with Allah.
Instead we create unconscious idols, things our lives revolve around, festering in our hearts and swiftly redirecting us towards our desires.
The key is internalization of Tawhid.
The importance of Al Ahad — though it is mentioned only once in the Quran — is reflected in the fact that the 4-verse chapter it is mentioned in, is worth 1/3 of the Quran.
Why? Because it is the core. It is the value of our life — whether Allah is not just your God, but your Only God.
So we ask ourselves, is Allah One in my life? Have I prioritized other people/things?
Do I resort to Allah when I have tried everything else and failed? Or do I intrinsically know that the only way to reach anything is through Him?
We cannot put our desires in one hand and Him in another. There is no sharing.
There is no room for association.
We cannot appreciate Allah in all His Greatness and Mercy until we break our illusions.
This life is about 1 thing only.
All else is fleeting; joy, pain, desire — it will all disappear. It is only He who remains.
Sincerity is essential. Do not see people as more than they are.
Their praise and criticism? All the same.
Once your intentions are solely to Him, your reward is infinite.
How can you seek to please creation and expect the Creator to reward you?
Do as the Prophet pbuh has done, recite لا اله الا الله and renew your faith, take care of it, as it wears out like a garment.
When you are alone after a storm, bruised and betrayed, it is He who will be with you after the dust settles.
You can lose everyone and everything, but so long as you have your devotion to Al-Wahid Al-Ahad, you have Everything.
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pharowagdy · 3 years
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pharowagdy · 3 years
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– Who stayed with you ?
- Allah..
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pharowagdy · 3 years
Make it a habit of always returning to Allaah and supplicating to Him. If you find your task difficult, ask Him to make it easy for you. You remembered something you want, ask Allaah to grant it for you if there is khayr in it in this Life and the Next. If you’re angry, seek refuge in Him and ask Him to remove your anger. If you find that you waste too much time, ask Him to guide you towards that which will benefit you. If you’re having a headache, ask Him to cure you.
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