passerbyforfun · 1 day
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MDNI 18+ BLOG -> ageless blogs and minors WILL BE BLOCKED
pairing ✭ bf!san x gn!reader
synopsis ✭ San is always available. Especially on your bad days.
content/genre ✭ fluff, comfort (no angst really. reader just cries over unnamed stress)
word count ✭ 1k
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There was a soft knock at your door. You knew who it was, but you still couldn’t bring yourself to get off the couch. He had a key anyway.
“Y/n?” you heard from outside the door, “Can I come in?”
He always asked no matter how many times you told him he didn’t have to. He waited a few beats for your response that never came before you heard his keys jingle. You threw your blanket over your head when you heard the key slide into the lock and the door click open.
“Love?” The door closed behind him as he made it into the front room where you burrowed under your blanket on the couch. You felt him kneel down beside you and slowly lift the blanket off your head. 
You were hit with the cold air of the apartment, but you kept your eyes closed. “Are you pretending to sleep?” 
He poked your cheek, “I know you’re not asleep, y/n.”
You groaned and threw a hand over your eyes, “Sannie…”
“I’m here, angel,” he said, peeling your hand from your face to kiss your knuckles.
Opening your eyes finally, you looked to see your lovely boyfriend looking at you softly. His eyes lit up slightly when they met yours. “Hi, how are you?”
You open your mouth to tell him, but just trying to recollect your awful day made your eyes start watering. You try to keep the tears back by keeping your eyes on the ceiling above you but they pool up at your waterline.
You can’t look him in the eyes or you know the tears will fall faster. You don’t want him to pity you. Just the thought of him feeling bad for you makes you sick to your stomach. He shouldn’t have to coddle you like this. You’re not a child. You’re an adult for fucks sake. It shouldn’t be this hard for you to recover from a bad day.
But when you feel his arm slip under your upper back, you let him lift you up. He slides onto the couch behind you and pulls you into his chest. Softly playing with your hair and rubbing your back. He tells you that it’s okay to cry. Even though he knows you hate crying in front of other people, he encourages you to let it out. Never once does he pressure you to give him the details of your day.
You bury your face in his chest as you cry. It’s hard not to feel bad at the wet spot on his shirt even though he’d tell you that you never have to feel bad for something so small. Your tears are hot, though, as they fall from your eyes. Pouring out uncontrollably because of how long you’d held them in. 
It hurts San’s heart to see you like this. As much as he wants to be strong for you and as bad as he wants you to think that he’s unfazed by your outpour of emotion, he wishes he could take it all away. He’d keep all of you anxieties and heartaches on himself if he could. Seeing you so overwhelmed and falling apart on top of him is really hard for him to handle, but he stays strong for you. Because he knows that’s what you need. 
When he notices that you’ve stopped crying, he lets you stay on his chest for a few more moments, running his fingers through your hair. Slowly, and after several minutes of silence, you push yourself off of his chest. You let his thumbs wipe the tears from your cheeks. You smile softly at his gesture, “I love you, Sannie.”
He smiles and kisses you on the forehead. “I love you too, y/n.”
Everything else went unsaid but was fully understood. He knew that it meant everything to you that he had showed up for you. And you knew that his love and devotion ran deeper than either of you could really understand.
When San finally got you off the couch, he’d encouraged you to take a shower. He made sure to order food before he took his time to pick up your apartment a little bit. You had been so overwhelmed with work and family stuff that you didn’t really have any motivation to do laundry or keep your apartment tidy. But he knew how much a cluttered space just added to your anxiety.
He picked up the loose clothes scattered around your bedroom and put them in the wash hoping he’d be at least able to get through some of your laundry before he left. In the kitchen he washed your dishes and put them all away before grabbing your trash and taking it out to the dumpster. 
Pushing the door you your apartment back open, he found you seated on the counter. Dressed in a fuzzy pair of pajama pants and an old t-shirt. When you saw him, you opened up your arms for him. He smiled and wrapped you in his own arms. 
“You’re doing okay. You know that, right?” He whispered into your hair. You hesitated but nodded.
You took a deep breath, “Thank you for always being here, Sannie.” 
He pulled away from your hair, still holding tight to your waist, “Of course. I’m here for you always. You know that.”
You smiled at him, “You didn’t have to do my laundry, though.”
Raising an eyebrow, he asked, “Are you complaining?”
“No,” you laughed, “you can come over here every day if your gonna always do my laundry.”
“Baby I have a key. I can come over whenever I want,” he teases. Though, you both know he never comes over without checking in with you first.
You giggled and leaned into him, kissing him softly. He smiled at you with his eyes when he pulled away. “Will you spend the night?” You ask, cupping his face in your hands, running your thumbs over his cheekbones.
“Of course,” he leaned into your touch, “I can tell everyone I’ll be a little late tomorrow.”
Shaking your head you said, “No, baby, you don’t have to do that.”
He reached into his back pocket to grab his phone, “Too late. I’m already doing it.”
You poked him in the chest, “Fine, but you have to go before noon.”
“Are you kicking me out?”
“No. You just can’t always skip work for me.”
He kissed you on the cheek, “I’m always available for you. Work can wait.”
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passerbyforfun · 6 days
TEMPO BRIDGE IN 2024..... when xiumin said if you can't fucking sing take your broke ass home he had the reasons to back it up!
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passerbyforfun · 1 month
Ateez Like Boyfriends: Waking up in bed ♡
♡ Lembrando a todos que este post é meramente ilustrativo, e feito apenas para divertimento dos fãs. ♡ Reminding everyone that this post is merely illustrative, and made just for the amusement of fans.
♡ Thank you to everyone who voted, I hope you enjoy it! ♡
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Sempre vai fica com pena de acorda você, caso ele acorde primeiro. Então ou vai ficar olhando você dormir, ou vai apoia a cabeça nas suas costas ou no seu peito e ficar assim at�� você acorda.
Acorda já querendo se aconchegar em você parecendo um gato, se esfregando com o rosto no seu corpo.
Gosta de fica abraçadinho sentindo seu cheiro.
"Bom dia princesa, hora de acorda! Como pode você ser tão linda acordando?".
Gosta de fazer trilhas de beijinhos.
Gosta quando você fica esfregando as pernas nele.
Fica fazendo carinho no seu rosto e de ficar namorando enquanto ficam mexendo no cabelo um do outro.
Quando pensar em levantar, ele vai levanta junto para te envolver num abraço e te carrega até o banheiro.
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He'll always feel sorry for waking you up if he wakes up first. So it's either going to watch you sleep, or it's going to rest its head on your back or on your chest and stay that way until you wake up.
He wakes up already wanting to snuggle up to you looking like a cat, rubbing his face on your body.
He likes to cuddle up and smell it.
"Good morning princess, time to wake up! How can you be so beautiful waking up?"
Likes to go on kiss trails.
Likes it when you keep rubbing your legs on it.
Keeps stroking your face and making out while you mess with each other's hair.
When you think about getting up, he'll get up with you to wrap you in a hug and carry you to the bathroom.
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Assim que abrir os olhos vai te puxar pra perto, ele necessita do seu corpo colado nele pra acorda bem.
Vai fica agarrando seu corpo enquanto te beija dando bom dia.
Vai fazer cara de manhoso, gemendo e pedindo pra vocês transarem depois de acorda.
"Bom dia meu amor, você dormiu bem? Eu amo acorda com você!".
Adora quando você acorda ele com beijinhos no pescoço, ou passando a mão na nuca dele e depois pelo cabelo dele.
Ele ama passa a mão por baixo da sua blusa pra brinca com seus seios, e ficar segurando seu cabelo pro alto beijando seu pescoço, seu orelha descendo pela lateral do seu rosto até chega na sua bochecha e depois na sua boca.
Não vai quere sair da cama, vai tenta te prende aproveitando a altura dele.
Você e ele adoram dar mordidinhas um no outro e ficar brincando disso enquanto ficam na cama.
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As soon as he opens his eyes he will pull you close, he needs your body glued to him to wake up well.
He'll be grabbing your body while kissing you good morning.
He'll make a sly face, moaning and asking you to after he wakes up.
"Good morning my love, did you sleep well? I love wakes up with you!"
He loves it when you wake him up with kisses on his neck, or running your hand over the back of his neck and then through his hair.
He loves to put his hand under your blouse to play with your breasts, and keep holding your hair up kissing your neck, his ear going down the side of your face to your cheek and then your mouth.
He won't want to get out of bed, he'll try to trap you by taking advantage of his height.
You and he love to nibble on each other and play around with it while stay in bed.
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Tal qual um panda, ele simplesmente vai acorda todo dia grudado em você.
Vai ficar choramingando cada vez que você falar que precisa levanta: "Levanta para quê se podemos ficar o dia todo aqui!".
Ama quando você acorda e coloca a cabeça no peito dele pra ele fica fazendo carinho em você.
Gosta quando você dá beijinho ao longo do rosto dele, principalmente se isso significar você estar montada nele, o que deixa ele excitado sempre.
Gosta de sentir o seu cheiro, fica colocando o rosto entre seu cabelo para cheira sua nuca e depois ir descendo cheirando pelo seu corpo até deixar você toda arrepiada.
Ele ama sentir seus dedos passando pelas costas dele.
Adora um sexo matinal, principalmente se isso envolver carícias de ambos.
Gosta de fica com o corpo sobre você, te prendendo na cama para impedir você de sair, o que vai leva vocês a ficarem um tempão brincando de gato e rato tentando escapar um do outro.
Quando você levanta, fica todo manhoso, faz beicinho e diz que se você não volta pra cama vai te busca e te trazer de volta.
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Just like a panda, he just wakes up every day glued to you.
He'll be whining every time you say you need to get up: "Get up for what? if we can stay here all day!"
He loves it when you wake up and put your head on his chest so he keeps petting you.
He likes it when you kiss him over the cheek, especially if it means you're riding him, which makes him all the time.
He likes to smell you, he keeps putting his face between your hair to smell the back of your neck and then goes down smelling your body until he makes you shiver all over.
He loves to feel your fingers running down his back.
Loves morning sex, especially if it involves caresses from both of you.
He likes to keep his body on top of you, pinning you to the bed to prevent you from leaving, which will lead to you spending a lot of time playing cat and mouse trying to escape from each other.
When you get up, you get all sly, pout, and say that if you don't go back to bed he'll pick you up and bring you back.
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Vai fica olhando você acorda com os olhinhos assim 🥺
Quando você acordar e ficar agarradinha nele, ele vai fica todo manhoso, passando a mão no seu cabelo e dizendo "bom dia meu amor, você dormiu bem? É tão bom acorda do seu ladinho..."
Vai dar beijinhos na sua cabeça e ir descendo até chegar na sua boca.
Ama fica agarradinho com você, gosta quando você se prende nele com as pernas.
Fica sorrindo quando você fica mexendo no cabelo dele e dizendo que ele é muito lindo mesmo quando acorda.
Ama fingir que vai morder partes do seu corpo só pra você fica dizendo que ele não pode e fingir que tá braba, mas quando é sua bunda ele morde de verdade.
Você ama beija o pescoço dele e ver ele fica arrepiado.
Vai aproveita sempre pra te prende com os braços e dizer que você só pode levanta depois dele ganha mais um beijo.
Ama fica namorando com o corpo sobre o seu e de segura suas pernas na cintura dele para fica fazendo carinho enquanto te beija.
Gosta de coloca a cabeça nos seu seios pra recebe cafuné enquanto fica agarrado na sua cintura.
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He'll be watching, you wake up with your little eyes like this 🥺
When you wake up and cuddle with him, he'll get all sly, running his hand through your hair and saying "good morning my love, did you sleep well? It's so good, wake up next to you…"
It'll kiss your head and work its way down until it reaches your mouth
Loves to cling to you, likes it when you hold on to it with your legs.
He keeps smiling when you keep touching his hair and telling him that he is very beautiful even when he wakes up.
He loves to pretend he's going to bite parts of your body just for you and keeps telling him he can't and pretending he's mad, but when it's your ass he really bites.
You love kiss his neck and see him get goosebumps.
He will always take the opportunity to hold you with his arms and say that you can only get up after him get another kiss.
He loves to be in love with his body on top of yours and holds your legs around his waist to caress you while kissing you.
He likes to put her head on her breasts to get caressed while clinging to her waist.
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"Bom dia" acompanhado de um sorrisão.
Vai fica agarradinho em você com o rosto enfiado quase embaixo do seu braço (Ama quando você faz o mesmo com ele).
Ama ficar dando beijinhos enquanto fica falando tipo "O que 😘 vamos 😘 tomar 😘 de café 😘 da manhã 😘?"
Vai fica passando a mão no cabelo todo bagunçando, e você vai ri da cara dele e ajuda ele a bagunça mais, e dizer que ele é lindo, o que vai fazer ele ficar todo bobo.
Vai fica deitado com o braço estendido dizendo "não vaiiiii, fica aquiiiii" fazendo carinha de triste.
Se você volta para um beijinho, vai te segura de novo na cama, se não volta, vai corre atrás de você até ganha um beijo.
Gosta de ter você nos braços dele, e de fica beijando seu pescoço.
As vezes gosta de te dar prazer pela manhã, também gosta quando você pergunta se ele gostaria que você desse prazer pra ele pra acorda mais relaxado.
Depois de ficarem namorando na cama, te chama pra toma banho com ele.
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"Good morning" accompanied by a smile.
he'll cling to you with his face tucked almost under your arm (Loves it when you do the same to him).
Do you love kissing while talking like "What 😘 are we going 😘 to have 😘 for breakfast 😘 ?"
He'll keep running his hand through his hair all messed up and you'll laugh at his face and help him mess up more and tell him he's beautiful which will make him look all silly.
He will lie down with his arm outstretched saying "don't gooooo, stay hereeeee" making a sad face.
If you come back for a kiss he'll hold you back in bed, if he doesn't come back he'll run after you until he gets a kiss.
He likes to hold you in his arms, and he kisses your neck.
Sometimes he likes to give you pleasure in the morning, he also likes it when you ask him if he would like you to give him pleasure so he wakes up more relaxed.
After y'all be in love in bed, he asks you to take a shower with him.
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Não vai consegui levanta pois ele não vai deixa.
Vocês sempre ficam meia hora namorando na cama até decidirem levanta de verdade.
"Você me ama? Quanto você me ama? Só isso? Peraí..." Dependendo da quantidade de amor que você disser, ele vai te fazer cócegas e só vai para quando você disser que ama ele 100%.
Ficam brincando de luta prendendo um ao outro com as pernas.
Ele ama quando você monta nele e fica enchendo ele de beijos.
Gosta de fica passando os dedinhos pelos seu corpo pra ver você fica arrepiada.
Fica rindo quando você se cobre com o lençol se abaixando em direção a cintura dele, pra em seguida fica dizendo "YA YA YA, PARA GAROTA, VOLTA AQUI!".
As vezes canta para você ao acorda ou enquanto tá fazendo carinho, tocando seu cabelo.
Gosta quando você dorme nos braços dele com seu rosto colado no dele.
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You won't get it up 'cause it won't let you.
The two of you always spend half an hour in love in bed until you decide to get up for real.
"Do you love me? How much do you love me? Is that it? Wait…" Depending on the amount of love you say, it will tickle you and will only stop when you tell it you love it 100%.
The two of you are playing fighting, pinning each other with your legs.
He loves it when you ride him and keep showering him with kisses.
He likes to run his little fingers over your body to see you get goosebumps.
He keeps laughing when you cover yourself with the sheet by bending down towards his waist, and then he keeps saying "YA YA YA, GIRL, COME BACK HERE!".
Sometimes she sings to you when she wakes up or while she is petting your hair, touching your hair.
Likes it when you sleep in his arms with your face glued to his.
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Ou vocês vão acorda completamente grudados um no outro ou vão acorda com o pé de um na cara do outro.
Quando ele acorda vai quere fica agarradinho, chega a coloca a cabeça embaixo da sua roupa.
Ama senti seu cheiro e fica mexendo no seu cabelo até pega no sono de novo.
Vai dar beijos longos e apaixonados porque gosta de aproveita quando pode acorda com você.
"Bom dia dorminhoca, hora de acorda! Tô morrendo de fome!".
As vezes vai querer transa pela manhã, mas sempre de forma lenta e prazerosa, se ele tiver um tempo livre vocês vão passa a manhã inteira na cama.
As vezes, você e ele ficam dando tapas na bunda um do outro ao levanta, dependendo da intensidade, acabam voltando pra cama
Dengoso, vai fica choramingando pra não levanta, vai fazer beicinho e só levantar quando você encher ele de beijos.
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Either you're going to wake up completely glued to each other or you're going to wake up with your foot in each other's faces.
When he wakes up, he wants to hold on to him, he even puts his head under his clothes.
Love smelled you and keeps fiddling with your hair until he fall asleep again.
He will give long and passionate kisses because he likes to enjoy when he can he wakes up with you.
"Good morning sleepyhead, time to wake up! I'm starving!".
Sometimes he will want to have sex in the morning, but always in a slow and pleasurable way, if he has some free time you will spend the whole morning in bed.
Sometimes, you and he are slapping each other's butts when you get up, depending on the intensity, you end up going back to bed.
Staggering, he'll be whining so he doesn't get up, he'll pout and only get up when you fill him with kisses.
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Acorda puxando você pra perto dele.
Gosta de dá beijinhos no seu nariz, na sua bochecha, depois na sua boca assim que acorda.
"Bom dia linda, dormiu bem? Pode fica dormindo que vou fazer o café".
Gosta de fica com você entre as pernas dele, te abraçando e namorando antes de levanta.
Fica todo tímido quando você fala que ele fica lindo todo bagunçado depois de acorda.
Gosta de fazer cócegas pra te fazer rir alto e assim acorda feliz.
Ama quando você fica deitada nas costas dele.
Fica sussurrando coisas no seu ouvido e depois faz cara de "eu falei isso? claro que não!".
Ama beijar seus pés, e as vezes aproveita pra te puxa na cama pra fica entre suas pernas e vocês ficarem namorando.
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Wakes up pulling you close to him.
He likes to kiss your nose, your cheek, then your mouth as soon as you wake up.
"Good morning beautiful, did you sleep well? You can stay asleep and I'll make the coffee".
Likes to stay with you between his legs, cuddling with you and making out before you get up.
He gets all shy when you tell him that he looks beautiful all messed up after he wakes up.
He likes to tickle you to make you laugh out loud and so he wakes up happy.
Loves it when you lie on his back.
He keeps whispering things in your ear and then makes a face like "did I say that? Of course not!"
He loves to kiss your feet, and sometimes he takes the opportunity to pull you on the bed to get between your legs and y'all be in love.
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passerbyforfun · 1 month
What’s your fantasy?
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passerbyforfun · 1 month
[see this post for relationship tips]
INTJ (Ni-Te-Fi-Se) + ISFJ (Si-Fe-Ti-Ne)
Potential for Conflict:
Ni v. Si: INTJs tend to be conceptual thinkers and focus on the future. ISFJs tend to be detail-oriented people who focus on familiarity. So, INTJs might see ISFJs as fussy or short-sighted, and ISFJs might see INTJs as impractical or concerned about insignificant things.
Te v. Fe: INTJs focus on order and predictability and ISFJs focus on meeting people’s practical needs. So, INTJs might see ISFJs as oversensitive or overly accommodating, and ISFJs might view INTJs as inflexible or overly critical.
Fi v. Ti: INTJs can use Fi defensively to resist external influence, and ISFJs can use Ti defensively to justify their problematic behaviors. So, both might view the other as stubborn or irrational when disagreeing.
Se v. Ne: INTJs have difficulty attending to present concerns and ISFJs have difficulty seeing the future objectively and often fret about long term goals. So, INTJs might see ISFJs as worrying too much or resistant to change, and ISFJs might see INTJs as neglectful, absent-minded, or uptight.
Both are introverted and tend to withdraw easily from conflict, which might make it difficult to resolve relationship issues.
Opportunities for Growth and Balance:
This pair could complement each other if they learned from each other’s strengths. INTJs could learn from ISFJs to be more practical and in touch with facts and details. ISFJs could learn from INTJs to be more objective and approach problems/criticism more analytically.
INTJs should realize that ISFJs show their support through small acts, so be sure to show enough appreciation for their efforts. ISFJs should realize that INTJs show their care through offering advice and solving problems, so do not mistake their helpfulness as criticism.
Both tend to need private time to process experiences and pursue personal interests, so be sure to give each other enough space. Encourage each other to pursue personal passions but also take more interest in each other’s hobbies.
INTJs should try to show more affection and be more willing to share their private side. ISFJs should not mistake INTJ’s need for independence as being cold or uncaring.
In terms of conflict, both can have difficulty with confronting emotional issues. Both tend to withdraw too easily when overwhelmed. Do not leave problems unresolved. Learn to express dissatisfaction or negative emotions in a calm and constructive manner before they become too intense.
Find an activity that you can enjoy together. Be more open to exploring new experiences in the outside world and avoid depending on each other too much for social connection. Be spontaneous now and then to keep the excitement alive.
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passerbyforfun · 1 month
Spy x Family
Loid Forger - INTJ 6w5 so/ap
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Yor Forger - ISFJ 9w1 sx/so
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Anya Forger - ENFP 7w6 sx/so
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Yuri Briar - ENTJ 6w5 so/sx
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Fiona Frost - ISTJ 5w6 sx/sp
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Damian Desmond - ESTJ 3w4 sp/so
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Franky Franklin - ENTP 7w6 sp/so
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Becky Blackbell - ESFP 2w3 sx/so
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passerbyforfun · 1 month
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zodiac couples: cancer (m) + scorpio (f) for meghan
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passerbyforfun · 3 months
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they're never letting that one go 😭 +
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passerbyforfun · 3 months
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tries my hand at another alignment chart
stray kids
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passerbyforfun · 3 months
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nothing unites exo more than ganging up on suho and i think that's beautiful
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passerbyforfun · 3 months
31 & 56 with San please 🥰 Let it be fluff in which the reader gets to flustered by San being a little bit too playful with his compliments and actions in bed 🥺( I hope these prompts are still active )
San prompt
31. “Would it help if we cuddled?”
56. “You’re a mess.”
words: 323
warnings: none, lots of fluff, some crack
note: ahhh it’s been too long since I posted last. The end of the year is usually stressful for me and it sucks because it makes my posting schedule even slower. Also, IM SO SORry IT TOOK THIS LONG IM ASHAMED
summary: octopus san. ‘nuff said. And no this isn’t some weird tentcle pwp, this is a fluff only zone.
The red that flared across your face burned as you push at your boyfriends face. His teasing kisses and words were too much for you. He’d used his body to trap you on the bed underneath you and used his lips to say and do things that made you blush just thinking about it.
“Look at my baby,” San cooed, rubbing a thumb down your cheek and running it over your bottom lip. “So red and cute. You’re a mess for me.”
You whined softly and turned your head to the side, using your arms to shove at him. Everytime you created the temporary distance, he would come right back and wrap around you like a clingy octopus.
“You’re so annoying,” You huff out and scrunch your face in distaste, pushing his face away once more when he chases your lips around because you turned your head side to side to evade him.
Sans hum of agreement turned into a laugh, “You say that but I know you love the attention and kisses.” He’s right. You love his affectionate, clingy, annoying ass too much.
“Yah!” he cries out in pain after you pinch his arm that was around your tummy. “What was that for?”
“For being too smug about it.”
“Stop pinching me, woman!” He exclaimed when you pinch him again, this time on his side. “You’re pinching me and you’re not letting me kiss you. That’s very rude.” His lips form a pout as he looks at you with sad eyes.
“Would it help if we cuddled?” You offer, pulling him closer towards you and guiding his leg over your hip. He smiles and sighs in content, shifting closer to fit under your chin and you let him. You push back his hair and plant a big smooch on his forehead, pulling away with a wet smack.
“Really?” He whines, “You really had to give me a big gross kiss?”
“You’re welcome.”
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passerbyforfun · 3 months
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choi san - it takes two 
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Pairing: Choi San x Reader | Genre: angst & fluff | Warnings: none I WC: 1.0k
Request: San x reader. You pick the scenario, angst to fluff please
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You don’t know how long you had been angrily wandering around the night of the city considering you and San had gotten into a fight, again. The past few weeks you two just haven’t been on the same wavelength. You were both busy and working crazily and you really tried to understand that.
But you had told him weeks ago that tonight you were supposed to go out for dinner with your parents and he promised you that  he would be there. However, you had shown up and had a lovely meal with your parents and San never did. He hadn’t even called or messaged you to tell that he was running late or wasn’t going to be coming.
Keep reading
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passerbyforfun · 3 months
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⋅ ⎯ ✈︎ choi san | s. how ateez's san would act as your boyfriend ! | r. requested ! | w. slightly suggestive ! | wc. ~0.4k ! | g. slice of life !
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최산 — choi san
choi san as your boyfriend would be very affectionate
san oftens shows his affection through hugs and his words, and he often smiles at you
although san might seem to have a cold demeanor he is quite the softie when he's around you
in the beginning san was merely a best friend, and only that
but he caught feelings and they got very overwhelming for him so he decided to confess
which obviously led to the best duo, you and him
he's gentle emotionally and physically and would never do anything to intentionally hurt you
sometimes during comebacks when he's stressed he can't help but be a little annoyed and short tempered but he's always careful to never take it out on you
san LOVES hugs
he loves anything physical when it's comes to the relationship
he's very cuddly and any chance he gets he is going to latch onto you like a kid when they're begging their mom for something in the toys section of target
he's quite jealous as well
what's his is his
he does not like sharing, so when he sees another guy staring at you or just looking at you he's already shooting daggers with his eyes
he's not super quick at telling you he loves you as that is one of his most vulnerable moments but once he's sure he's going to let you know in hopes you feel the same
he's a good kisser
hands down he is one of the best kissers in ateez actually
his kisses always linger leaving you wanting more
he's gentle with his kisses but there are times he's tugging at your bottom lip begging for entrance
san knows everything about you
from your favorite color to your favorite pair of socks
he's very protective over you and is willing to do anything just to make sure you're okay
he puts a lot of effort in the relationship, however they're very subtle efforts
he doesn't see the need for grand surprises but he will sometimes surprise you with a gift here and there
he would feel incomplete without you if the two of you were to break up or go on a break
he sees you as his rock and if you weren't there he'd feel empty
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2022 © jungwnies
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passerbyforfun · 3 months
❤️ D-615 ❤️
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January 14, 2024
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passerbyforfun · 3 months
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passerbyforfun · 3 months
its so shiddy when u have to convince yourself to do your hobbies. like, its fun, you like it, why cant you just do it. do it. do it. but what if.... mindless media consumption instead....
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passerbyforfun · 3 months
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attention please
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