Cost of Living in Taiwan : Budget Guide
Cost of Living in Taiwan : Budget Guide
If you are wondering what the cost of living is in Taiwan, Taipei specifically, then you are in luck! I am here to educate you on the basic prices of living in Taiwan. I hope you find this guide helpful. Share it with the people that are interested in the Taiwanese lifestyle and cost of living. Cost of Living in Taiwan First, I will start off with food prices around Taipei specifically, so you…
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How to Find a Teaching Job in Taiwan
How to Find a Teaching Job in Taiwan
If you are considering getting an English teaching job in Taiwan, I have some things you should know before you make the big leap. There are many great opportunities in Taiwan for teaching children and adults. I would say there are many more opportunities for teaching kids, but teaching adults is still viable if you know where to look. Sometimes, you need to look a bit harder to find the good…
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Lanyang Museum - Yilan, Taiwan
The Lanyang Museum in Yilan has some awesome history of Taiwan. Check it out!
An outside look at the Lanyang Museum The cram school I am working for has an annual family day, and this year we decided to take a trip to Yilan to have a nature walk. Alas, the rain foiled our plans after our lunch, so we got to experience the Lanyang Museum instead! First let me say, the architecture of this building is magnificent. It is very aesthetically pleasing. 1:100 scale of the Lanyang…
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LemonTea Hotel就在Platinum Fashion Mall(水門市場)斜對面巷子內,步行約5-10分鐘,若有打算到此爆買,這裡不失為一個好的落腳處,快跟著我們的腳步來看看吧!
一進入飯店check in,飯店人員先端上了冰冰涼涼的檸檬茶,讓在外頭已經烤了20多分鐘的我們,啜飲後瞬間降溫了許多,也加深了對這小巧的飯店的記憶點,入住的時候會需要一千塊泰幣當房間的押金,退房就可以拿回。
若是以搭BTS來講,最近的就是Chit Lom站了,若是靠著步行來講,單趟就花掉20多分鐘,不過若是單純要來水門血拚的話,我想會給到五顆星,但畢竟此次泰國行還要跑其它景點,所以沒有給到太高評價
【泰國曼谷】【住宿】LemonTea Hotel 平價簡約風住宿,水門區掃貨好easy LemonTea Hotel就在Platinum Fashion Mall(水門市場)斜對面巷子內,步行約5-10分鐘,若有打算到此爆買,這裡不失為一個好的落腳處,快跟著我們的腳步來看看吧! 一進入飯店check in,飯店人員先端上了冰冰涼涼的檸檬茶,讓在外頭已經烤了20多分鐘的我們,啜飲後瞬間降溫了許多,也加深了對這小巧的飯店的記憶點,入住的時候會需要一千塊泰幣當房間的押金,退房就可以拿回。 整個飯店的裝潢,就像是到了一間下午茶店用餐,整體顏色相當的溫暖,接待櫃檯下方,擺放許多的布袋包起來的小茶包做裝飾,讓櫃檯感不在冷冰冰。 在一樓的接待大廳,最吸引我眼球的就是,樓梯旁邊的這一片茶罐牆,絕對是個拍穿搭的好地方啊!拿來拍拍新買戰利品的好所在啊!搭配著落地窗透進室內的柔光,根本免再打光了。 通往房間門跟電梯,都是要靠著手中的鑰匙感應,算是個簡單的把關外來客,電梯口附近還有洗衣房,可以投幣洗衣和烘衣。 房間內的擺設相當的簡單,有個大大的衣櫥和全身鏡,裡面還有保險箱,簡約感十足,也有小型冰箱,每天會提供兩罐印有飯店logo的礦泉水給房客。 房間內的小小擺設,居然是一本漫畫書,感覺十分有親切,誰小時候不是從漫畫堆中長大的呢? 這次入住的房間,提供了一個相當寬敞的廁所,淋浴間內還有防滑墊,看得出來飯店在小地方都相當的用心,當然還有簡單的沐浴用品,注意!沒有提供牙膏牙刷唷(別擔心!出飯店的左手邊就有7-11,可以立刻買到)。 從水門往飯店的巷子內有許多按摩店,要是逛累了,也可以立刻補足元氣。 有利用飯店櫃檯叫計程車到廊曼機場,需要提前三小時跟服務人員說做預約,費用收取四百元,也不會再被要求付另外再附過路費…等。 方便性:★★★ 若是以搭BTS來講,最近的就是Chit Lom站了,若是靠著步行來講,單趟就花掉20多分鐘,不過若是單純要來水門血拚的話,我想會給到五顆星,但畢竟此次泰國行還要跑其它景點,所以沒有給到太高評價 價錢:★★ 住了兩天花了台幣2777元,平均下來一個人一天費用才6百多元,根本就是一個背包客的床位錢,卻能享有私人空間,和獨立衛浴設備,CP算是相當高。 清潔度:★★★★★ 房間床單都是用白色的為主,沒有看到什麼污漬,相當的乾淨,木質地點上也沒有發現到什麼灰塵,入住後隔天清潔人員清掃後,有特別去看淋浴間是否有留下水痕,也都被擦得相當乾淨 整體環境:★★★★ 因為木門的關係,導致於隔音有點不太理想,再加上入住房間旁邊就是餐廳,所以早上時段會有聽到一些吵雜的聲音,加上要是有其他房客在走廊大聲談話,在房間內的我們,都能相當清楚地聽到,以及距離地鐵站20多分鐘的路程,所以在此扣了點分數,不過整體來說,這是一間相當小巧、明亮而且乾淨的飯店,若是要專攻水門採買,真的是大推這裡!
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  Little Rice on the bus from the DMT airport into the urban metropolis of Bangkok.
When arriving to Thailand, you feel an extreme heat wave greet you as the plane’s shut doors disengage. An open portal to the sun is the signature of the Thai weather-cuisine. A lovely tropical kingdom awaits your curious exploration. Welcome to a taste of Thailand, our 11 day getaway.
Relative Conversation Rate:
At time of trip –> 1 USD to 45 Baht                                        (100 USD : 4500 Baht)
Current time (March, 2017) –> 1 USD to 35 Baht               (100 USD : 3500 Baht)
You can see it was a much better time for taking a vacation at the time of the photos taken.
The hustling and bustling city of Bangkok.
  Trip Overview
Our 11 day Thailand trip included going to Bangkok, Phuket, and Ko Pha Ngan. We flew into Bangkok, hung around the city for a few days, then flew to Phuket. We stayed in Phuket for 3-4 days and rented a scooter to get around the island.  Then, we took a flight from Phuket to Surat Thani Airport and took a snail-paced boat to Ko Pha Ngan. From Ko Pha Ngan, we took a slow boat back to Surat Thani Aiport and flew to Bangkok to catch our flight back to Taiwan.
Plenty of bees enjoying some sacrificial fruit in the streets of Bangkok.
We landed at Don Meuang International Airport (DMK) because the flights in and out of this airport are a little cheaper. Walking around the organized chaos called Bangkok, we got to observe many street vendors, tons of shopping centers, winding canals, street temples, and many bustling people.
A temple in the streets of Bangkok.
People are always praying at local street temples in Bangkok.
A comic mural of the hustle and bustle of Bangkok.
Bangkok was the best place for shopping for just about anything. It has massive shopping centers scattered throughout the city. I was surprised how much they have built up the tourist industry to the point that most places are selling something in some way.
There is a huge weekend market which is literally like a maze. The Chatuchak Weekend Market is about ½ kilometer in diameter, but it feels like much longer!
The Chatuchuk Market sells everything under the sun! REALLY! When someone told me you could get lost in this place, I thought to myself, “No way! I don’t see how. I have a good sense of direction.” But really, I even doubted myself when I began wandering through this enormous market maze.
But, be wary of the cheap street food if your stomach isn’t used to that kind of thing. I got pretty sick from eating some street food around the Chatuchak Market. It dampened the trip, but luckily it was nearing the end when it happened.
We also ventured over to Wat Arun (Temple of the dawn), and it was pretty spectacular. The cost of each ticket for entry is 50 Baht.
Wat Arun Garden
The temple is built high into the sky with repeating symmetry designed into every aspect. A truly relaxing place to observe. Many cats seemed inhabit this area as well.
Wat Arun Temple
Some of the areas seemed to be under construction for repair, but the whole of Wat Arun was very beautiful to see. You can see many pictures of the the king and queen of Thailand scattered throughout the temple, city, and country.
A picture of the king and queen of Thailand standing strong.
Time to meditate.
The temple of Wat Arun was scattered with small furnishings of nature, which was very pleasant to examine.
  A stone figure sitting in a garden of Wat Arun.
More statues pondering life.
Wat Arun was quite tall and symmetrical.
After we were done exploring the temple of Wat Arun, we made our way to a restaurant/cafe located on the Chao Phraya River that runs through Bangkok.
Our view from the restaurant on the Chao Phraya river in Bangkok. 
Time to get a little energy for the evening ahead. 
A good and very cheap way to get around bangkok is taking the ferry that runs along the Chao Phraya River. The fare is usually anywhere from 3 – 15 Baht per way.
That is about $0.08-$0.50 USD. How great!
A local worker collecting our ferry fare.
Getting on to the ferry.
The crew helping passengers safely transfer.
  A typical station along the Chao Phraya River in Bangkok.
I love how sassy that sign is. #tellitlikeitis
The night view from a ferry in Bangkok.
The boardwalk along the Chao Phraya River in Bangkok.
An old van turned into a fully stocked bar and party wagon in Bangkok.
A bus turned into a restaurant/bar, why not? :)
Thirsty for a coconut? Only 40 Baht! 
Rooftop and sky bars are definitely a must too. They are bit pricey, but the view is phenomenal. We visited Zoom Sky Bar and Restaurant when we were staying at Anantara Sathorn hotel in Bangkok. You can find more information about Zoom Sky Bar here.
Making our way to the 15th floor
A breathtaking view of the city from Zoom sky bar in Bangkok.
The sky bar decoration in all its glory.
If bars aren’t quite your thing, you could always go to the other temples that Bangkok has to offer. We visited the Wat Pho temple and saw the huge golden statue, which stood for the reclining Buddha.
The face of the reclining Buddha in Wat Pho.
The reclining Buddha is actually quite big!
Flying into Phuket from Bangkok.
Welcome to Phuket, Thailand! 
We got to pet a big kitty at Tiger Kingdom in Phuket! 
Phuket Island is an interesting tourist spot with many activities such as Tiger Kingdom, shooting ranges, adult entertainment shows (yes, it is what you’re thinking), and an impressive amount of bars. Phuket is a very touristy destination, but there are many things to do if you are looking for activities. If you want to know more about Tiger Kingdom, click here.
Beach time! Little Rice putting on a smile for the camera :)
Patong beach is a very nice place to checkout if you like to be active. We also got to briefly explore Phuket town, which was quite cool with its tradition resonating throughout the area.
Our scooter we rented to travel the island of Phuket.
If you like cats, there is a cat cafe in Phuket town called B Cat Cafe. You can find more information about it here.
B Cat Cafe in Phuket Town.
Before we visited the B Cat Cafe in Phuket town, we stopped at a local restaurant called One Chun for a delicious and cheap meal! The passion fruit smoothies and curry dishes were absolutely amazing! I would definitely recommend having a go at this restaurant.
  Tasty meal at One Chun in Phuket Town.
One Chun Address:
48/1 Thepkasattri road เมือง Amphoe Mueang Phuket, Chang Wat Phuket 83000, Thailand
Little Rice done eating a little bit of rice! :0
Many scooters, cars, bicycles, and trucks covered the roads in Phuket.
Typical road in Phuket.
Having a scooter in Phuket was really convenient because we could visit most parts of the island and even visit some beaches!
There are many things to do at the beach in Phuket.
Be active or relax, it’s your choice here on the beach in Phuket.
Back at our hotel in Phuket, we got a room where you could swim around the entire hotel or just lounge in the water just outside your room.
The lazy river built along the perimeter of our hotel in Phuket. 
Of course sometimes, you just have to get out and explore any new area of a place. So, we took the scooter for a ride just to see what we could find.
Riding around Phuket island, we discovered this beautiful overlook.
A different view of the beautiful overlook in Phuket.
A more natural view of a small stream in Phuket. 
We had a blast in Phuket, but it was definitely more crowded with tourists, so if you are looking for a more natural look at Thailand, check out an island in the south of Thailand.
Ko Pha Ngan
Ko Pha Ngan is a very scenic island in the gulf of Thailand.
Taking a slow boat from Surat Thani to Ko Pha Ngan. (The upper deck view)
About getting to the island, I read about the speed boats and how they were more dangerous, so we decided to take the sloth express. I would probably like to explore other options next time, but the 3 hour cross wasn’t bad. We got to enjoy some sun and beverages on our 3 hour journey crossing the sea.
The path to get out to the deck with the sea-view.
Enjoying a beer on a deck in the gulf of Thailand on Ko Pha Ngan. Fantastic!
This spot is a little secret treat of Ko Pha Ngan because it is only located at one resort that is not totally commericalized. You can find this amazing spot at Haad Son Resort. But shhhhh, keep your lips shut! ;) We did not really stay at this hotel, but we used their luxurious restaurant / swimming area.
Our meal and drinks at Haad Son Resort.
We had a nice meal and drink before being able to jump off the circular deck that connected us to the gulf of Thailand.
Relaxing in the shade in Ko Pha Ngan.
The inner bar/restaurant area in Haad Son Resort.
Ko Pha Ngan is also known as “Mushroom Island” in Thailand for their exotic mushroom shakes. In another article, I will tell you more about what these mushroom shakes really are and what they can do for you.
A beach view in Ko Pha Ngan.
I believe that of all the places, Ko Pha Ngan had the best scenery and vibe. Being in the south of Thailand and along the Andaman Sea are some of the best places to just relax and get your mind off the grind of daily life.
I had the best Pad Thai I’ve ever tasted in my entire life in Ko Pha Ngan at a very local restaurant. (Article about this restaurant coming soon)
Vacationing in Ko Pha Ngan actually had me considering looking for a teaching job in Thailand because of the warm and inviting atmosphere.
  Closing Remarks
We definitely enjoyed Thailand and will definitely be back as soon as the time is right. If you don’t mind slightly lower health standards, Thailand is a fantastic deal with many things to do and see.
I was quite proud of my shopping spree in Bangkok. I purchased one t-shirt, 2 pairs of shorts, 4 dress shirts (2 long and 2 short sleeved), 6 tank tops, custom leather sandals, a belt, 3 packs of flower aroma candles, a 100g pack of cinnamon, a phone case, a small travel bag, a large dream catcher, and a large suitcase for just a little over $200 USD! This is unbelievable to me as an American. Obviously, not all of the items are of the highest quality, but the value speaks for itself.
  Thanks for reading the article! There are many more cool posts about Asia on our blog if you feel interested!
  Taught or traveled in Thailand?
If anyone has experience teaching or traveling in Thailand, we would love to hear from you! Send us an e-mail or leave a comment below! Cheers!
      Take a taste of Thailand through our experience! Check it out! 11 day vacation. When arriving to Thailand, you feel an extreme heat wave greet you as the plane’s shut doors disengage.
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藏身在仁愛路巷弄間的『élément 原蔬』餐酒館,在2017年1月份才開幕,一踏進店內,兩旁灰色仿舊雕花的水泥牆面,搭配室內挑高式設計,上頭還懸吊了數盞的水晶燈,這半開放的空間中,反而多了一股低調的奢華。大理石桌面,就是凸顯美食最好的畫布,也是不少熱門的IG打卡店的基本配備。
這家餐廳是健康取向的蔬食餐廳(素食餐廳),店家強調,在烹煮的過程中不添加任何化學調味劑,餐點中許多近來很夯健康食材,像是藜麥、 羽衣甘藍、 鷹嘴豆等,都可在這裡品嚐到。
來看看我們點的餐點吧!北非藜麥哈里薩辣醬沙拉(五辛素)  $330
熱紅酒$250 (有喝酒的女生朋友必點!)
此次消費金額:836 /2人
營業時間:11:00 ~ 21:30 (周一公休)
  【食】【台北|國父紀念館站】台北享受巴黎花都般優雅沙龍X探索食物原味『élément 原蔬』餐酒館 絲絨紅色的宮廷式座椅,搭配著開放式陽台上往內開的窗扉,這樣優雅又性感的角落,我想沒有女孩能抗拒 藏身在仁愛路巷弄間的『élément 原蔬』餐酒館,在2017年1月份才開幕,一踏進店內,兩旁灰色仿舊雕花的水泥牆面,搭配室內挑高式設計,上頭還懸吊了數盞的水晶燈,這半開放的空間中,反而多了一股低調的奢華。大理石桌面,就是凸顯美食最好的畫布,也是不少熱門的IG打卡店的基本配備。 這家餐廳是健康取向的蔬食餐廳(素食餐廳),店家強調,在烹煮的過程中不添加任何化學調味劑,餐點中許多近來很夯健康食材,像是藜麥、 羽衣甘藍、 鷹嘴豆等,都可在這裡品嚐到。 來看看我們點的餐點吧!北非藜麥哈里薩辣醬沙拉(五辛素)  $330 藜麥中伴著烤過的甜紅椒和節瓜,加上了紫洋蔥的點綴,用嫩菠菜圍著在周邊,就像是替餐點戴上了月桂冠一般,這道清爽的沙拉有個特殊的香氣,因為裡頭加了<店家自製的哈里薩辣椒醬>,這種辣醬在台灣比較沒有那麼普遍,是一種源自於北非的辣椒醬,主要成分為辣椒以及其他提味香料,和帶有甜味的蔬菜相當對味,但放心料理不是讓人覺得噴火的辣味,反倒像把蔬菜原味給更加分了一些。 熱紅酒$250 (有喝酒的女生朋友必點!) 熱紅酒在國外相當的普遍,在冷冷的冬天來上一杯,瞬間就把身上的寒氣給帶走了,葡萄酒入口後溫潤口感令我十分驚艷,因為踩過許多熱紅酒的地雷,這杯真的完全一改我對於熱紅酒的壞印象,相當的順口,加上酒杯上的菱格紋花紋,相當有復古風情,真的是必須要大大推薦給女生朋友們! 熱抹茶拿鐵$180 綠色畫布上的拉花,幸運草和愛心的裝飾圖案超級可愛,搭配牛奶的濃郁香味,小可惜的部分,抹茶的口感稍微淡了一些。 店家另外有推薦:Bruschetta普切塔,共有六種口味,會在烤的香酥的麵包上,擺放不同餡料,是像是派對前的小點心(無奈我和同行的朋友吃飽了,來喝下午茶,只好擇日再訪) 店內中用許多綠葉盆栽當作了小小的區隔,隨著樓梯上二樓,就能夠看到那置身在歐洲的神祕空間,不用買機票也能夠一秒享受到巴黎的氛圍。完全題外話,廁所鏡子袍邊兩旁燈泡壁燈,簡直就像是明星化妝室般的專業,免開美肌模式,拍出來的膚況都超棒的。 聯絡電話:02-2703-1099 地址:台北市仁愛路4段408巷21號1樓 此次消費金額:836 /2人 低消:每人一杯飲料 營業時間:11:00 ~ 21:30 (周一公休) 刷卡:有 交通:鄰近國父紀念館站2號出口,附近也有計時停車場可使用
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Check me out petting this big ole kitty! More great stories at our travel blog @ onadatewithasia.com
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